I know it is probably 'Weird' to start with a Cheerful Monday Greeting and then show 'Skelly Men'... but when I see Skelly Men, it makes me smile ear to ear as that means that Fall and Hallows Eve season are very close...few things curl my toes more than the mere thought of Halloween.
And I smile too as my 'yearly seasonal jump start' just kicked in and I am now officially livin in the 'Weens' ... Decorations will be coming out very soon, all things smelling of stewing apples and spices will be wafting from the kitchen, old B&W Horror flicks will be appearing on a regular bases on the tube ... not to mention Ghost Specials!! We are coming into the season where I 'jump' at the drop of a hat..."did you hear that"?? "Did you SEE that" "Did that shadow just move" "Hey, I didn't leave that light on" OOooOOOOoOOOo ...I live for this stuff...I think I purposely make myself on edge as I LOVE the "GOT'CHA factor... things that go bump in the night and all of that... I grew up in a very haunted house in So. Calif. and I think that is where is all started...I was never fearful...just curious...and too it always just seemed so natural to me. I think we should each...starting October 1st ...share our 'Ghost Stories' with one another...WHAT FUN!! I have several that I would love to share...and I can hardly wait to hear all the great tales from blog land...I just know that 'Bloglandia' must be VERY haunted!!!
Anyway... can you tell I have a serious case of 'Rambleitis' this morning...!!
My whole point is...I am getting REALLY REALLY in the mood now to start making Halloween Dolls and Accessories...starting this morning!!
Have a Great Day and an even better week
Happy 'Ween'
NOW I AM EXCITED!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaa! I love this time of year too. Thank you so much for reminding me. Happy Monday sweetie!!!
I am looking forward to what is going to come out of your mind, heart, and hands. So exciting!!!
Have a mystical week.
Happy Happy monday to you too :0)
Ooh your excitement is contagious and I have a ghost story to tell that I shall save until 1st october..........muahahaha !
I cant wait to see what you come up with as the witching season draws near :0)
julie xx
Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. My favorite movie has to be Hocus Pocus. However, this October, DH has decided--all on his own--to host his parent's 50th anniversary dinner here with all of his living aunts and uncles (might be more interesting if some of the departed ones showed up) and assorted sister's kids--yay. That means major house upgrades, mega cleaning, a yard sale before hte 'big day' and major mama-jama work! Ugh. I've meant to get one of those signs that says, 'Friends Welcome! Family by appointment only.'
I love those boots too Jodi!!!We had a wonderful time. Carolyn is scary talented like you!!! That is good by the way!
Happy Monday Jodi and love the skellies! '-)
Have a SpOOky week.
Chris (-:
Howdy Do Marie...
Yes...you can almost feel it in the air can't you...even with this blasted heat...it can't hide the excitment of Fall and Halloween
Hi Julie....
OH BOY...Ghostie Stories...I cannot wait....I hope many get into this..it will be fun...like telling each other Ghost Stories from afar....BOO!!!
Wow Jody..
Sounds like you have some big happenings coming this October...
What a lovely time of the year to celebrate such a wonderful event... Hugs to them both...
And you too of course
Crazy Wonderful Boots Marie... I once had a pair of boots when I was 16 that were fur and leather knee highs...I looked like a rather bizarre Lap Lander Cosack...I LOVED THOSE BOOTS...and never forgot them...yours reminded me of those wonderful days...
Ahhhh to be a hippy again (shhhhh, don't tell anyone...but I have been known to put flowers in my hair from time to time)...our secret!!
Hey There Chris...
Always great to see your smiling face here... I have such a weakness for skellies...bare boned bundles of joy they are!!
Hugs for a super week
I agree, Skeletons are absolutely lovable! Can't wait to read the ghost stories, I have a good one about a Haunted Mansion I stayed at in Brownsville Texas.
Hi William...
So right...skellymen have a unique charm that is hard to resist! OooOoo can't wait to hear your ghost story about the Haunted Mansion...something else I can't get enough of...Ghost Stories. I always thought a fantastic vacation would be to travel the country staying in ONLY Known Haunted places...be still my heart!
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