Isn't it fun to think that a few in the old Victorian Bloodline of our Family Ties could have resided quite well in the 'Sunnyside Rest Home for the Incurably Nervous' (in other words their Nuts 'O' Meter is at full tilt)... "I'm not Crazy...I'm Gifted!!!"
Now I am sure these relations were actually nuts (well, maybe...a few of mine were) ... but to live in a time where these things were NOT normal ...by a long shot... and to still push forward with those interesting thoughts and deeds...would have most certainly been seen as a "Get the Cod Liver Oil and Mustard Packs Henry...she acting out again" event!
I cannot even imagine what it would be like to have that all in you..I guess you could call it 'forward thinking'.... but to continually have to push it down deep inside....WOW!!! Heavy stuff.
I look at pictures of my family from that period... and they to me always look like they might be hiding something ... (like where they hid the family jewels perhaps... yeah right!!) So it is always fun to imagine all kinds of stuff about them...then do some digging to see how close I am ....often not, but I am continually surprised at what I do find out about my bloodline... see, this is what happens when you can't sleep!! Toooooooo much thinking...
Lets see...in my family there were Millers,Writers, Spongers, Painters, Gamblers, Doctors, smugglers,Teachers, Barbers, Musicians ,Travelers and Pirates (yes...a Pirate)!! Now I am pretty sure there are others I am not familiar with hiding out high in the Family Tree with interesting occupations but I have yet to climb that high. I guess my whole point is what a wonderful time we live in ...the 'Here and Now' of life... where we can wave our little freak flags as high and fast as we wish with few even taking a second look... Never holding back...never closeted or restricted. But so many of those Vivacious Victorians who might have been inwardly screaming to run amuck ...did not...could not! Think how different our times would be today if more had!
I tip my hat to all those who went before us .... Those that wanted to paint with vibrant colors, wear purple under ware and drink beer from a bottle, make cookies in the nude at 2:00 am , flip off a boss or travel great distances for no particular reason.... Thank Goodness the 'Desire Gene' is passed down through the generations...
So Paint that Painting, Make those cookies and 'flip' whomever you wish .... future generations are counting on you...don't disappoint!
Jodi (waving her flag high)!!!