Did you ever lose a few days where when you look back and with questions asked..."What did you do" ..the answer surly will be "Everything, Nothing, I'm not really sure,"!!! Well that was my weekend. It has been filled with a little of this and a ton of that, accomplishing something, but really nothing, finishing what was once started , and started that which may never find an end... and all the while tidying up from past weekends of folly!
So now it is Sunday ... what seems like a week long weekend has boiled down to this day...as a treat to myself (and I figure I REALLY EARNED a treat) I decided to read my favorite Blogs and catch up....so many WONDERFUL words out there, so much buzzing in the lives of my Cyber Friends ...makes me smiling uncontrollably.... but one blog caught my Eye and my Heart...
as often it does...my friend PAM'S BLOG . OK, it's not just cause she mentions me in her blog.. it's because her words always strike a cord that is so familiar to my soul. She writes from a place we have all been , her thoughts so descriptively displayed through verse , and she challenges you to be just the person you wish to be and KNOW you are deep down inside.... I like this in Writing... "My firm belief...and I stand by this till the End... never hide the child that remains in us all , for the child is freedom ..... it never judges, it never grades, it never restricts.... it only offers a happy side to life ...helping to find the 'other children' out there ...hiding.
Pam is one of the Happiest Kids I know whose Playful Side begs you to join in ... and all meet up on the Playground called life!!!
Her Blog is not to be missed....truly!
So yes...it is true....I sit here on an early Sunday Morning , sipping my cuppa Hot Joe... reading and typing while all the while wearing my Witch Hat ...and hugging tightly the season ...that beckons the child in us all...
Have a Child Like Sunday Everyone and go look for that piece of clothing in your closet that is begging to be scribbled on...I sure am.
We are playing blog tag...how fun! blush... gosh, Jodi!
Good to know another big kid! But what the hell is that sweater sock thing? I want one!!!!
Pam is a kindred soul for sure...
i do so admire word painters...
When we can forget time exists and become a kid again in our thoughts, is such a great, free feeling and one not to be lost.
At least you two are in the same town and can actually BuMp into each other... i hope it happens soon!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts again... where oh where do you get your crazy pics?
Brilliant pic...that one is worth a thousand words!
How unusual that sweater thing is??? LOL ;-D
Interesting photo...kinda how I feel some days too!!! LOL
Happy Sunday...er guess it's Monday already. Ah well, clocks and schedules most definitely don't go with my inner child. haha The apple crisp in the fridge, THAT goes, and quite nicely at that!
October has been chewed up and almost spit out in record speeds! I'd ask where did the time go, but asking doesn't get it back. ;)
I am shocked we didnt make new Halloween costumes this year, one part of my inner child stamps it's feet in absolute shock, the other part is rubbing it's hands together gleefully...anticipating the fun we're gonna have cannibalizing our costumes from previous years into one for this year.
Lovely blog post, gonna go check out the Pam's blog now. smiles from me.
Hey Pam and Fellow 'Kid'....
am lovin your blog... how is the Thriller Thing going?
Isn't that sweater thing cool...I figure it is a very skinny girl that has figured out a way to use the arms to slip through... reminds me of trying to dress with a hang over....without the skinny part!!
Hi Joanna...
Pam is a Kindred Spirit....and you should see her art! Check out her web site too.
I love to hunt down weird pictures...if I can't take 'em myself...I go in search!!
Hi William...
I think I have had days where I 'hide' in my clothing...this pictures says it all....
P.S. Julia and Julie was a BRILLIANT Movie ...loved your Blog Post
Hi Tace...
Sooo true...it feels like October has been chewed up and spit out...where the heck did it go???
We are going to have a gathering here Halloween Night and I have not even begun to think of a costume...I left it to everyone is they wanted to dress up or not...you wait and see...I once again will be the only kid to dress up!!!!LOL
Hi Marcie..
It is Odd isn't it....it too is how I feel many days...and I do have a reoccuring dream of trying to get dressed in a cramped closet and hanving legs and arms in the wrong openings....I think that is why I liked this picture so much
I will have to check out Pams blog! I am (sadly) surrounded by people who have forgotten what it is to find joy in the little things, and to do things with child-like abandon! That is why I like blogland so much! Thank-you for reminding me about something I already knew!
Hi Lori...
Such a sad thing when surrounded by those that refuse to do cartwheels any longer...nor admit to ever doing them...
Ya always got me to be silly with... now lets play Jacks!!
Hey Chris...Vishing you a Good Von as Vell ...
We are having a few friends over of silliness...a last minute thing, which are always my favorites ..oh dear... means I must tidy up...hmmm I suppose I can just use the dust and cob webs and say they are 'Props' ..yeah yeah...that's it!! Props!!
OMG!! I love the body turtle neck. Where did you find that?
Very cool.
Happy halloween!!
Hey There Marie...
Isn't that cool!! I found this pic on the Internet absout a year ago and just kept it in my files...seemed to fit so nicely with how I was feeling!! LOL...
I believe it is a very thin girl with her legs in one arm sleeve and her head in the other, holding the drink through the neck hole...if I tried that...I would be tied in knots for months...
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