Monday, November 19, 2012

Hollybirdmas ...EEEEEK!

I woke up this morning all cheery and somewhat zingy in step and somewhere between my second cup of coffee and walking towards my sculpting table it hit me like a sack of yams laced with holly leaves.....THANKSGIVING IS IN A FEW DAYS AND CHRISTMAS IS RIGHT ON IT'S TAIL!!!!
I should have seen the warning signs ...  a few deranged neighbors have their Christmas lights and   Holiday Sentinels already  standing in place in their front yards.... tunes of cheer are blasting over the market intercoms ...mentioning those buzz words of turkey, cranberry, stuffing, holly, snow, presents, chestnuts and so on....all with cheery tones...up to this point I have been able to view them as 'white noise' ...but I fear no longer.!!   Not to take this is a negative direction but this will be my first Thanksgiving and Christmas without my Mom in over 60 years...and as these were the holidays where she really would shine...i.e. decorations, baking, ho ho ho'ing will be a very different holiday season for me this year.  I plan to make a few of her favorite recipes (from her hand written recipe cards) , belt out a Christmas tune or two while sipping egg nog laced with brandy in her honor... make Rum Balls for friends and family (she made a mean Rum Ball)  and just reflect on wonderful childhood memories with Mom....  I think I may be channeling her actually as I remember she too had that 'panic mode' she displayed each year when she realized  that the holiday season was all of a sudden 'HERE'....

We will enjoy this Thanksgiving with good friends and family this year.....and Christmas is still up in the air as to what is going on....  I always refuse to think about Christmas until the last Kid Made paper turkey is removed from the fridge  and the last bit of left overs are digested....then and only then do I 'bring on the Nog'...

Have A Super Thanksgiving All


1 comment:

Christel said...

Wishing you and Richard both a Happy Thanksgiving Jodi. Eat a few extra rum balls in honor of your Mother, and smile at the beautiful memories. xoxo Christel