Isn't it fun to think that a few in the old Victorian Bloodline of our Family Ties could have resided quite well in the 'Sunnyside Rest Home for the Incurably Nervous' (in other words their Nuts 'O' Meter is at full tilt)... "I'm not Crazy...I'm Gifted!!!"
Now I am sure these relations were actually nuts (well, maybe...a few of mine were) ... but to live in a time where these things were NOT normal ...by a long shot... and to still push forward with those interesting thoughts and deeds...would have most certainly been seen as a "Get the Cod Liver Oil and Mustard Packs Henry...she acting out again" event!
I cannot even imagine what it would be like to have that all in you..I guess you could call it 'forward thinking'.... but to continually have to push it down deep inside....WOW!!! Heavy stuff.
I look at pictures of my family from that period... and they to me always look like they might be hiding something ... (like where they hid the family jewels perhaps... yeah right!!) So it is always fun to imagine all kinds of stuff about them...then do some digging to see how close I am ....often not, but I am continually surprised at what I do find out about my bloodline... see, this is what happens when you can't sleep!! Toooooooo much thinking...
Lets see...in my family there were Millers,Writers, Spongers, Painters, Gamblers, Doctors, smugglers,Teachers, Barbers, Musicians ,Travelers and Pirates (yes...a Pirate)!! Now I am pretty sure there are others I am not familiar with hiding out high in the Family Tree with interesting occupations but I have yet to climb that high. I guess my whole point is what a wonderful time we live in ...the 'Here and Now' of life... where we can wave our little freak flags as high and fast as we wish with few even taking a second look... Never holding back...never closeted or restricted. But so many of those Vivacious Victorians who might have been inwardly screaming to run amuck ...did not...could not! Think how different our times would be today if more had!
I tip my hat to all those who went before us .... Those that wanted to paint with vibrant colors, wear purple under ware and drink beer from a bottle, make cookies in the nude at 2:00 am , flip off a boss or travel great distances for no particular reason.... Thank Goodness the 'Desire Gene' is passed down through the generations...
So Paint that Painting, Make those cookies and 'flip' whomever you wish .... future generations are counting on you...don't disappoint!
Jodi (waving her flag high)!!!
What an amusing read :-)
Seriously, the Victorians were far worse than us lot today....just hid it very well !
How exciting to be doing your family tree....you'll have to keep us informed !
Ah well, back to moving junk !
I suppose they did anything they choose, may be in a sneaky way. The nut in my family was great-great granduncle Napoleone (yes, after the Emperor) who run away from home to the Gold Quest in Alaska.He was a clever guy and after a few months of starvation he decided not to dig gold but to sell food to the oher miners. Now his descendants own a few hotels in San Francisco. Here my great-granddad was, waiting his newly married by procure wife. Unfortunately she had conjunctivtes and she didn't move from Santa Margherita, near Portofino. He came back, they had 11 kids ( one being my grandmum) and led a looooong life having survived 1st WW where he went voluunteer. That's being GREAT nut. Any time I hear of my famil I here of great labourers but they cultivated a dream anyway. I have desires and wishes nd longings and I try to pass hem over to my son. So he'll not forget that we are made of the same substance of dreams. Hugs to you both
Hello Rosanna...
What a Lovely Post and sooooooo interesting...WOW, I love to hear stories like this...thanks so much for sharing....
Big Hugs Back
Hi Jayne...
I guess in many ways there were those that went a little nutsie...but most like you said...hid it well!!
Your moving project sounds like something I just went through...UGH!! I send my deep sympathaies....and watch that back!!!
Oh this is good Jodi!!!
"I'm not Crazy...I'm Gifted!!!"
I love that, I am going to borrow it!
Hi Marie...
Another of my favs is...
"I do whatever the little voices tell me to do"
Popping in to say hello!
I finally got a chance to email you about you know what...and GEEZ you didn't need my help!!! ~ LOL '-)
The new template looks FABULOUS dahling!!!
Have a great week.
PS: Thanx again for all the lovely compliments about my sites and enjoy that bigger monitor!!!
Chris (-:
Oh! Jodie! That's always been my philosophy of life, my advice to others, and the creed I shall live by till my dying breath!! Love the post! You are a hoot!
I wish I had a pirate in my family tree :( ...
Good Morning Sumaiya...
And the really neat thing about this pirate...it was a woman. My family migrated from England to the Bahamas ...and that is where she did her pirating...ARRRRRR! Then eventually they mirated up to Key West, Florida.
Good Morning Chris...
You know how I am...goota always fiddle about with things...not happy unless I jump into the fire feet first... so I played with the whole thing and figured out (I think) a few things....BUT there is soooo much more I could learn and get advise from You on... Thanks for the compliment...BUT... I want to experiment More... make tons of templetes and change often...like clothes....LOL!
Your Blog is WONDERFUL...
Hugs for the Weeks
Good Morning LD...
Thanks so much for your very kind words.... I think that is a pretty darn good creed to live by...
Hi Jodi, Loved reading this post. I've been researching my family tree for years and I've unearthed a few skeletons in our families closet.
I love reading your posts! I have a few odd-bods in my tree too, but sadly no pirates! its ever so interesting delving back eh? I'm sure I'd have been put in a straight jacket if I had been born a few generations back though.
I've included you in my honours list on my blog if you'd like to accept it.
Hi Debbie...
Aren't the 'Skeletons' the Best Part...I swear...it is what makes it all so exciting...rattling bones and all!
Hi Wendie...
Odd Bods are the best...makes it so much more exciting.
Thank You so much for the Honor Award... it means so much...thanks!
Onto my Mantel it will go...
PS: Jodi you have been awarded the CK Seal of Approval!!!
Check out my blog 4 details!!!
SpOOky Best,
Chris (-:
Whacky doodles... I need to wear a flippin' depends reading your stuff. Was worth changing my bloomers... lol
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