Were the last words spoken by my Bank Teller before she handed me my deposit slip and gave me a glare that still is burned in my brain. ...does NO ONE have a sense of humor these days????
If nothing else...I have one hell of a fun time during this season. Each October I like to make up little stories and have fun with the neighborhood kids by telling them I either fly or turn into something , each day they come over and hang out on the front porch waiting for something to happen ...I tell them that normally I fly only at night when they are in their beds fast asleep so they will seldom see me taking the broom out for a test ride. Then the next morning very early I set my beloved Besom Broom outside the front door and leaning up against the wall and along side my witch shoes and a small pail of pumice stone rocks that are just odd enough that I can easily tell the kids they are 'Moon Rocks' that I gathered the night before while on my flight... the kids are jazzed, I am jazzed and all seems right with the world.... But I have started to have fun with adults ... and it is surprising how gullible they really are... I have this whole season been wearing my home made designer witch hat out when I go to the market, to shop, driving , and the bank.... the reactions I get are priceless... all the way from "Where's your Broom"...I tell them "double parked, let's get this show rolling, fines on Brooms are a Bitch" ...to "please don't turn me into anything"..."not today" I say.... of course the kids are the best for reactions...it is amazing how just wearing a hat with a point evokes so many reactions ...
Now I started to carry my 'Flying Licence' with me in my wallet...it is the exact size of a driver licence, it is laminated...actually looks rather real. When asked if they can see my drivers licence for verification, I LOVE whipping that one out instead of the real one...the takes are priceless...all the way from laughter to serious almost fearful stares...I of course always say..."OOPS, so sorry, I always forget when I am and pull out the wrong one" sooo much fun... poor Richard, he tries to stay as far away as he can from me during this season... 'POOF' I am instant 12 years old' ...
Come fly with me, well fly well fly away!!!
Jodi (aka Mahulda Mugwart)
LMAO....you go girl !
I'd love to be a kid in your neighborhood...what fun.
I've got my broom standing by...when are you off?
PMSL.. Brilliant Jodi. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. You'd be called eccentric over here..
lmao, really really cool and super you're doing that...gives life the little sparkle it needs..
You go girl!
love, Andrea
DiTTo on all said, you are really enjoying the season. That is so good to hear. We have enough yucky things going on in our daily lives. I would love to live in your neighborhood, too.
I quit decorating for Halloween when my mother died, years ago. i need to get back in gear, i have a notebook of new ideas to create in props for my courtyard. This blog has greatly contributed to new ideas rummaging around in my head.
That is such a great idea with the license, i may consider once i get my Adobe software up and running and my software update on my OS, to create my own. I wonder if you can find a seal-like hologram to embed with the license before it is laminated.
The poor wee bank clerk probably does not believe in HaLLOWeEN or likely thinks of it as a devil's holiday. I am amazed at how many people really do not know the history of ALL SAiNT's Day eg.ALL HaLLOws Eve... my favorite season of the year.
Meanwhile here is some more inspiration shared by Karin Corbin, i just love her work in miniature buildings, like you and Richard, she is very detailed in her work.
Check it out at: http://karincorbin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witches-flying-school.html
We live in such a great country!
LOL! I just went over to your ETSy site: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32949634
...and saw the necklace you have listed there, beautiful work, so is your 'Bride of Frankenstein'.
Do you wear your "Authentic Havazudoo Necklace", with your hat when going out?
LOL! GoODNeSS, i can only iMAGiNe the bank teller's thoughts... you are just too, funny... oh, my the chicken foot... and the EYe! LOL!
Jodi, you really need to install a camera in that hat of yours, now i can see why dear Richard hangs back.
I really wish i lived in your neighborhood, the CHeRUBs must really love you there. I use to have CHeRUBs, ask me, " Mrs. Galwik can you please do your witches cackle for me? Please?" (this was from a kid down the street whose, parents did not celebrate Halloween until after we moved in and they saw me dress up yearly as a witch, oh the kids use to love it so.)
ahhhh, come on folks. Can't we all laugh anymore? I would be delighted if I was waiting on you and you were wearing a witches hat and whipped out your flying license. What's the point in life if you can't have a laugh or two and have some fun. You are a delight Jodi :) errr...I mean Mahulda Mugwart ♥
LOL Jodi,you are priceless ! would love to have seen that bank tellers face ! I bet the neighbourhood kids are just thrilled though to have such a wonderfully magical witch living next to them :0)
julie xxx
hahahaha.i love your story!!
what fun to do!!!
i love it!
Thanks for the chuckle! One of these years I'm going to have to try a prank like this. Of course, then I'd have to be home for Halloween instead of in Oaxaca for Day of the Dead!
WHAT FUN!!!!! I love the stories, the art and this amazing group of folks! Yes, it's the whimsical folk that keep our cheeks sore from so much laughter... Can you tell I'm still smiling?
Oh good golly, this post was a hoot and a half! Maybe even a hoot and three quarters! I love, so very much love, that you put your witches broom and shoes and *moon* rocks out on the porch for the neighborhood kids to see. That is so beyond cool, I wish someone had done something like that when I was a kid. Inserted a little magic in to reality, make a person wonder for just a few extra seconds...could she? Is she?
I tried to do that for my brother when he was younger, Ma accuses me of warping him, hahaha, but I told him fairies were real and made up all sorts of stories about them. I even wrote him letters from the fairies and he wrote back. Sure it might have been silly but for a little while there he actually believed a fairy was writing him, I was jealous of my own fictional world I created for him. haha
Love your laminated witches flying license. Made me smile. :)
LOL Jodi this is priceless!!!
You go girl on that broom!
Hi Jayne...
So lovely to see you... how is the new house? Missed seeing you...
Hello Celia...
I try to head out a couple times a week around One -ish! Few jaunts around the county ...the weather has been lovely...hope to see you..
Hi Debbie...
OooOoo I would love to have that name attached to mine...eccentric!! All I get is 'Nuts' over here...me thinks I might be on the wrong continent!!
Hi Andrea...
Thanks so much... I too think the world is in real need of more belly laughs and smiles...a smile never hurt a soul...only fed it!!
Hi Joanna...
I strongly recommend making a licence...it is a blast.... I am thinking seriousily about making one for a 'sleigh this winter....
karin's work is indeed fantastic...thanks for that link...
Thanks so much Joanna...glad you like them...The Havazudoo Necklace was a whim...everyone needs those now and then. I have worn mine out before in public..but not yet with th W.Hat.
SooOoOo you cackle too... most that know me would agree I have a voice that...shall we say...'carries!!! so my cackle has been known to stop people in their tracks....hee hee hee...OOPS...cackle cackle cackle!!!
Hi Kim...
Thanks so much for agreeing that a Laugh is healthy and a smile is contagious....both lead to only good things...
Hi Marja...
Thanks so much...I am guessing you can tell that having fun is all important to me...
Hi Amy...
OooOo can I join you in Oaxaca??? What FUN....
Hi Deborah...
Isn't smiling ear to ear just the best kinda pain...and...I believe it is great exercise too...
Hi Tace...
What a terrific thing you did with the fairy letter writing for your brother... something he will remember forever...and even though it was not done for you...your delightful creative mind allowed you to take that small fantastical journey...and secretly Believe...
What great memories you must have...
Hi Pattee...
LOL...I think Richard gets a little nervous when he sees the broom come out each year (actually never far from sight) I think at times he really believes I might figure out a way to zoom off into the moonlight ...I told him if I do...I will flash a peace sign at him..silhouetted by the moon!
Hi Julie...
I can tell you...her expression is the stuff dreams are made of...lol and the kids are pretty cool...when new kids move into the neighborhood...the regulars tell them about me...I can see them standing out in front and pointing... that would be the perfect time I guess for one of my cackles!!!
What fun you are! Would love having you as a neighbor! Have you tried standing up your broom? Something about the alignment of the planets. It will actually stand for days by itself. Just takes a little working with it. Try it!! Hugs, Lynda
I have to say you should have been an actor. That is priceless and I am not sure I could pull that off the way you did. To my artist friends I am considered rather eccentric. I could only imagine what would be said if I decided to have even more fun. You make us all smile and I agree your blog and art have been such great inspiration to me and many here. Thank you for sharing.
So happy to hear there are other women like myself that get a kick out of being mischievious during the Halloween season. It is so much fun! It just wouldn't be Halloween without a few pranks and silliness!!! LOL ;-D
Hi Lynda...
GREAT to see you...I am loving your New Sculpts on your blog...they are turning out beautifully.
WOW...standing up a broom...Zowie, I will have to give that one a try. My broom is a bit odd in that it is an English Besom Broom made of rather large sticks and twigs (for street sweeping on cobble stone streets) not sure if she will stand...but I'll try anything at least once...several times if I like it...hee hee...
Will let you know how it goes...
Cear Cody...
Thank You so much for such kind words...you make me blush!
Shhhh...don't tell anyone but I would have LOVED being an actress or with anything involving the stage... missed the boat on that one...so I guess that each day I live as if the world is a stage ...and my favorite pastime is to pretend and have people join me...
Big Hugs....
Hi Marcie...
Yeah!!!...glad you too have a blast at Halloween...as you say...what is the season without a few tricks followed by lots of treats!!
See, the weather changes and all is well in the world.
I think that is why you are not getting in the mood until the last minute. You are just going to have to stay inside with the air conditioning blasting, starting october first playing the monster mash and the munsters theme songs and watching psycho intil you get in the mood every year.
How can you get in the mood when summer is 3/4 of the year where you live?
Sooooooo True Marie...
I never thought of that...about the weather etc... I do play Halloween movies all day while I am working...and have a few sound effect CD's that I listen to...that does help...
But our temps have cooled considerably now and the old excitment is starting to bubble in the cauldron...
I miss everyone too...spending my days packing just sucks :-(
No move yet....I just blogged about the sage !
Geesh- I wish I lived in your neighborhood!
Hi Jayne...
I just popped over to your blog and caught up on all the latest on your house purchase... boy if it's not one thing...it's 6!!
Sounds like you are on the right path now...I am keeping everything crossed for you...
Big Hugs
Hi Chris...
Always great to see you...I have been loving all the new visuals on your blog for the season...so exciting and fun!
This weekend we are doing some odd ball stuff around the house...some fun, some not so fun...but the weather is great, fall is in the air so I am a happy camper...
Hope you will have a splended weekend...
Hi Mimi...
That would be so great if we lived close by...or at the very least...a short broom hop away!!
Ha ha ha ha You are too funny! Love it! I wish I lived next door. I have soo missed visiting your blog this past week.
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend :)
What a hoot you are! Just too funny. Now if Richard would dress up as a cat and pretend to be your familiar when you shopped....
This is too funny Jodi!! My dad pulls tricks like this on people all the time (mostly handing them a joke credit card that says something weird on it)... So glad there are people in the world to help lighten other peoples days :) -ara
Hi Sprite...
How did the operation go?? I thought of you all the time...
Sending Hugs and warm wishing for quick recovery...
OooOOooO Linda....
I like the way you think!!! IF I get Richard to go for it...you will be the first one I show pictures too....
Hi Ara...
Your Dad sounds like a Great Guy...I enjoy anyone who has fun with life....I say "Go for It...never ever waste an 'It"
That is just too funny! Sounds like you are having an awesome time there!
Hope you have a great Halloween!
OMG, I'm ROFLMAO! This is too darn funny. I'm going to have to make me a license to mistakenly give as ID.
I love the story with the neighbor kids. What a wonderful story for them to tell now and to pass on to their children.
BTW, I found your blog through Linda Fleming. She's a sweetheart and I'm so glad she steered me your way.
Blessed Samhain.
LMAO! :o) you always make me smile Jodi!
Hi Jamie...
Yep...I always try to have the best time possible in life...
Laugh and the world laughs with you!!
Hi Gerry...
So very nice to meet you...Welcome to my Blog. Thank Linda for me...
Looking forward to chatting more...
Hi Wendie...
Great seeing you again...
Hope your Halloween was fun and filled with events that will long be remembered..
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