All 3 WONDERFUL Blogs...and Dear Sweet Friends.... Thanks so much.... I will add with Great Pride to my Fireplace Mantel...
1.) I grew up in a haunted house, and slept in the room where the ghost hung out the most
2.) I last went Trick or Treating when I was 15 years old (just for old time sake) and though I dressed young...I was told by the very first person who opened the door..."You are TOO OLD to be Trick or Treating", and slammed the door in my face and I cried as I slowly walked home....it was officially over!! Sad Night Indeed....
3.) I portrayed a 'Witch' 9 of my years Trick'0'Treating ...with one year as a Gypsy! (in my mind a Gypsy Witch) and one year a Geisha...don't ask!!
4.) When I grew up in So. California , friends and I each year would visit the Harry Houdini house ...hoping to see him..it was spooky fun!...never did!!
5.) One year when I was in 2nd grade ...on 'Costume' day at school...for some reason I was the only kid to dress up (guess the other kids parents didn't get the memo...) needless to say I was stared at all day long...and this is the time I was a Geisha!!!
6.) I once quite a job as they did not give me Halloween off (like I arranged 6 months earlier) so I could make my Haunted house for the neighborhood kids....didn't like that place anyway!!
7.) When I was 7 there was a Haunted Fun House set up for our Halloween School Carnival ...I have never done well with the extreme dark...and it was dark in there , I let go of my friends hand and backed into something Big and Furry...and let out a blood curdling scream (and I don't scream) ...it scared the H.H. workers enough to turn on the lights...I told them why I screamed...only problem was...they was nothing big and furry in there...hmmmm, always wondered what that was.
I now Pass this Award onto...
Deborah at http://possiblim.blogspot.com/
Cody at http://codyland.blogspot.com/
Karin at http://orrlakemusings.blogspot.com/
Pattee at http://odd-dolls.blogspot.com/
Thanks so so much..
Those are spooktacular facts!!! I am very curious about living in a haunted house! And the ghost hung out in YOUR bedroom, wowsers! Did you ever see it? Do you know who it was? Did it communicate or move things or whatnot?
So many people report ghostly things I really believe but I can't say I've ever had a personal ghost experience...that I know of....
Also that was so sad about your last Halloween trick-or-treating experience! I went until I was 19, that's right, every year I was in school I donned a costume and went trick-or-treating and there were no slammed doors or accusations of being too old because I lived in a very rural part of Nova Scotia. Every one knew everyone and most people only got a dozen trick-or-treaters each night. It was great and I was sad to finally stop going.... Now to fulfill that trick-or-treating urge my husband and I dress up in costumes on Halloween and go hang out around our young nephew's house on Halloween, showing off our costumes and amusing the kids. :) Sometimes we take candy with us and hand it out to the kids on that street, it's a fun trick-or-treat turn-around, handing candy out on the street instead of them having to go to a house.
Happppppppppy Halllooooowwwweeeeeeeen
Hi Tace....
Glad you enjoyed my little Halloween Factoids. The house I grew up in was built in the early 30's ...my M&D bought it when I was less than a year old ...it always had a very comfortable feeling to it growing up...and it was not until I was about 5 or 6 that we found out an elderly woman had died in the house...and in the room that was mine... Mom freaked a little and asked if I wanted to change bedrooms ..nope was my answer...I really felt safe and comfortable there...almost as if a kindly grandma was guarding and caring for me...never knew why it always felt that way..then when the truth popped out...felt even better. I never personally saw things move when I was a kid..more of a comfort and security feeling...but...others that stayed in the house and also those that moved in when we left when I was 16 had one hell of a time with not to happy things happening...one couple that was renting the place actually left in the middle of the night in their P.J.'s ..more stuff with this house but maybe I will save it for one of my Halloween true ghost story tales...
You are so lucky to T or T longer ...sniff sniff, I still am sad about my experience...
Like the handing out of candy story...very cool!
Hi Jodi,
I don't care that you didn't nominate me for the award...sniff, sniff. Although, I'm highly suspicious of that spelling of: KREATIV! So maybe it's a good thing you did not.
I enjoyed your 7 things immensely. That breaks my heart that someone slammed a door in your face! I congratulated adults for trick or treating a few years back. They apologized for not having kids...they just loved Halloween so much, so I made them cocktails in to go cups!
I always wanted to be a Witch AND a Geisha AND a Gypsy...but I'm a boy dammit!
Oh Dear, William...I seriousily would have, as blogs don't get any more creative than yours...but...alas...I did not see awards posted on your blog so assumed you were one of the many that would prefer not to receive awards...so sorry! I will know better next time...
I know..it was very much a bummer to be turned away...really screwed up my mid teens.
The witch has always been my favorite look...as a matter of fact...and don't tell a soul...I tend to each day wear my little home made witch chapeau around the house...and if I am feeling extra puckish...to the market...it so fits me!
Now I must fly to your blog as I hear tell you have wonderful Halloween home decorations to share...can't wait.
Wow you've had Halloween and spooky things all you're life...That's wonderful!
I want to know what that big fuzzy thing was you bumped in to ... but that will never be known!
Thank you Jodi for this award!!!
Hi Jodi,
I loved all of your favorite things, never known. What a surprise to enjoy reading everything and continue on down..... then wait a beat... and scan up the page again to reread and see Possible Impossibilities next to my name. Oh my goodness!
:-) How fun! What is this?,... is it a nomination? :-) I'm very honored, especially coming from you as I admire your work so much, and congratulations to the other nominees as well! I don't know how it works but.... Thank you!
:-) ... Deb
Well, I'm just speechless! (Actually that's a lie- I'm never speechless. In fact I tend to babble when excited and surprised.And see? Here I am babbling!) To say I was surprised to see my name here is an understatement. It was quite a few years ago when I first saw your's and Richard's work and was blown away. I think of you and Richard as the God and Goddess of sculpted dolls and miniatures. So getting the Kreative Blogger Award from you is the highlight of my year! Thank you so much!
I also loved Trick or Treating- in fact I had kids just so I could go Trick or Treating again ;) Little wimps always got tired and wanted to quit early and go home to eat candy.
I bet you hated moving from your haunted house and leaving your spirit granny behind.
I hope you and Richard have a wonderfully spooky Halloween. aAnd again- thank you!
Thanks Jodi...just came here to give you an award too. ....and now here I see I've been given one as well. How cool is that.
Come visit & get yours.
hugs Karin
Good Morning Jodi:)
Oh, your award looks lovely on your mantel!!
Haha that is funny about the "big furry thing" hmmm...probably better you don't know what it was!
Big Zombie Hugz
Hi Pattee..
Yes it seems I have been followed by something otherworldly all of my life... does not bother me...just take it as it comes...
As for the big furry thing...that was once of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me... I can still feels it's very warm and huge fur arms starting to wrap around me after I bumped into it... creep-O-factor of about 12 of a possible 10!!
You are Most Welcome...
Say...if you ever go back to that Halloween Store... could you see if they offer any 'tasty treats'...each year I set up a food banquet on my table... and I always like to add new ghoulish 'parts' I know I know this sounds horrible, but it is actually kinda cool, not gross, just fun!....do these guys have a web site??
Hi Deb...
You are the 'Perfect' person for this award...it was my pleasure to pass it along to you...
Thanks for sticking with my blog
Hi Linda...
Thank You so much for such sweet words and kind thoughts.... you are most welcome! From one Halloween Lover to another!!
Yes...I think of my Granny Ghost often and sometimes feel she may be closer than I think...
Hi Karin...WOW...great minds huh!
Thank You so much...
Big Hugs
Hi Jacqui...
Yes...somethings are better off being left alone I guess...I can tell you, really put me off on 'fur coats' though...
Yes...the Award looks lovely!!
Thanks again so much
Oh My gawd Jodi!! You are just full of surprises!! An award, and from incredible, inspiring, amazing you?.... just, wow. I am truly a bit floored and honored that you thought of lil me. Thank you SOOO MUCH!!!! :)
I love love love your fun spooky tidbits! Big fuzzy monster thing is very creepy! Do you have photos of you all little and dressed up? awww, I wanna seee!!
Thank you again and again :) Have a great rest of the week!
love n hugs,
Oh, thank you, thank you, Jodi! What an honor to receive this award from someone with your talents! I'm shocked you'd even visit my little blog much less become a follower. I love coming to visit yours and love your stories and seeing your newest creations. I just posted a "pre-blog post" on my blog about the award and will finish as soon as I can so I can pass this award on to more special "Kreativ Bloggers!" For now, I must spend my free time finishing a project for my father's 80th birthday celebration this weekend. I just cannot let such a special birthday go past without doing something "kreativ" and yet fun for him! I did at least give one secret about me in this and have six to go! LOL Thanks so much again, Jodi!
Hello Sprite..
You are very welcome , I enjoy your blog very much and I consider you very creative...
Hmmm pics of me dressed up as a kid...I will hunt around and see what I can find...I was such an active kid (specially at Halloween) for my mom it must have been like photographing a wisp of smoke...
Hi Cindy...
You are very Welcome...your blog is great and creative. LOVE your story of your home made Halloween Costume ...I posted my thoughts on your blog...hee hee!
Happy Birthday again to your dear Father...how wonderful. You must share what you are making for him on your blog...
Thank you Jodi, that means so much to me. I'm teary eyed! I had no idea you visited. Can't wait to pass it along, hopefully in just a few short days :) (surgery's tomorrow).
I'm crossing my fingers that you find some pics!! Aww a lil you!!
Shame on me, earlier in my excitement I think I forgot to say Congrats to the others! Congrats!!! :)
Big hugs,
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