Happy Saturday All....and what a lovely Saturday it is...the air is crisp today and clear as a bell out...a true feel good kinda day.
Well I have just finished our latest doll...a Miniature 1:12th scale 'Bride of Frankenstein' ...
But I must tell you...she did not in any way start out this way... this is one of those Serendipitous Dolls that just happen once in a while...no rhyme or reason...they just happen....but with joyful outcome. I was just sitting at my desk the other day and started playing with the clay...thinking...hmmm maybe I will make one of my Ghostie Ladies on a tombstone...so with that in mind...I headed full force in that direction...with image in mind... well, there was no way that was going to happen...try as I may another face kept popping out , was not sure who at that point...I kept mishing it...but it kept forming when I worked the clay ...until I saw her.... 'The bride" I said.. ...WOW I thought, never made her , this will be fun...so I headed in that direction and things came together smoothly...as a matter of fact, I was so engrossed in this little Bride that I made her without even telling Richard (he is working on a Rick Shaw' at the moment)...first thing I knew...she was finished....WOW...been years since things fell into place this easily... I enjoyed every step ... I truly believe that sometimes serendipity just steps in and guides an artists hand... for whatever reason , who knows...and I always say...Go With It!!
Thanks for taking a Peek...
P.S. Studio Ghost update...things have been a little quiet ...BUT...this morning two strange things happened.... first off....when I came into my studio this morning a big bundle of black fabric was sitting in the middle of my chair and one one my jewelry desk ??? Not sure why...but neither Richard nor I have used any black fabric in a few weeks now...and it was odd fabric that I normally keep at the bottom of my pile... plus as I was talking to my Mom this morning on the phone (she lives about 3 miles from me) her front door opened wide...and there is no wind today...freaked up both out...again, not sure what that means...
OK...I need to get back to work...gathering with a bunch of friends this evening for cards and desserts.... I made a Rum Raisin Cheesecake.
Happy Saturday..
Matteo and I have watched "Young Frankestein" last night and we had a lot of laugh as usual. I immediately recognized the Bride. She is ghostly lovely... have a nice cards and desserts evening Rosanna
Good golly your work is cool. Seriously, major drool-worthy cool. I think it really shows that you enjoy what you do too. Your bride makes me think she's just tipoy toed out of a lab room or something, snuck around a corner and looking up sees....her groom? Hmmm :D
Thanks for ghost update. So fascinating. And if it doesn't sound weird, kind of heart warming. Because if there's ghosts, there's MORE than just physical life. I do believe there's more but hearing the first hand accounts of people's paranormal experiences is really satisfying and confirms what I believe. My Grandma passed yesterday, so been thinking a lot about what's what on the *other side* So rather pleasing to read your blog post today with possible ghostly activities. :D
Excellent work...I would have guessed that you started sculpting Elsa Lanchester from the get go! It is a remarkable resemblance and your proportions look so good that it resembles a real person in the photos!
I've always wanted to do 'The Bride' - Yours is perfect! You're right about that face! I love her.
WEll yes Jodi you might have a visitor ghost or a happy creation leaving you the next piece of fabric for your next character.
I love the doll you created "just like that" or so it seems. She's just wonderful and looks just like the Bride of Frankenstein~
The bride is wonderful, Jodi....Now about the card game...I think that you might want to get out the Ouija Board instead.
Hi Rosanna...
Oooooo that is one of my all time favorite movies...Richard and I often recite dialog from the movie to each other...one of the best movies made ever!
Hi Tace...
Thank You so much for such kind words. As for your grandma...I am so sorry to hear that...Grandmas are super special people (as are grandpas) ...to lose one is to lose a big chuck of ones life...but the special things about grandmas is they always seem to follow you through your life... through memories and deeds...so even though gone, they really are still deep in your heart.
Hi William...
I think seeing a bit of Elsa peeking back at me from the sculpt is what changed my direction...truly was never my intention...although I do love the woman...
Thanks for the kind words...
Hi Cate and David...
Thanks so much...You should do her...although I am finding that once one does her there is a super strong urge to do 'Him'...
Hi Pattee...
I am leaning towards spirit visitor...funny thing is, the spirit who I originally thought it might be...well, it looks more like it is her all the time...the spirit I know of loves to sew...I really need to write about her more on my blog...fun story...
Hi Casey...
Thanks so much, glad you like her...
The group I am hanging with tonight are mostly the women I want to set up the seance with...so tonight we will set it up for next week sometime... I think it's time..
Wow, Jodi, I love this! She's just awesome. BTW, my dad's 80th party was a hit. He loved his money tree I made for him, too! I posted pics on my blog before leaving and plan to post another of dad with it hopefully tomorrow! I'm beat! LOL
My gosh,can't believe this is a miniature doll !Thought it was a real picture,your work is absolutly perfect.Jeannette
I almost screamed with delight when I saw this !! She is wonderful Jodi, one of my favourite characters and you have her to a "T " , I love her to bits :0)
definitely spooky goings on chez creager, think you need to use that fabric, something has plans for it .........
julie xxx
Hi Cindy...
I am so happy to hear that your Dad's *0th B'Day Party was a Big Hit...the Money Tree looks fantastic and I'll be he was super surprised...looking forward to seeing a picture of this fine gentelyman soon...
Hello Jeannette..
So lovely to meet you...thanks muchly for the kind words...
Hi Julie...
WOW Thanks so much...such kind words from a big Fan of the Original Bride...I an honored that you like it so much...
I love her Jodi. She is beautiful.
It amazes me how much detail you can get in such a tiny piece.
What a beautiful face she has, like an actress of the old times, like Elisabeth Taylor in year young years...
Love, Andrea
Hi Marie...
Big Thanking Hugs!!!! I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the old time 30's actresses ...I can only guess this is where this doll came from...
Hi Andrea...
So happy you like her and think she is beautiful...and the Bride Thanks You too!....
Some seriously spooky goings on there huh !
No wonder she came out of your hands :-)
She is fantastic.
Hi Jayne...
Yes, and the oddness continues even today...
Thanks so much, glad you like her...can't wait to make Frankie!!
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