Boy...is anyone as sick of Turkey as I am ??? GOOD LORD...if I see another piece I swear I shall bust o gut!! I am feeling like Italian just about now!! and what, it's been like 2-3 days!!
Hope everyone who celebrated the big 'T' day had a wonderful time with friends and family ... and that wonderful New memories were created for the coming years.
We had a blast...ate ourselves silly and laughed till it hurt... and believe it or not got to bed at a decent hour , all was cleaned and put away ...and little to no indigestion...to speak of!!... all in all a swell Thanksgiving seemed to be had by all...
Now Christmas...Oh CRAP!! When did that sneak in!!! I know I am not going to be ready for this one either...losing all track of time these days ...MY GOD, my neighbor across the street had her tree up yesterday...shining brightly in her front window ...ugh!! I need to get a plan of attack...and soon. Right now we are finishing up a few commissions and that's my main focus...then onto 'Holiday Ho Ho Ho's' ...first I need to buy some egg nog...saw that it was in the store during Thanksgiving... but I am weird with egg nog...can't buy it to soon or to late... and can't start the so called Holiday Season without a cup of that thick overly sweetened nutmeggy glog!! Always puts me in the mood! Next comes the songs...yes the truth can now be told...I sing non stop through this season and I drive Richard absolutely insane!! I adore Christmas tunes...both good and bad ones ...years ago we use to do the harvest festival circuit in California and each season would hear Elmo and patsy perform..."Grandma got run over by a reindeer' ...over and over and over and over and over and over ,...until I would almost swear Richard's head swelled up and looked like it would *pop* ... I now slip that song into my repertoire each year and then run like hell after singing with Richard in close pursuit!! Ahhhh it's the good times we remember!! tee hee...
A few days from now I will start digging out the ornaments and other holiday decorations ..I always hope to add new ones and shoot for new themes but alas this year like last slipped away from me yet again... So it will be once again Nog and Grog, Carols and Perils, gripes and lights...and so on and so forth....
Happy Holidays one and all... may the joy remain throughout the entire season...
I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and that you are alreday thinking of Christmas. I'm happy you had no digestion problem but what do you mean by "feeling like Italian"? I'm very curious.
Have a nice day and warm hugs, cannot wait to see your next wonder, Rosanna
Hi Rosanna...Always lovely to hear from you. Thank You, our Thanksgiving feast was wonderful and yes, I 'stuffed' my own self!! lol...
As for my statement of 'feeling like Italian' ...I meant 'food'...I LOVE Italian food, pastas, sauces, meats, spices etc... and to me just about now...some good Home made Italian food sounds fantastic after all that sage stuffed Turkey!! LOL...
Happy @$%*#)* Holiday Jodi! LOL!!!
Yes I am sick of Turkey and plan on making spaghetti so you hit the nail on the head with Italian!
We did have a great Thanksgiving... and now it's down to the basement to dig out all the Christmas/winter stuff.... And you make me laugh because I LOVE, no ADORE Christmas music!!!! It drives my husband mad and around the bend also!
Happy Holidays and didn't you say you might mingle Halloween and Christmas together : )
Hugs Pat
Ah good Pattee. ..so happy someone else besides myself loves Holiday Music.... I just saw on Facebook where someone posted an old Mel Torme and Judy Garland sing song of "Have yourself a merry little Christmas' ...I actually cried!!
Glad your 'Gobble' day went well..
and yes...I hope to still get at least a taste of 'Hollygobbleween' up and running this season...depending on orders go...gulp!
OmG...Jodi you crack me up! I think I gained 10# this past weekend! It was just the two of us for Thanksgiving and we have been eating everything! I made a cherry pie and we finished that up yesterday for breakfast!
Today I stated exercising AGAIN!
I put up our vintage silver aluminum 3' tree with the color wheel and some new color changing lights in the window. I also put a Santa Hat on my Witch on our front door...That's all I'll do this year. have a great creative week! Hugs!! Patty
MmmMmmmmMm Patty...Cherry Pie Breakfast...I am LOVING that idea!! An 'adults' Ultra Cool Pop Tart!!
I LOVE your Aluminum Tree..my Grandma had one (wish I still had hers) the lights on it were fantastic...all sparkly! To tell you the truth I have not yet decided what I will be doing to decorate this Christmas...I had such great plans but...time slipped by me...and now...with the new tipi coming any day, and much to do with setting it up and painting...I want to focus ALL my attention to that...sooOooOOo...we may just decorate the 'backyard' with lights surrounding the tipi...for friends and family when they visit... front yard be damned!! We shall see!
You have a wonderful season my friend...
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