This WONDERFUL First day of October pass without saying Happy Happy Witching Season to one and all...
I have been doing a little happy dance all day long around the house... had my first cup of Hot Cider as our weather just today had an actual chill in the air this morning ...it was delightful and most welcomed. I also started to drag my decorations out of various hiding spots around the house ... cupboards, closets, upper shelves, behind boxes, in boxes, from the garage, in drawers. It is like seeing old friends again...memories rush back from Halloweens Past, good times and good scares. Each year I change things around a bit and plan little...rather choosing to play it by ear and see which way the Hallowmuse leads me... I think we should all post pictures of our decorations on our Blogs...what say ye?? I still have not found wonderful things this year in commercial stores...but when the time is right...I am sure I will make a ghost or two to hang about. I think too I am going to have a Seance here with all my local girl friends... should be fun and VERY interesting...have not done that for years...last one I did...a hand print was left in the center of a very BIG table we were using...where no one sat and the hand was huge ...I will smudge and leave open scissors near the table and take other precautions. I know some very spiritual gals here so it could get very interesting.
OK..enough of this hocus pocus...I am off to dreamland in about 10 minutes ..the moon is bright tonight so my dreams should be full of fun things...
Oh...and this is my 200th post.... saved it for my first October Post...
Sleep Well All...
I wish you had a nice sound sleep. I feel your excitment even here about this season! I look forward to seeing your house decorated, mine will not be. We do not have Hallowen but I am already thinking to Christmas.Have a nice day.
Happy Halloween Decorating...isn't it the best?
Happy Happy October!!!
Have a FABULOUS weekend lady!
SpOOky Hugs,
mE (-:
Happy Witching Season!! MMM Hot cider sounds absolutely wonderful right now! Once the 1st hit the temp in nyc dropped, its officially sweater weather! :) Our home is littered with spooky hallo fun and scents too. I hope you will share pics of the decorations and tell us about the seance! Speaking of which, Happy 200! They have been most enjoyable :) Thank you!
Hope you slept well.
Have a great weekend!
keep us posted on the seance...
Was that a chill i just felt?
We finally got into the 50's in NORTHEaST FLoRiDa, fall is definitely in the air.
My youngest one, who just left for Roanoke, Virginia this morning, was born on October 30th, yes there is a HALLoWeEN story there...*G*
He admired the pin that i purchased from you, the skeleton skull, made a interesting comment, so i made him a skull but with a TRUE BLoOD ~twist~ to it.
Hope you got some sleep...
•*• -:¦:- *¸.•*´¨)*HAPpY 200th!*(¯`'•.¸*-:¦:- •*•
Happy Witching Season back at you! The idea of a seance is spooky-cool-tastic!! The hand print in the middle of the table gave me goosebumps...
We watch GhostHunters, another good goosebump resource. :)
I never heard of leaving open scissors out, I am gonna take a (har har) stab in the dark and say it's to like...cut the spirit's contact or something. Sounds very symbolic. I might go look that up.
I really love your artwork, I have just found your blog.
smiles from me
Happy 200th post! I just had mine...can't believe it but it must be so!!
Hi Jodi~
I agree it's time to break out the boxes and blow off the dust to find old friends of Halloween...
You'll have to go to my blog! You'll die to see the stuff I saw today at the Costume and Design store...Talk about cool Halloween "stuff"! They do it up big. I thought of you while I was there~
Hi Jodi~
Yes I did spend wayyyy too much money and of course I want to go back for more!
I bought boa's, huge rubber vultures and rats, a gazillion spiders, crepe paper, garlands, and more than I can list... I was a sucker~: )
I'd send you something if you see anything you'd like ~tempting isn't it? LOL
Happy October! And congrats on 200 entries!
Mini Leaps and Bounds
Good Morning Rosanna...
I had a glorious sleep thanks so much for asking...this season and fall are always exciting for me...I love the 'change' in the air...
Sunday Hugs,
Yes William...
It is absolutely the BEST!!! I always wait like an excited Child for this time of the year...with a smile ear to tear..
Sunday Hugs,
Hi Chris...
I had a hectic yet lovely weekend...finished a project, planning the next and a new coffee to try with this mornings Sunday Breakfast....all is right with my world...
Hopes yours was fantastic also
Sunday Hugs,
Hi Sprite...
I adore hot cider...we drink it in the tipi all fall and winter...taste extra good!! I will post pictures and also tell you about the seance...seems there are interested people...so it looks like it is a go..
Sunday Hugs,
OOoOOoo Joanna.... a baby born close to Halloween ..how cool is that!! And you said the magic word...'True Blood' ...I am a True Blood junkie...LOVE the series...
Bet the pin was very cool indeed...
Sunday Hugs,
Hi Tace...
In tuth I do not know where the 'open scissors' originated...we have done it in my family since as far back as my great great grandmother...and maybe even further than that. I just remember as a child my mom or grandma sometimes placing a pair of open scissors on my nightstand when I went to bed...??? I always thought...WHAT THE!!! Thank Goodness I was a kid who didn't run with scissors!! As I grew older I was told to have open scissors near you keeps evil away ...how, I do not know!! I love folktales and beliefs..funny how they stay with families through generations...
Happy Sunday,
OMG Pattee..... EVERYONE needs to visit your blog and see the wonderful treats you found.... fantastic... I would have been VERY bad there!!! Hmmm...you are going back huh...let's see, what do I need....I will think on that one...are they open just in this season or year round?
Sunday Hugs,
Hi Jody...
Thank You so much..zowie the girl can talk!!! Ya ain't seen nothin yet!!! hee hee
Sunday Hugs,
Hello Hello LD...
I swear...I HATE SPAM FOLDERS sometimes...mail from friends sometimes gets placed in there and I don't see it right away...your post is one of them...forgive me!!
Thanks so much for the Congrats ...and one to you as well... so nice to see you....
Sunday Hugs,
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