It involves all of the above.... still have you curious....!!?? I will just say...I am a mess, sticky, have 8 things going at once and I am still trying to name the piece....I am leaning towards 'Punkie Sprites'
OK...that's about it from the Creager Cave.... been a hectic last few days...so needless to say I am REALLY looking forward to my Saturday Night glass of wine ...hee hee.
Hope everyone is having a Super Weekend so far...
OHhhhh sounds intriguing! Sounds like little sprites who are in charge of pumpkin carving! So of course they'd have blue prints....can't properly carve a pumpkin with out a plan now can we, human, sprite or other wise. :D
I see pixies carving a pumpkin?
OH My... oh... the insides of a PuMKiN ... creepy... for sure...
CaN NOT wait to see what happens...
Jodi...I know you will come up with a wonderful little ditty about the piece, it will be just wonderful!!!
Bugs & Hisses
Intriguing to say the least. '-)
Hope you enjoyed that glass of wine last nite, I did!
Sunday Hugs,
mE (-:
Hi Tace...
Oh you guys are just toooo good!! Got it part way figured out!!
Hopefully this afternoon will get it listed...with Pics here...
Sunday Hugs
Hi Diane...
OooOOoo....so close!!!
Hopefully will post pics here tonight
Sunday Hugs
Hi Joanna...
Yes know...a bit strange, I even tried for an accurate smell....you will see what I mean later..
Sunday Hugs
Hi Patty...
Well this is one of those pieces that kept getting away from me...3 steps forward 2 steps back...but we completed it and we are very happy with it. Now I have been up since 4 am trying to jot down a story.... working on pure caffine!!!
Sunday Hugs
Hi Chris...
Yes Indeedy... enjoyed the heck out of my wine...had a second just to make sure I was right about the first...!!!
Sunday Hugs
Punkie Sprites?! :O Yes curious! what a teaser this is! Sounds awesome, can't wait to see it.
So glad you enjoyed your wine, having mine now! hee hee :) Enjoy your eve!
Hummmm... I can't wait to see what you've created!
I'm sure I'll be amazed!
Hi my sweet, hope the week is a good one for you!
Love and hugs.
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