First two are a shovel Richard just made and finished this morning for a new Halloween Elf piece we are doing...the dude is nuts...carved the shovel part from wood (and handle) then painted it to look like metal...
Next are the Elves from the piece...just hanging around on my desk top waiting for bodies...I would say they look pretty desperate for their torsos...
The Next two shots are taken in my back yard...not good shots as it was barely light and I didn't use any flash.... but I had to share... am I crazy or does anyone else see the Side View Skull in these two pics??? I sure do... I thought it was pretty cool!!! Halloween Approaches!!
Happy Sunday Everyone...Richard is taking me to breakfast and out to Michael's for Paint...
(heck with the paint...I want the pancakes!!!!)
Hugs to All
I love the expressions on the little elves faces...they are wonderful, you are VERY talented!!!
Again a very great work! The two heads are great! I am curious what will happen! There is also a face on the brush? Greetings, Anjah
WOW That RIchard sure is one talented guy!! That shovel looks amazing!!!
As for the two desperate heads lol I just love their faces...you too, my friend are pretty amazing, I just adore both of your work:)
In the first photo I sorta see the skull but in the second one......TOTALLY!!
Hope your pancakes were everything you hoped they would be:)
I have a specail award for you at my blog, cause I love reading your blog so much and I think you are da bomb;~)
Nice shovel Richard!
Cute elves, I can hardly wait for their torsos.
I see the skull, of course I have skulls on the brain!!
Hello Linda...
So nice to meet you...I loved the picture of your daughter with President Obama...how cool is that!!!
Thanks for the kind words...
Hi Anjah..
Thanks so much....They will be fun little Halloween Elves performing a task...you will see soon...
Yes...I sculpted a face on one of my old paint brushes..just for play
Hi Jacqui...
The Pancakes were extra yummy this morning...thanks for asking...
Thanks too for the very kind words... and for seeing the 'skull' in the clouds...whew!! Thought my noodle might be slipping from the plate once again...
WOW...Thank You too for the Award...I will proudly place on my Mantel and pass along..
Big Hugs
Hi Marie...
Big Hugs to you...and YIPPPEEE...I am so happy that you see the skull in the clouds too....a great big WHEW!!!
Hugs Hugs,
WOW, the shovel is incredible! As are those heads. Already full of so much personality! Can't wait to see their progress. YES!! I totally saw it right away. Awesome! Hope you had a great weekend thank you for sharing!
These look fab, cant wait to see them with their bodies ! Richard is so dedicated sculpting those spades from wood , I so admire anyoine who can work with wood.
I can see the skull too, I used to spend hours lying in fields watching clouds as a kid, your photos made me realise I dont look up enough these days !
julie xx
the shovel and little elves look stunning, can hardly wait to see it finished, mmm the skull in the cluds, don't now...I see some kind of aline with a hat in the shape of a mans face with a long beard, and closed eyes ;)
Hi, I got and now I nominate you for the kreativ blogger, you can see the details on my website,
love Andrea
Ditto on all, great work, amazing detail in all.
I see a face in the clouds, like dreamkeeperfae sees, with white bushy brows, mustache but with a balding pate with white flowing hair. Great pics...
Love the paintbrush, is that part of the group also?
Richard, I bow to your talent Sir! That is great little wood carving!
Wow love your guys work Was just blogging around so stop by. The shovel is amazing and so are the evles.love you blog too will be back again
Hi Julie...
Thanks so much...yes, Richard most of the time likes to work in wood...I tell him he could short cut and use paper clay...but he says that takes him longer to do...
Glad you look at the clouds too...a fun way to pass the hours...
Hi Andrea...
Thank You so much.... and WOW...an award...thank you so so much... will read the directions on your blog, post on mine and place the award on my Mantal....might have to move things around a bit...
Thank You and Hugs,
Thanks Joanna...
No...the paint brush is just something I was playing with, heck I'll sculpt on anything that holds still long enough..lol!!
Hi William...
Thanks so much and I will pass on the compliment to Richard....he does love his wood!!
Hi Debb...
So very nice to meet you...thanks for stopping by. Thank You as well for the very kind words...
Stop by and chat any time...
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