We finally got our little fellows listed on EBAY last evening.... with Pumpkin Glop to spare!!! This was a fun one to make...trying to figure out things and how best to make something work and look natural...those are always the fun ones...What I took a chance with was both of us jumped right into this one started making dolls and props... and then it dawned on us... 'What if I can't make the Pumpkin Glop look real enough...what then'!!! So it was a tad 'bass-ackwards'
but in the end I think we managed to make the 'glop' look pretty real....tee hee...I even added a bit of 'fall spice fragrance' to the mix... smells yummy... WOW...SMELL-O-VISION Art!!
but in the end I think we managed to make the 'glop' look pretty real....tee hee...I even added a bit of 'fall spice fragrance' to the mix... smells yummy... WOW...SMELL-O-VISION Art!!
Also the little Drac Bust is a miniature 'Faux Marble' that we listed...
With a few big pieces pending...we are thinking these will unfortunately be our last goodies to list this Halloween Season...BOO-HOO!! I so wanted to make some witches...
Here is the Listing for more Pictures Elves and Drac
Off and Running...much to get done today...one being Clean Up the 'Glop' mess I made....
Going Kayaking tomorrow...first time for the fall season...VERY excited...
Hugs To All on this Fine Fall Tuesday
WOW....that is fantastic....the pumpkin guts look real. great job.
I cannot think of anything intelligent to say...only OMG OMG OMG.
They are alive !!!! the pumpkin is sumptuos the "glop" is awesome, OMG OMG OMG !!!! you always outcome yourselves. Rosanna
OMG, this is fantastic! Love it!
Jodi, Richard...
I am speechless... You and Richard are just unbelievable in your work.
It looks so real below and in all the pictures, that i think mentally you would smell pumpkin just by looking at the work.
I am *WOWeD* again...
You both are the masters of it all... Absolutely a Incredible detailed piece of work.
Have FuN KAYaKiNG... Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful and inspiring work.
they aren awesome like the pumkin, really stunning work!
love it, them......
I think that I have a new favorite, and my other new favorite is the Dracula. OMG! you guys are good!!
Well done you two!!
Have fun Kayaking!! Is the water still warm?
I realy, really love this! I love the glop too!
Drac looks like one of your followers. I forget the mans name but he has a great sense of humour from what i can tell.
What size is Drac?
He's fab too!
Let me add my words, 'Gorgeous, drool-worthy and sooooooooo cool" to the teetering pile of praise already here. :D You guys rock! I especially love the details of authentic looking pumpkin glop and fall spice fragrance. That's brilliant! Wish I could smell your glop, never thought I'd utter words like those before...hahaha.
I just love the expressions on their faces and your hands, er, their hands are AWESOME. Great photos, thanks for sharing.
Oh my gosh and golly....I am in love with this piece of pumpkin pie! Absolutely fabulous in every possible way...you never cease to amaze me! What a treat!
Oh my!!! And again.....Oh My!!!
Amazing! And yes, the pumpkin goop looks good enough to roast.
The talent that you two have astounds me. I am in awe.
My gawd Jodi, could you two be any more awesome? hmm yeah...didn't think so ;) I feel like i'm looking in on something very real. The punkie sprites are incredible, even the punkin itself, man you're makin me feel a bit bad for the sad little one I made today. ha ha ha. The Drac Bust is really cool too. Not that you'll need it but great luck on ebay!!:) Seriously amazing work as always.
Have fun kayaking tomorrow!
hugs, Sprite
So wonderful Jodi ! it made me smile too ,I remember that glop getting everywhwere when my kids were a bit smaller and we used to hollow out the pumpkins for halloween ! here in the UK we used turnips when I was a kid as pumpkins werent available and they were such hard work to hollow out ! pumpkins are so much more fun LOL and these little fellows are just perfect :0)Love drac too !
julie xxx
WOW!!! this is by far one of my most favourite pieces ever! maybe i say that every time you create something new?.... but I really mean it this time, the 'slop' looks so real! I absolutely love them! especialy the little guy with the clipboard and slops on his head :o) just wish I was rich enough to be able to afford them :o( I might have to go buy a lottery ticket or two and keep everything crossed!!! LOL
Oh these two little chaps are just adorable! I just love everything about it. Their expressions are priceless - just can't help smiling when you see them. Their clothes are such fun and the detail is just perfect too - the clever way the platform is hooked onto the pumkin, the ticksheet and blueprint!!! Brilliant, no need to wish you good luck with the Ebay sales but I do anyway.
Incredible! Speechless. Enjoy being out on the water.
Jodi and Richard, The elves are FANTASTIC! You have really outdone yourselves. What a wonderful display piece!
I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said, but WOW and OMG I agree!
Hi Kathren..
Thanks so much, so happy you like the piece...it was a blast to make...
Hi Rosanna...
You are sooo sweet and always say such nice things...thanks so much... After a while..when working on these little guys...they do become real to me...I find myself talking to them.... A LOT!!! lol
Hi Darla...
Thank You so so much...that is sweet of you to say...
Wow Joanna..OK now I am officially blushing...thanks so much for the very kind words...so happy you like the piece...
Kayaking was THE BEST!!! Thanks for asking
Hi Andrea...
Thank you for such kind words...I do love pumpkins...I remember well the pumpkin fields in Half Moon Bay, CA ...ahhhhhhhhhh happy happy happy
Hi Marie...
Thank You Thank You...I have to say that this piece is right up there on my 'Like -O- Meter!!! anything that makes me smile is loved in my book...
The water is not to bad...much cooler than summer but then what isn't around here... we LOVED it...I will blog about it later...
Hi Tace...
Thank You so much...and just to let you know...the Glob smells devine!! Put me in the mood for pumpkin pie!!! with LOTS of whip cream!!!
Hi Robin..
Love your words...made me smile!!
So happy you like the piece...
Hi Sue...
OooOoo roasted pumpkin seeds...now that sounds GOOD!!
Thanks so much for the very kind words...
Hi Nikki...
Thanks so much...glad you like them...WOW, now trying to think of which follower Drac looks like. His size is 1:12th scale
Hi Sprite...
Big Hugs and Thanks...so happy you like them.
The Lake was fantastic this morning...I am super relaxed...
Hi Julie..
Thanks so so much....
Yes I remember well the 'glop'...pikles and piles on layers of newspaper, even then I loved the smell...
Turnips...WOW...that is so cool... you hollowed them out???
Hi Wendie...
Thanks so much...really happy you like them so much, they have become a fav or mine too.
Hi Jenny...
Thanks so much... we are delighted they make you smile...
I was so jazzed when I saw how Richard hooked the scaffolding to the pumpkin...I had no idea how it would work... I thought I would just make the elf stand on the ladder...but Richard had a whole plan...LOL
Hi LD...
Big Hugs and Many Thanks...so good to see you. The water was a little slice of heaven
Hi William...
Thank you so much..it is always a treat when making so many different items at different times and then piecing together, and having it work out... a big WHEW!! on our part...
Hi Cat...
Thank You so much... your words mean a lot...
Hi Joanna..
Great to hear from you...Thank You so much for the kind words...glad you liked these little guys..and yes...when sitting really still, I could swear they move as well...
Pumpkin Glop is too fun Jodi!!! AND the pumpkin innards are very real looking, I thought it was! '-)
Popping in to say a belated hello!
Have a great weekend!
Just a comment---your newest piece, the "Punkie Sprites" are absolutely delightful---as usual! I am wishing I was rich instead of soooo good-lookin’ (ha, ha). Those punkin guts and the fun blueprint are especially nice touches----love ‘em.
I am sure I have probably inquired about this before---but, are you two ever going to do a book of your doll art??? It would be great for those of us who are a tad bit poorer than many of your collectors. If so, I will start saving my pennies now!
I look forward to seeing what creations are coming next.
A fan---
Fayette Knoop
North Freedom, WI
Fayette's Art Dolls: http://tinyurl.com/8rxgv
fairly new follower here, and I really dont want to repeat previous compliments, but WOW! your pumkin goop looks better that what was inside my real pumpkin!! Your work is truely inspiring! :)
Howdy Do Chris...
Thanks bunch...so happy you like the Glop and Crew!
Happy Happy Weekend to you as well my friend...
Hi Fayette..
Great to see you...so happy that you are enjoying our little Sprites..
Thanks for asking about an Art Doll Book...actually it's weird...we have received several private emails about this very same subject since liting the Sprites...We have kicked this idea around for a few years now..but think that maybe it is indeed time to produce a small book of Dolls and Stories. We would self produce so will need to look into that first..and see what's involved... But I do believe that by next year we will be producing our first little book...thanks for the push...
Hi Lori...
So very nice to meet you, welcome to the blog...
Thanks too for your vry nice compliments...
Fayette, Ditto on the Book idea!
I just love reading the little stories and background that ya'LL create along with the wee creations.
It will be a great book and great gift idea also.
Keep us posted...
Well zippity doo dah Joanna...that is good news that you too think it's a good idea for us to look into... it really is something I have always wanted to do...I do love to write and have about a million stories in my head....and lord knows we have the doll photos..looks like this thing is looking better and better all the time...
Hi Jodi and Richard, I'm sorry of bothering you but there is an award for you at my place if you want to pick it up. Have a nice day Rosanna
Jodi, They're just so perfect!! Especially that little guy below and the expression on his face!! I think he's been the guy down below for a while now and just rolls his eyes everytime a big messy glop falls on his head! -haha! Love it! -ara
Good Morning Rosanna..
Oh Thank You Thank You for giving me this Award...I am so far behind in everything...I am so sorry that I did not see it sooner...
Big Hugs for a Beautiful Week
Hi Ara...
So true... this little guy looks as if he has been through it a time of two before... no matter...he is on with it...
Glad you like them...
Hugs for a Great Week
What wonderful creations. Absolutely brilliant. Love the Gloop..xx
Hey There Again...
So WONDERFUL to see your pretty picture listed by your message,,,makes me really realize how much I missed you..
Glad you like the Gloop...it was fun...and a little secret about me...I LOVE getting messy!!!lol
wohooo just totally amazing as as always but i have to say there is a special place in my heart for this piece as I do adore the fall and I could smell the fresh pumpking teehee love ya
Hi Sherry (and Jeff) GREAT to see you...thanks for joining my wacky blog...
So happy you like this piece...I tend to think it is fast becoming one of my favs as well...ahhhhh Fall!!!
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