I don't know if it is the time of year or my over active imagination at work...but I swear lately I am having little 'visitations' in my Studio. I always seem to be a tad more 'in tune' this time of the year... hearing more and seeing more than say..in the spring, but lately things are getting really interesting.
I am always alone in my studio during the day...besides the TV and Tess wandering through checking things out ..I am alone (Richard is always on the other side of the house in his studio or in the shop outside....so the little thumps and items 'moved' YES MOVED!!! has to be something else other than Tess and Richard...or the TV for that matter (you have heard of the TV People...right!!) ...anyway... I have always been a sensitive individual who seems to pick up on little subtle changes , movements and oh so quiet noises...even as a kid they thought me part 'dog' with the high pitched sounds I could hear...
This all started last week , but I actually dismissed it as lack of sleep or too much work load... but I can no longer shrug it off as internal upheaval ... rather I think something has taken up lodging in my studio... and lets hope this 'something' is just passing through. Just so you know, I DO believe in the spirit life...and have over the years had many many 'encounters' ...thus causing me not to doubt that which I cannot disprove ... but over the last few years I have searched and searched for signs that I found myself missing... but alas, Nothing!! sniff sniff....until last week.
My studio is 20' by 20' , fairly bright with not much in the way of items that would cast shadows or forms on my walls... but non the less I have been catching movement and forms as I sit and sculpt. When I see something, I sit very still and wait for movement again...and sure enough, it is there. Even Tess will bolt from a sound sleep and look in the very direction of the movement...spooky, right! Then there are the muffled sounds (always heard when TV is OFF)...I can imagine what might be happening while the is TV on! Not a voice, not a moan...just a sound as if to let me know it is there. Then there is the 'feel' ...walking back into the room from visiting the kitchen or computer room... the feel that someone was just there, have you ever had that feeling? Like their presence is still hang heavy on the air , yet they are already gone...wow, that is an intense one! Lastly...items moved...but only certain items, ones that I use seldom or have any reason to move yet they are moved to odd spots, I always find this very amusing, like, if I were a spirit what would I move to get attention and or send a message...so of course I am reading much into the items chosen to be moved about.
I am not yet calling it what I suspect it may be...I will wait and watch for other signs ... and then deal with it. I must admit I am rather excited as I have missed any contact or connection to the 'other side' over these years...admitting too, I was profoundly disappointed when we moved into this house 8 years ago ..only to feel 'nothing'... drat!!!
Like I said, not sure what it is, or really even if 'it' is something ... but if it is not anything, than it is doing a pretty darn good job of pretending to be something... OK...that DID sound like the ravings of a Loony Woman...sorry!!
I will keep you up on any new happenings and why I think it may be here....visiting!
A haunted studio, now that's entertainment! I took a ghost hunting class from Richard Senate in Ventura in the 1980's and I remember one thing that might be fun for you: Leave a tape recorder going to record any possible communication that a spirit might have for you. If you are hearing muffled sounds, you are half way there! Thanks for sharing.
I think it sounds like someone wants to tell you something...
You must be intuitive that's why you're feeling this way...do you have an idea who it may be?
(Sorry that sounds like I'm being very nosey!)
(Tell me to mind my own business and get on with my own life!)
You don't sound Looney to me...if that's any consolation!
How amazing! Do keep us posted! Your givin me chills!
I think it is really cool to have a visitation. But, I do hope it is a nice one for you. The building where I have my studio is supposed to be haunted. My partner says he say a person in our studio once that wasn't really there one of those look and notice out of the corner of your eye kind of experiences.
I have also heard footsteps in my house before when it was just me here.
Could be...
Could be...
...is your studio and home a older building? Or perhaps over a burial ground?
We have heard things in my house that was built in 1976, but my grown kidz kid all the time, that it is just GrandMa, letting us know that she is watching over us, when the family room fan light comes on by itself, with no one near the controls.
I feel the ground move all the time, or i sense it, even though we are in Florida, we still have a lot of ground movement here with the plates shifting... a lot of earthquakes that are on the low scale, though sometimes we will get a big one, i dunno'...
My husband is in his early 60's, i will be 58 this weekend and our hearing is not up to par, all of that loud music, i guess when we were growing up. I hear a lot of crickets, funny they say it is not in your actual ear but, your brain...
Plus the house is always humming with all the electricity running through and all of the equipment that is ready to be turn on. I love it when the electricity goes off, you can really hear the house, earth, trees, ground... breathe.
Keep us posted... check any security cameras for some more evidence, we watch our animals, one pit bull puppy, three crazy cats and our flying squirrel, amazing what they can sense... geeze, i did not mean to ramble on so... great time of year! Keep us posted...
Ooh, Cody... that is so true...
just right in your peripheral vision...
Hi Jodi. The part about being a dog made me laugh.
I would do nothing and just ignore. I do believe you but i always find it best to just ignore and get on with what you are doing.
I see two people with me quite often in the form of the slightest shadows, kind of like a faint haze.
I also get the feeling they are there. I just know.
They are not always with me and tend to hang out on my landing outside of my bedroom door and often on the stairs.
While shopping once the shop assistant asked if i could wait while she served people because she had something important to tell me. Standing there wondering what left me in a kind of panic.
It turned out every time i went in the shop she could see two males behind me. One she claimed was about 40 ish and the other about 8. She claimed they were always with me.
I believe them to be my dad and brother and had always thought so before she told me. Once she told me an age too i just knew for certain.
I probably sound bonkers and need locking up but sometimes i ask them to leave and they do. I dont always want them there because although i say ignore it can freak me out a little. Not because i feel in danger but it's too much.
I don't try to communicate with them because i feel they are not here for that but just watching over me. I often can be heard telling them to get off the stairs or out of the bathroom when i'm bathing. They feel too close sometimes.
At night only one of them which i feel is my dad stands outside my bedroom door. But he is at a distance and i dont feel hemmed in.
He never comes into the room.
Only now and again my brother sits by the door but hardly ever
The two are mostly mingled into each other in their haze but normally my brother has his back to a wall and is crouched down.
At night they seperate and my brother goes elsewhere (mostly).
They follow me everywhere but before my dad died it was just my brother that i would sometimes see. One night i knew he was sat in a doorway while i was babysitting for my nephew. My nephew woke and pointed to the doorway and stared.I was 15 then and his pointing confirmed i was not insane and he really was there.
I never like the idea of seeing a spititualist and feel these things should be left alone. I never look for answers or delve into the unknown. I just leave it unknown because i feel thats the way its meant to be.
I would say hi to what you feel is in your room and if needed ask them to leave or at least leave for a little while. They always listen and do as they are told i find.
Quite a lot of peeps read you blog so hope they don't think i'm mad!
Nikki xxx
Hi William...
OOoOOoOo GREAT idea...I just happen to have a little tape recorder that I will indeed set up...thanks for the 'tip'! Now taking a class like that would be over the moon cool for me... but then, I am the one who would have my lunch at Forest Lawn Cemetary with my Grandparents ... it was very peaceful and I felt connected.
I better shut up about my little eccentricities or Followers will be droping out left and right!! lol
Thanks Again
Hi Celia...
Thanks for thinking me Not Loony!! Since childhood I have always been 'in touch' on a certain level with whatever might be out there...I have lots and lots of stories starting at the age of 6...
Not sure who it might be yet...I have two individuals I think it might be...waiting to see if I get any other 'signs' to tell me who this may be. Will let you know
Hi Claire...
I don't chill easily but this is giving me slight goosebumples!!
I am never afraid...just curious as hell!
OooOOoo Cody.... How awesome, Footsteps!! Lovin it! So far I am believing this is a nice visitation ...I am getting nothing but good feelings so far...unless it desides to trick me at some point! I always judge by my Tess too...she just 'looks' in the direction...but does not growl...I have had dogs growl and get raised hair and hunker down....that tells me Not So Good!
Will let you know...
Hi Joanna...
First off...'Happy Birthday to YOU"!!!! We are the same age...although next birthday I will be 59 (OMG can't believe I wrote that out loud!!!!)
Anyway...our house is fairly new 1968 (but considered old for our New Area...established in 1966)..
I know this is not an 'area' thing hanging around... I suspect it is one I have had before...just waiting to see...it visit now and then...and moves on, but feels different this time.
I will let you know...have a GREAT Birthday
Hi Nikki...
I think it is absolutely FANTASTIC that your Dad and Brother are together and paying visits to you...that is very special...and should make you feel very secure. I too have had relatives pay visits.. very nice!
Oh to visit England...where everything is so much older and the spirits are thick! In our smaller much older Northern California town where we lived before moving here ...the haints were everywhere, I used to feel as though I would 'bump' into them on the streets...have great stories about that as well...hmmmm, me thinks I need to start a seperate blog for just Spirit Stories...
Hi Jodi,
I loved reading this post as I too often 'feel' things. The first person I saw was standing on the landing, I could just make out the outline, but I could really feel the presence. As could the cat, she bolted... the coward!! The second person I saw was standing in my bedroom doorway and I could see him as clear as day. I must admit though, that that one frightened me so much that I did go and see a spiritualist. He turned to be a friend of my husbands and he had a message for him!! That was twelve years ago and I haven't seen anyone since, although I often feel my grandmother when times are tough. I work in a fantastically old hospital on top of a hill and it gets very spooky. I work a lot of nights and if anything is needed between wards, it is always me they ring to ask to walk the long, quiet corridors to fetch it. LOL
Keep us posted,
Julia :0)
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