At Last...the tiny little Goblin Dude is finished and off to his New Owner. Sorry to post this so late and not have more of the 'WIP' shots... time just slips away so easily these days and I find myself off in another direction before popping pics.... I need to attach bright and colorful 'Post Its' all over me to remind me to 'snap a shot...NOW'!!!
We are happy with the way he turned out...
He is pretty tiny ...and I actually find myself (and my brain) geared more into the miniatures these days...we are working on larger elves right now and I actually had a difficult time yesterday 're-tooling' the old brain to ***THINK BIGGER*** ....lol! It was an odd experience.
But things are looking bigger now and I think I am on the right track at last...
Thanks again for all the very kind comments in the early stages of this little Goblin...
Hugs to all on this Much Cooler Tuesday Morning ...
P.S. Happy Autumnal Equinox
Ooohhh.. he's absolutely perfect!
Loving the spectacles :)
Fantastic, is impressive
amazing.....love your work...small and big.
He is brilliant, I love his ears!!
Julia x
Bellissimo!!! I love everything: the Goblin, the desk, the tiny plume, the specs, his curls, the books, the coins....do I have to say more? I love him!
OMG, Jodi! This is by far my favorite Harry Potter creation to date! He's fantastic and I'm drooling on my keyboard, oh great, now I have to clean! Drats! Awesome and amazing as usual!
Ditto on all said, i am WOWeD again! And i know for a fact that the pictures as good as they are never do the work justice...
How did Richard end up stamping the metal pieces? Did he do all of them?
The books are great... every detail...
How tall is he?
HaPpY AuTUMNaL EQUiNOX back at ya'!
EnJOY the change...
I love him! The coins are so perfect- especially now that we know they are lovingly hand made- the feather is so great in the inkwell and the ledger makes me drool. Exquisite work!!!
he is really stunning and so are all the props, just love him, he lives...
I am going to say it again "YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING" sorry to yell. LOL!!
I love love love the changes to the blog too. The girl eating the spider is very fun!!! LOL.
I love small, it is so fun to work small, I think that is why mini stuff is so alluring.
You guys are amazing. Jodi you are truly a talented woman and I feel so blessed to have you as a friend!!!
Good luck in the giveaway.
Ooohhhhhhhhhhh............ he's perfect! ;-)
Wow, absolutely incredible! You two are simply amazing!
LOVELY as always!!! '-)
Happy Autumnal Equinox to you as well.
SpOOky Hugs,
He and his little desk are perfect! Love it!
WOW! This is absolutely incredible...his little face, and all those terrific extras; what a wonderful piece! I just love it!
Jodi he is a fabulous creation! I love him to bits!!! My heavens you two make a super team (you and Richard I mean).
Warmest hugs,
Hi Susanna..
Thanks oodles...so happy you liked the specs...Richard didn't and wanted to leave them off...I won!
Hello Jesus...
Thanks you so much for your kind words...so happy you like this little fellow...
Hi Kathryn...
Thanks so much...I really enjoy the small ones now...finding it a bit difficult working the old brain to think bigger yet again today...although I think I came up with a fairly decent face...
Hi Julia..
Thanks so much...I must admit...I have a thing for Elf Ears (in his case Goblin Ears!) ...all big and pointy...fun to make
Big Big Hugs for such sweet and kind words....
Thank You my friend
Hi Moriah..
Watch that electricity with drooling...I too have caught myself many a time with a causious drool over work seen on the Internet... bad enough that I spill my coffee on the key board...shhhhh don't tell Richard
So happy you like this little guy
Hi Joanna...
So happy you like him and thanks for the nice compliment about being better in person...hugs!
As for the stamping...he started doing them all , one by one and then decided that as they were going to be joined together for the stacks of coins...it would be crazy to finish this...so only a few (that show) got stamped with a little vintage design stamp that Richard has had for years...and always wondered what to do with it... it at last found it's use...LOL
He is 1:12tha scale and sat at about 2 1/2" tall ...I am now blind!!lol..
Hi Kim...
Thank You so much...so happy that you like the finished result... it was a fun one to create
Hi Andrea...
Thank You so much...say, you are creating some pretty wonderful things on YOUR blog...love the latest!!
Big Hugs Marie...
You always know how to bring a smile to my face....
So happy that you like the new little guy and also our 'New Look' .. I have others lined up to change from time to time...shake it up a bit...makes life interesting...
Keeping fingers crossed to win!!!!
Hi Marja...
You are so sweet...thank you so much for the kind kind words...
Hugs to you,
Big Hugs Sprite...thank you so much
Hi Chris...
So happy you like this guy...
Love the New Halloween Tree on your Blog..WOWIE ZOWIE... it is fantastic!! Every one should take a peek...it is something to behold...
Hi Cate and David...
Thank You so much...Richard takes a lot of pride in him stuff..he enjoys making drawers work and lids that open... I call him insane!!lol
Hi Robin...
Thank you so much. We are a bit hung up on details...we both love lots of 'little tings' about...wait till you see the newest elf piece...
Hi Sandi...thank so much for the kind words and very nice compliment of Richard's and my teamwork.... we do have our grrrrrr days, but most of the time we work like a well oiled machine...*glob-ped-da...glob-ped-da...glob-ped-da......* (machine sounds!!)...lol!
The goblin turned out quite nicely. I am in awe of your attention to detail. I have been fascinated with miniatures for eons. I am finding myself wanting to do smaller pieces anyway.
Happy Autumn back at ya. It is really warm and humid hear in Cincinnati today. Yuck!
thanks! blushing here ;), but the steampunk really hit me, it is so much fun to work and play with...
I'm a detail person! And I could spend much time with your little people. Fascinating!
Jodi and Richard...you are both so talented that I feel sick (in a good way!) just looking at your work.
I can't say any more...
Hi Cody...
Thanks bunches for such kind words... Hey, I think you should try your hand at miniatures...I swear...it changed my life and art outlook...
Can't wait to see your new pieces...
Hi Andrea...
Well the steam punk hit you with a 'Magic Stick'...cause they are turning our beautifully...
Howdy LD...
My only problem (Richards too)...it is hard to know when to 'stop'...we keep wanting to add and add and add....almost becomes a sickness (in a good way...lol)
Thanks so much
Oh Celia...
Don't get sick!!LOL.... Well that is just about the nicest compliment one could receive...
Thank You
Another beautiful art piece! Bravo! I love the little galleons and ledger...so detailed.
Hey William..
Thanks muchly!
Have a great rest of the week
He's adorable and perfect in every way down to the tiniest of details.
He doesnt look like a friendly banker at all and quite mean and calculating!
I like the coins and want some too!
His nose is fab! I've seen people with noses like this.
Nikki xxx
Hi Nikki...
Yes he does indeed have a rather unfriendly look about him...much like the tellers at my bank!! I have a thing for noses...they always say...You sculpt a little larger the body parts you enjoy the most!!
I liked this books!!! All is marvellous!!!!
Hugs from Barcelona.
Oh Nearly missed this little fellow. Just trying to catch up on every ones blogs Jodi. Love this little one. I watched your other two video's today. Thank you so much Jodi & Richard for your gifts and get well wishes... xxx
Hello Sara...and Hello to Beautiful Barcelona...
Thank You so much..
Hello Hello Debbie...
WOW WOW WOW...so GREAT to see you here on the blog...missed you like crazy...and being here in Bloglandia tells me you are feeling better...YIPPPEEE!!!
You are most Welcome...glad you are enjoying them...
Big Hugs and Keep getting better...
Jodi and Richard
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