I love my Cuz Mike! He is the son of my Mom's Eldest Sister (and my Favorite Aunt) ...though Dear Aunt Shirley is gone ...every time I look into Mike's face I see her smiling back... but that's not the only reason I love my Cuz Mike...
Mike makes me Laugh till I am literally bent over...and to me...the ability to make people laugh uncontrollably to the point of pain from splitting sides...(hurts so bad it feels so good kinda thing) is WAAAAY up there on my 'Like-O-Meter'!!! Mike has a wicked sense of humor (like his Dad) and you have to get up pretty early in the morning to try and fend off any of the dry humor wit or mischievous set ups he might have in store for you...I adore that!! Humor is everything to me...and Mike has enough for any 12 people... with some to spare!
Mike and his Lovely and Dear better half Susan (who is another of my mostly favorite people in the whole wide world) have been married approx. 47 years ...with 3 magnificent daughters.... A Teacher, A Nurse and Professional Business Woman... and the most lovely and talented bunch of Grandchildren you could ever hope to see (two of which graduated with honors from College)...
When Richard and I first got married we lived in a small house on Mike and Sue's Property up in Northern, Calif ...and what a wonderful fun time we had...great memories! I have a love and respect for my cuz'ns that will last 2 life times...
Anyway...this post is not about the Old Days...but rather the New days and I just had to share...
My Cuz just sold his '55 Chevy and bought himself something he has wanted since...well...since 'forever' a once in a life time dream come true .....a 2010 Triumph Bonneville Motor Cycle... and he is around the Moon with joy... as he describes himself... "I am The Fonz, plus 45 years,45 lbs, bad shoulders, cancer survivor, 6 way by-pass fun lovin son of a bitch...eat your heart out Steve McQueen"!!... See why I adore him so much!!
I ,like my cuz, believe that we should never stand with feet firmly planted always wondering what something might have been like..rather we should walk over and try it on for size...and leave the wondering behind! Richard and I are super proud of him for this decision....
I have included a few shots of the 'Big Day' ...plus one I had fun altering of how Cuz Mike might view himself (albeit for just a few minutes) cruising around on his bad assed bike....
BUT...one more side of cuz I had to share... Not only is he a rootin tootin demon of the highway...he is also an Big Time Award Winning Pomegranate Jelly Maker..yes yes...it's true, Mike won Top Honors of not only first place but Best in the whole Division in a Big California Fair...
I mean think about it...this is a man who can ride tough with the best of em... and also make award winning jelly in his spare time... come on girls admit it....this is the perfect guy!!! lol...
Cuz...Richard and I tip our Hats to you... you WOWED us once again with your enjoyment of life and your uncanny knack of always bringing a smile ...
Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes your way
Jodi and Richard
Gosh...I wont let Walter read this otherwise he could be envious. Cheers to Mike and his new bike
Congrats Cousin Mike! I, too, believe that we should "go for it" in life- it's the only one we get!!!
Oh no...my husband was a biker when we met...a massive bike it was, frightened me to bits!
My eldest son has ALWAYS wanted one, but I can't stomach it...
Am I a terrible scaredy woosie-pants?
I think he can have one when he's a sensible age like your lovely cousin...that seems fine to me.
Lovely pictures, I thought it really was Marlon at first!
Lovely blog post and beautiful bike.
My father in law had a whole collection of triumphs. Sadly he is now unable to ride them and so they have all been sold.
You messaged me earlier for Debbie's address. I sent you an email and think i sent to the right address.
Can you let me know it arrived safely with you. My email is rnikkij72@aol.com
Nikki xxx
Sniff, sniff...thank you for the beautiful and true-to-the-bone words. God, I love you, Aim
Great story, especially about teh jelly, never would of guessed in a thousand years, great family... never give up your dreams... they keep us young! *G*
Hi Rosanna..
OoOOoOoo I'll bet there are absolutely BEAUTIFUL Places to ride a motor cycle in Italy...WOW, I better not tell Mike this...LOL!! Thanks so much for stopping by
Hi Kim...
So So true...there is no time like the present for living our dreams...
Thanks for stopping by
Hi Celia...
I must admit...my stomach knots at the thought of Richard hopping on a bike...but having said that, I am sure when we visit Mike and Sue next time...Richard will want to go for a spin...gulp...I will just drink lots of wine and not think about it too much...LOL. But again having said that I know they are both safe drivers like your hubby and son...
COOL...I will tell Mike you thought he was Brando...
Thanks for stopping by
Hi Nikki...
OooOOo Triumphs...how fantastic, Richard will be so envious...
Yes...got the address...thanks so much...
Thanks for stopping by
Bless your heart Aim...
Love you Back...give your day and Mom a 'Hug' from Us next time you see em...
Hugs To You and Corey
Hi Joanna...
So true...through our dreams we acheive joy in reality..
Thanks for stopping by
I always wanted my own motorcycle too...and finally got one in 2000 ... I always wanted to say I could bake a cherry pie or a loaf of bread..(and I do) ..... sew something...(and I do) ride a "bike" and shoot a bow.... I do and I also even won gold at the B.C. summer games for archery .... yep...go for yer dreams ladies and gents.... and then... reach for the moon..... it's lotsa fun...
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