Things remain about the same in my studio...only change...Tess is getting a bit more active checking things out more in my studio...she tends to look upwards a lot more and sniff the air... she bolts out of a sound sleep only to look up and always follow something with her eyes...very interesting. I had a friend once who was very connected spiritually and conducted regression therapy sessions. He was very interesting to be around... you could walk into a home or building with him and he would be talking and all of a sudden just look up to the ceiling in the corner and give a slight smile....I KNEW he saw something...and sometimes he would say " nothing to worry about...it's just a guy, watching us, no harm"....YEAH RIGHT... so of course the rest of the evening I would stare at that spot...sometimes catching myself giving a little 'wave'...
I myself have noticed nothing new...oh, other than I have a bulb over my work table that keeps burning out ...it has burned out in the past, but I believe it is doing it more than normal...replaced two bulbs within the last 2 weeks...this is not normal for my work light.... interesting and have no idea what that might mean.
I continue to wait, watch and stay alert...
COOL spook Jodi! '-)
Popping in to say hello & wish you a great weekend!
PS: Target has some cool Halloween decorations & goodies this year!
PPS: Thanks too on my Halloween tree!!!
Chris (-:
You are so incredibly interesting. I love popping in for a peek.
Hey there Chris...
Thanks...that is one of my older hanging ghosties I use to sell many moons ago. Target huh...COOL...I will pop up there again and check it out...last time I was there...they were just getting things out...only costumes.. thanks for the heads up... Your Ornie should be in your hands any day now.... mailed Wednesday...
Hugs to You for a Great Weekend...
P.S. Great Friday Music as always
Hi Theresa...
Thank You so much for that very kind remark... I really like that you call me interesting while my family thinks I am just plain NUTS!! LOL...
Jodi, the lights burning out could be supernatural, or it could be that the lamp or wiring is defective.....Take care either way!
Hi Casey...
I thought that might be the case as well...older lamp, wiring etc as the lamp is on all the time and I figured it was time to replace it...so I went out and bought one of those New swivel arm desk lamps a few weeks back...but the same thing is happening...so who knows...I will remain vigilant
Hi Jodi,
Yes, it could be a dicey light switch but also, it's said that Spirits draw energy from sources around them when manifesting. This is the phenomenon that can create cold spots in a room or drain fresh batteries so perhaps your desk bulbs fit into this category. Also, animals are of a higher vibration and thus are more attuned to the other side. As far as your being nuts?... Well, what's wrong with a little madness now and then. lol Love your hanging ghost! Deb
I'm following your story, very intriguing... I really enjoy your blog and your postings and your work is wonderful! I'm sure your new visitors will offer some unique inspiration. :)
Maia (also an AIMer)
Love da haint!!
Oh, how I love a good ghost story! Your Haint is absolutely fabulous!
Wow, Jodi, I guess I haven't been by for awhile. Your new blog look is gruesomely wonderful. the spider gives me the creepies, yum! I love the ghost story too and the ghost you made a while back. Thanks for sharing! Tammy
Still seems like someone's trying to tell you something...was your house built on an old ceremonial site, or anything like that?
They are everywhere round here in North Wales...and you can't turn round without finding a castle or three! (We live in an area known as The Castle Ring-very spooky!)
Dogs are very perceptive...and they see a lot more than us...seems like your doggie is sensing something...
OOH I feel like Margaret Rutherford in Blythe Spirit...I'm so excited for you!
Hi Deb...
No cold spots yet in this house...actually in the hot desert...if I could gather a 'pack' of spirits and visits homes bring cold spots...I could make a fortune...tee hee!
I joke but should not...I have grown up with cold spots in houses...surprised not one here, at least that I can find.
Madness is a good thing at times...
allows the real You to come out...
Hi Maia...
Welcome...great to meet you...
I too look to whatever pops up around here as a inspirational nudge... exciting to think about...
Hi Georgina...
Thanks so much...these little flying spooks were a blast to make...I should make some more...putting that on my list right now...
Hi Robin...
Me Too!! Ghost stories are the best...specially when at times we are allowed to walk side by side and glimpse into their world...
Glad you enjoy my little ghostie
Hi Tammy...
Great to see ya...boy time does have a way of slip slip slipping into the future doesn't it!
Thanks for the thumbs up on my new 'Halloween Blog' Look...I might be changing each week...not sure yet
Hi Celia...
No...as far as I know the house was built on just plain desert land...the only inhabitants were the Native American Tribes passing through. When we moved here there were no feelings...this is recent... so I am guessing it is someone passing through, no to watch for signs and try to figure out who they may be...
OoOOo I LOVED Margaret Rutherford movies...what a dear lady..of course I watch all English Movies...the best!!
One never knows...
Where spirits will show...
Great ghost btw. It does the soul good to reach out and feel in the atmosphere, so much going on, on so many planes.
I was reading my Sunday local paper and found something of interest, though i prefer to make my own ghouls, headstones and such:
Yes, Martha has her hands deeply embedded into HALLOWeEN! LOL! Check out the Haunted Library for some great Epitaphs for tombstones in the Tombstone Tourism section.
The spiders are pretty cool, i cut mine out from black poster board making them about 3 feet across and putting them in webs high up using lighting, to make them look real. I used the Banana Spider silhouette.
My tombstone epitaphs, i had gathered decades ago out of a old encyclopedia about funny and odd markings on graves stones.
Jodi, keep us posted on your goings on... the NiGHTs are getting longer...
*thank you for the BiRTHDaY WiSHeS!*
Light bulbs are a classic! Spirits can easily play with electric current. I choose NOT to blame it on wiring or switches, why be so quick to suck the fun and mystery out of life...or is it death?
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