OK....and I am serious about this.... it hurts to type! I have always heard the expression.. 'there is not one part on his body that does not hurt'...well I swear this is a true statement!! From the blisters on my toes to the slightly slushy brain...I am 'done' I think Richard and I are both hanging up our 'Moving Men' sign ...
We got in late last evening from a 14 hour drive... packed to the gunnel's with undetermined tonnage of 'stuff' ...each and every ton lifted and hoisted by the Creager Crew.... even my weak little brain is tired.
NOW....we must 'unload' it all this morning and return the truck... Oh Joy!!
I do hate to complain...truly! And I am not really, this is just a small gripe regarding the pain.... this too shall pass...
But BOY OH BOY is is glorious to be home again.... I am regenerating even as I type this ...Last night when we got home I opened the back patio door to a wall of Fragrance ...our gardenia and Jasmine are both in full bloom ...what a wonderful 'Welcome Home' gift...
Basically all went well .... and now to get my sister settled in here in her new home of Lake Havasu, AZ ...
I will take a day of two to recoup ...and then hop back into work ...much to catch up on... I hear Hogwarts calling me....
So wonderful to be back and chatting with my 'Blog Buddies' ...I missed you all very much
Have a super Friday and an even better Weekend...
Jodi...aka 'Tilly the Tired'