There are some days in life that are set aside by the 'Powers that be' as 'Do good life saver days'... and this is one of them for us. From the time we got up this morning seems this is all we have been doing....a bug here, a bee there ...but when this little Hummingbird came into our life today..we knew we were on that set path . Richard walked in this afternoon calling to me "come here Jodi...see what I have" ...knowing Richard as I do this statement can either thrill or strike fear in ones heart... who knows what he has found and brought inside... but this time my heart sank...it was a Male Costas Hummingbird ...in pure 'torpor' . Richard found it on the ground out on our back patio ...very still with eyes closed.... poor little thing was chilled and probably starving . We have no idea what happened...we are guessing there was a 'H. Bird fight' over the feeder and this little guy took the worst of it.... Richard held him in his very warm cupped hands for over an hour ...and the little fellow began to move a bit....I mixed up a small batch of sugar water and with a tiny spoon fed it and to our surprise...it's little tongue lapped it up ...more energy and eyes began to open ...I popped a few pictures as Richard held him...but we feared the worst...possibly this fellow was older and at the end of his time.... we got a small box with warm padding and placed him inside we remained that way for another hour or so...we checked on him about every 10 minutes...then one time I came out and Mr. H was sitting up on the edge of the padding...both eyes open....as it is a warm sunny day we decided to set him outside in the box on a chair...just in case he decided to fly...and sure enough a few minutes later when we checked on him....he was gone.... our hearts soared with him...
I am a true believer in timing and being at the right place at the right time for the right reason...and today proved my belief ...
A good feeling on this most beautiful day....