I Just finished reading a blog posting by doll maker friend Wendie , I always enjoy her posting so much...
In her blog she mentioned 'Tea Time'...Favorite Tea Pots and gathering with friend for good conversation and a cup of Tea... this got me to thinking....
I LOVE Tea...I REALLY love Tea more so lately than I ever have before... We have so many Wonderful English Friends here in Bloglandia...I would LOVE to hear about favorite Tea Recipes (i.e. methods of brewing) , types of Tea preferred ...one lump or 2...milk verses lemon, times to sup a good cup..... etc....
I have been to High Teas, have enjoyed several types of Tea (Green is NOT my favorite..YUCK)
I think mostly I enjoy the ritual of Tea Time .... I prefer loose tea to bagged...but bagged works in a very nice quick pinch! Speaking for myself I prefer milk...and two lumps...and something YUMMY and Sweet to eat as an added Treat!!
Would LOVE to hear those favorite Tea Tales...
P.S. OK...I am an admitted Coffee-holic!! But lately Tea brings a certain calmness...I drink coffee on the run...but I stop to enjoy a good cup of Tea...