OK...what day is it...where am I??? I swear if I was asked that question right now I am afraid the answer would be...DUHHHHH...HUH??? Been a Gremlin filled wickedly time stealing week!
Finishing this and that , working on goodies for my Moms and sisters Birthdays which are a day apart 9th-10th .... finishing up the Goblin...still have bits to do on him... UGH!!! (sorry for the serious lack of pictures) , no excuse other than... the dog ate my digital camera...yeah yeah...that's it!!!! BAD JODI...BAD...NO BISCUIT!!!
Halloween is TAP TAP TAPPING with a boney Skelly Tipped finger on my shoulder...reminding me every chance it gets that I am WAAAAY behind on everything ... and this was the year my ideas were running out my ears...I just didn't take into account the time factor...or the lack of time I should say... well Goobledee Goop and Black Bat Poop... I think I will sit quietly in the corner and eat a worm or two...!!!
On a Much brighter Note...I tricked Richard into letting me list on ETSY his WONDERFUL Train Prints... he is such a shy guy . I don't get to flaunt his actual Art Work very often... This just shows another side of Richard....he is a man who LOVES His trains...lol!
Oh...and I popped on another Gothic Hollows Pin...a Skull!!!
OK..off to see what trouble I can stir up...actually I am going to sit very quiet and finish a pair of hands...
Hugs to All