Yes Friends in Bloglandia ...it is Thursday once again ... and you all know what that means....
It's 'TAD' (Torture Artist Day) ... After much Pontification and Convincing by my Dear Richard ...I have reluctantly decided to once again brave the elements (we may have winds gusting to 22 mph this afternoon, believe me I am asking myself WHY!!) and drag Art Work down to an open lot in downtown Lake Havasu at 2:00 pm until 7:00 this evening....GULP!! We will once again batten down hatches , Reef the Tops'L , Secure the Rigging and begin to pray!! I think I have said this many times before throughout my blog posts..."I do love a challenge" so this has to explain WHY I am putting myself through this yet again...
But then when I think more on this Blustery Subject...I guess it comes down to 'Braving the elements to meet with friends for a few hours of fun and to Announce and Laugh in the face of 'Mariah ... B*#ch Goddess of Wind' "HELL NO.... you won't get the Best of US"...
WOW...can you tell I am approaching this whole thing with a bit of an attitude today!!! Onward and Upward..... Give Me Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of something really heavy to weight things down.
Send Good Vibes....