Pardon the Play on Words 'Pun -isms'...could not help myself...the rain is making my brain soggy!! We have been blasted with the stuff... we are getting it on the tails of poor California...UGH! I actually like rain...but when it brings hundreds of little 'leaks' I am not amused! That's what happens when you have a house in the 'dry' desert...rain happens and leaks pop up everywhere from shock! On top of everything else...boy Richard and I have developed little head colds...nothing bad from what I can tell and keeping fingers crossed won't go anywhere beyond a few sniffles, a sneeze or two and desire for hot tea with honey... not sure where we got this one ...I am so good about being in public with germs... but this too shall pass...wow...two colds in the span of two months...UNFAIR!!! But even as I type this I am feeling better....
WOW...just took a peek...I am at 299 Followers... one shy of 300!!!! ZOWIE...DING DING DING ... I could not be more thrilled...
OK...off to chew some more gum to patch the new holes.... if it does not stop soon... Richard's next project might be an Arc!!