Before Halloween we were asked to 'test drive' a new Polymer Clay for Doll Makers ...to give them our thoughts on how it handled, sculpted, conditioned etc... what a thrilling opportunity we thought... I don't think I can say the company name nor any details ...but I am keeping my fingers crossed for a brilliant new clay that we doll makers can have lots of fun with and enjoy working with...
I need to sculpt 4 different heads in the clay (from each batch) ...the way I normally do and tell them what I think... on a questionnaire...and then send them the heads and my thoughts...
I love these kinda things... should be fun and interesting all in one... but I often wonder why I am never asked to do blind testing for a chocolate or Vodka company??? Drat!!!
So that's about all to report from the Creager Clan..
OK...I am off to sculpt ...and if time allows...see a Wizard!!!