Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fun Stuff!

Before Halloween we were asked to 'test drive' a new Polymer Clay for Doll Makers give them our thoughts on how it handled, sculpted, conditioned etc... what a thrilling opportunity we thought... I don't think I can say the company name nor any details ...but I am keeping my fingers crossed for a brilliant new clay that we doll makers can have lots of fun with and enjoy working with...
I need to sculpt 4 different heads in the clay (from each batch) ...the way I normally do and tell them what I think... on a questionnaire...and then send them the heads and my thoughts...
I love these kinda things... should be fun and interesting all in one... but I often wonder why I am never asked to do blind testing for a chocolate or Vodka company??? Drat!!!
So that's about all to report from the Creager Clan..
OK...I am off to sculpt ...and if time allows...see a Wizard!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sniff Sniff...the decorations are down and so am I!!

It is always a very sad day indeed when the decorations come down.... I always shed a small tear in my heart when I have to put away my make believe world.... BUT...there's always next year!!!
SooOOoOoOoo the party!!! To let you know how good it was...these are the ONLY pictures I was able to shoot before everything went! I was able to shoot quick snaps when my guests arrived...only the first 6 (a couple didn't turn out) ...then I am not sure what happened really... the camera was set down and I began to celebrate ...that was the last I saw of my camera for the night...BUT...I hear that others were shooting pics like if I can round those up, and I don't have to pay to much in blackmail money and if they are fit to print...I will post later!
Suffice it to say... everyone had a great time .... we are a group of artists and musicians as you may have guessed... craziness ensued. The weather was so fantastic...we were able to sit outside for much of the night on the patio ... not common for a late October evening. We were a crazed group of Beatniks, Pirates, Gorillas, Belly dancers, Zombie Gangsters, gypsies to an out of work Ninja!
Food was out of this world and I enjoyed my martinis and Cosmos. We very late in the evening played Pictionary...but as charades ...what FUN!!! Not even sure who won...everyone was laughing so hard it really didn't matter. Even though the moon was bright...we could see the Milky Way. We had very few Trick 'O' downtown was in full force so all the kids like good little zombies make their way there...and forsake the neighborhood candy givers...Oh BIG Party Kids had a good time...
Everywhere a guest turned I had things that moved and made noise, from flashing strobes to talking skulls, mummies that moaned to flying bats and big fat rats. What a Blast!!
So now that I sadly removed all signs that a crazy event took place....the memories will remain in my heart for a very long time...
I thought of you all and wished from afar that each and everyone had a Good Haunted and Fun Night...
Next Up...Bird Day!!!
Jodi (Wench/Pirate) Alwilda...