Hello one and all... Well it has been one heck of a March, and to be truthful I could not be more pleased that the whole month is over...now I am keeping everything crossed for a super dooper April!! I dropped off of (or out of...which ever is best) of Facebook....for at least a while...I found I could not concentrate on other matters and still maintain an active chat life (sort of like rubbing your stomach and patting your head at the same time sorta thing) ...so I stepped away from facebook...and decided to only chat here for a while...though I have not been very good at that either...UGH!
In a nutshell...My Mom and sister (both live in town near me) have been in limbo for the last few months ...living in apts they were moved to as their other apts were being remolded....a move within a move if you will...and for most this may not seem bad...but to understand how much crap the two of them own would give you all a very accurate idea of the HELL i have been in...helping to pack them both for the first move, than this move and yet to come...the unpacking!!!! Makes me want to set a torch to my belongings and go for the freedom of a paper sack suitcase and the road!! My Mom is 88 and very feeble of body now and my sister has many health issues...both find it hard to do a lot of things on their own...so that is where Jodi comes into play.... I love helping, and I feel the duty in it...but it always comes with such a price....in our case....our work has really suffered.... case in point, the doll listed here...and Easter Doll that won't end it's sale until the day before Easter....UGH Again!! I am off kilter and outta whack!!! Oh Well....
Then my Mom got very sick with a quick trip to the hospital...and another coming in a few days....I fear my dear sweet Momma won't be here much longer....and for that I am so sad....I will love her each second that I have left with her.... and my sis is not a whole lot better....
I had a few health things this last march...other than turning 61~~lol. Including a fall where I ratched my ankle and wrist! (move related) ... I have been in touch with so many friends and family that have also had a shitty (health wise) March.... Must be Mercury in Retrograde....
I am ready to move on...get those loud quacking Ducks in a row and raise and wave my Freak Flag at the world...
Miss you all.....