Well I am officially 'Blown Away' ... I have received a very nice honor from San at
http://sansdollhousediaries.blogspot.com/ ...
I am speechless...and as many of you out there know...that is a VERY rare occasion indeed! I have been honored with no less than '2' awards. Act one...scene two... "Jodi enters the room...she has a puzzled look on her face, she appears to be totally confused ...she wrings her hands and paces back and forth wondering what to do next" It is true...I am as I mentioned, a bit befuddled on what I am to do next...and I don't want to muck it up... I am guessing here (and from what I have seen on others wonderful sites) I now need to pass these awards onto 5 others...correct?? And also list 5 of my 'Addictions' ??? Heroin! Cocaine! Sex!...OH...not those...OOPS!!! I AM ONLY KIDDING!!!!!!! I kicked Cocaine YEARS ago..........ONLY KIDDING AGAIN.........
Hmmmmm to list 5 of the things I most enjoy and can't live without I guess is more of the object...
OK...here goes....
1.) My Richard...I have become severally addicted to him over these past 33 years (34 this June) ...he is the Best Love anyone could ask for...and my best 'laughing' Buddy ...we break down into laughing fits several times a day... he is always there when I am blue ...and keeps nudging me to move forward in everything in life...
Nope...can't live without him... I got a Big Richard Monkey on my Back!!!
2.) My Dog Tess...she is a real strong addiction. Warm and loving she makes us laugh with her wonderful antics, and makes us calm and comforted with her genuine nuzzles of love and devotion. This Pupper is truly addicting.
3.) Friends.... I would be nowhere in life without the addiction of Friends. Friends complete your circle and enrich your existence ... They are always there when you need them ..and sense when you are fine being alone. It is an addiction I am a much richer person for.
4.) Kayaking and our Tipi...I put those two together because somehow they seem so joined at the hip. We enjoy them the same but for different reasons...both bring calming pleasures and fill our lives with a true sense of purpose and connection with land and water. These are two addictions I don't care to think about being without.
5.) Dolls and Miniatures. An addiction I have had for a very long time. Dolls and Miniatures are a wonderful extension of who I am as an artist...which comes from way back to when I was just a few years old ...truly! I have always been into one form of art or another....and Dolls and Miniatures has filled my artistic life for the past 32 years ...bringing yet another level of fulfillment on my constant quest to discover and grow. Dolls and Miniatures are Richard's and My daily addiction ..one that we nurture daily .. and that keeps us wanting and needing more!
Now onto 5 sites I will pass these awards onto...
1.) http://oopsdesperateblogger.blogspot.com/ A dear friend for many years, a multi talented artist in polymer clay ...and one of the sweetest and most genuine individuals I have had the pleasure to meet. Please enjoy her wonderful Blog.
2.) http://woopitydooart.blogspot.com/ A Friend from the last few years... we met through our mutual love of everything Halloween and Witchy. Multi Talented with a dose of wicked humor and sense of all things spooky in Miniature World. Please enjoy her wonderful Blog.
3.) http://designsbyck.blogspot.com/ .. A VERY Talented Friend that I met while an EHAG Member ...and I am delighted that he remains close after I left the group. His many talents are wonderfully shown on his great blog. ENJOY his Blog.
4.) http://todaysgold.blogspot.com/... A site filled with magical things ... I am so happy to call her friend.. She is a lover of life and her passion is her Loving Pets Please visit and enjoy her Blog.
5.) http://voodoonotes.blogspot.com/... At last...I have found someone as NUTS as I am...but in a Very good way. We met when she 'phone interviewed' me a few years ago...and we chatted for no less than 2 hours...and laughed at least 1:45 minutes of that time... She is a brilliant, witty multi-faceted artist and tells it like it is...Please enjoy her brilliantly wacky and intelligent rants...