WARNING ...this is a Rant...not for the faint of heart . Sometimes a person just has to let loose....this is my time. I have at times been compared to a Sailor on Leave with all the... shall we say 'Colorful' expletives I can use in one sentence...some of which are still hanging heavy in the air just above my house... (by the way....no offence to all the sailors out there in Bloglandia actually I consider it a compliment) ...Having said that... I will spare you any of my colorful phraseology in this Blog Rant....
Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE TV's... I know I know ...they are a necessary evil at times...and they do offer a wonderful window to the world in your very own living room...so I should preface this rant by saying I don't hate the BOX itself...but rather the 'system' in which the TV doo hickeys have to travel to get to the box.... I.E. the DREADED Cable Company!!!!! This has been a long time coming and last evening the proverbial Ka Kee hit the fan.
VERY long story shortened to just this side of War and Peace.... recently Richard and I purchased a lovely 42 inch High Def TV... we were livin fat....had nothing more than a used funky tube for many years...this was just fine with us.... But they had a sale we could not turn down...Happy Happy.... BIG Picture....cool right!! Not really... seems our cable service is from the dark ages with few if any upgrades a year...so the wonderful picture we should be getting on this new (hardly could afford) TV was minimal at best ...as I stated earlier we were fine with small and easy...but when reaching for Higher Stars in the sky one must always risk getting singed a little....I can still smell burning hair...need I say more!!! So our service has been sub par at best...then yesterday we started losing our channels (HBO...and I can't Live without my True Blood) ....sorry I digress.... we called the Tech office for repair info...listened to the entire musical renderings of "Les Miserables"....5 TIMES before finally getting a bubble gum chewing really 'put out and bored with it all 16 year old that could care less....her most intelligent remark was "hmmmmmmm"....
She 'supposedly' made some in house adjustments, said turn it off for 20 minutes and like Magic...all will be fixed...and surprise surprise...it was.....for now!
We thought what the heck... few more 'stars' out there need touching so we 'upgraded' ourselves to a HD Cable Box to get the full effect of our New TV.... we hooked it up and readied ourselves for a night of amazement.... not only were the channels 'blurry' but we had only 3 of the 20 HD channels and no HBO...again I called ...again with the Musicals (this time I swear it was West Side Story) and it was 7 repeats.... another dopie girl...same answer of let me do some button pushing from my end....wait 20 minutes...MAGIC!!! Only the magic was somewhere else because now we had NO TV PERIOD!!!!! ...4 more phones calls and nothing better than we are having issues MA'ME ...NO &*$@!!!!!! They have finally deemed our plight worthy of a service call ...today.
Richard and I both agree we would be fine without a TV...probably get far more work done on our dolls and the stress level would be down I am sure....but now it is the principal of the matter... almost like a YOU WON'T DEFEAT ME!!!!!
Let them Make the Service Call, give us the excuses that we know they will and when he leaves Speed Dial DISH TV..... we have had it.
One more thought...remember the days when you were a kid...and your parents brought home the new 12 inch TV, a set of $1.98 Rabbit Ears and a 15.00 TV antenna.... Dad , Mom, and a neighbor or two would set it all up...like a relay, Dad on the roof, Mom at the window listening for directions, the neighbor making adjustments via turning the rabbit ears this way and that...and sis and I sitting patiently waiting for anything to come on the screen....and then with tears of joy a very fuzzy Milton Berle would appear...flickering light across the room ... relay from neighbor to mom to dad would announce that all was well.... then we would all sit and watch as if we were seeing life being born...wide eyed and totally engrossed.... lets face it, the picture was crappy...but we were happy.... ahhhhhh!!! those were the simple days...bought and paid for in one fell swoop... TV basically was free back then and we were just happy with what we got....OH...and back then we had neighborhood gatherings,the family took walks together, played games around the table, ate together and always shared the TV experience....good or bad...we were in control. Life then was simple...and I really really miss it a lot.
Thanks for letting me Rant a Bit .. I feel ever so much better