I don't know if it is the time of year or my over active imagination at work...but I swear lately I am having little 'visitations' in my Studio. I always seem to be a tad more 'in tune' this time of the year... hearing more and seeing more than say..in the spring, but lately things are getting really interesting.
I am always alone in my studio during the day...besides the TV and Tess wandering through checking things out ..I am alone (Richard is always on the other side of the house in his studio or in the shop outside....so the little thumps and items 'moved' YES MOVED!!! has to be something else other than Tess and Richard...or the TV for that matter (you have heard of the TV People...right!!) ...anyway... I have always been a sensitive individual who seems to pick up on little subtle changes , movements and oh so quiet noises...even as a kid they thought me part 'dog' with the high pitched sounds I could hear...
This all started last week , but I actually dismissed it as lack of sleep or too much work load... but I can no longer shrug it off as internal upheaval ... rather I think something has taken up lodging in my studio... and lets hope this 'something' is just passing through. Just so you know, I DO believe in the spirit life...and have over the years had many many 'encounters' ...thus causing me not to doubt that which I cannot disprove ... but over the last few years I have searched and searched for signs that I found myself missing... but alas, Nothing!! sniff sniff....until last week.
My studio is 20' by 20' , fairly bright with not much in the way of items that would cast shadows or forms on my walls... but non the less I have been catching movement and forms as I sit and sculpt. When I see something, I sit very still and wait for movement again...and sure enough, it is there. Even Tess will bolt from a sound sleep and look in the very direction of the movement...spooky, right! Then there are the muffled sounds (always heard when TV is OFF)...I can imagine what might be happening while the is TV on! Not a voice, not a moan...just a sound as if to let me know it is there. Then there is the 'feel' ...walking back into the room from visiting the kitchen or computer room... the feel that someone was just there, have you ever had that feeling? Like their presence is still hang heavy on the air , yet they are already gone...wow, that is an intense one! Lastly...items moved...but only certain items, ones that I use seldom or have any reason to move yet they are moved to odd spots, I always find this very amusing, like, if I were a spirit what would I move to get attention and or send a message...so of course I am reading much into the items chosen to be moved about.
I am not yet calling it what I suspect it may be...I will wait and watch for other signs ... and then deal with it. I must admit I am rather excited as I have missed any contact or connection to the 'other side' over these years...admitting too, I was profoundly disappointed when we moved into this house 8 years ago ..only to feel 'nothing'... drat!!!
Like I said, not sure what it is, or really even if 'it' is something ... but if it is not anything, than it is doing a pretty darn good job of pretending to be something... OK...that DID sound like the ravings of a Loony Woman...sorry!!
I will keep you up on any new happenings and why I think it may be here....visiting!