Friday, October 26, 2007

Full Moon and Smoke filled Sky

Another morning in lovely Havasu... but what is different this morning... the skies are filled with a smoke of the terrible Calif wildfires.... even though the smoke is high and the smell barely reaches our sences ... it is enough to mute the sunrise and bring the realization close to home of what an aweful thing this fire is... Nature can be very cruel at times... she gives and she takes. On the upside, bad things like this have a way of bringing out the 'good qualities' in man... makes him more united in a way he seems to forget in quieter times.

Last nights ' ALMOST' Full Moon seemed even more spectacular...our entire back yard was glowing and in the center of it all...our Tipi. It shone a beautiful glowing white/blue and beckoned us to sit inside ...which we did. What a joyful relaxing thing to do just before retiring ...slept like a baby!

More work today on our latest commission...getting ready to hand color some skieved leather for her clothing...also hand paint miniature feathers.... beading is next!

This weekend we are busy working on the Tipi lining and flooring....
Have a lovely weekend one and all... Greet the Sun, speak kindly of others and thank the Moon for showing you the way....


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