OK....I am not really sure if this is a good thing...or a very bad thing....but I have decided to paint my studio this weekend... dragging Richard (kicking and screaming) into this decision. I know it has been coming for a while now (I have promised myself this 'time off ' for my birthday present to ME)... but something weird happens when you actually 'go through with it' ...taking those first 'critical steps' that you basically can't return from...GULP!!! A million things go through your mind all at light speed, a gabillion Questions...and topping that list is 'WHY!!!!!!.... Well actually I know that's an easy one..."Cause"!!! ...actually, it is something I have dreamed of doing for a few years now... but I seem to find a million other things to postpone this task...until today!! No clear reason for not getting I have.
So having a wide open opportunity to jump right I sit on the computer...typing...
Can you say "P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N"....
Actually I started early this morning moving this and that...from here to there ...books, paint, fabric... big job. GEESH, it is ONLY two freakin would think I was painting the Sistine Chapel. Richard is not big on he has suspiciously and oh so conveniently started working on the car doing a tune up and other car like engine stuff...hmmmmmm....that little devil!!!
I expect it will take me the entire weekend to take it all down...paint...and put it all back that means...I don't have to cook...I can call for pizza...HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!!! Paper plate city...just give me my pizza, coffee and wine in the evening... and I am a happy painter.
Wish me Luck....
Jodi...the Conquer!!!
Don't forget to take before & after pictures Jodi, we want to be nosy! LOL
LOLOLOLOLOL ~ I know right?!
Happy painting the Sistine Chapel honey! '-)
PS: BIG B~Day hugs early!!! What is the actual "special" day???
PPS: Enquiring minds want 2 know!
SpOOky Hugs,
Me (-:
Yes, before and afters, please!
Howdy Debbie and Nikki...
Well...I think I might have pics before posted...(at least one of the walls)...but I have been taking pics of the whole thing so will post B&A ...if I don't take to my bed in a heap....almost finished 'moving stuff around'...
Hopefully in a few days it will look all better and I can post something good... if can reach me in the future at SunnyDale Sanitarium...Home for the Insane Artist!
Hey Chris....
Well I slapped on 'sample' splotches and now I am going through the..."OH CRAP...why did I pick this color" emotions... I have no patience...Richard came in smelling of gas and said one word" CHILL"...OH YEAH...what does he know....smelly gas man!!!
My old to even think about it..I seriousily ignore it...other than to buy myself a very good bottle of wine to have with does Good Wine go with Pizza...??
Anyway...Birthday ground zero is March 10th...and I am ONLY 29 (on one side)
29 and a few months huh :-)
You should get all your friends round, supply the pizza and wine and all let rip at it.
A pizza, painting and plonk party !
On the other hand that might put you into the sanatorium much sooner.
Yes Jayne...29 and some change!!LOL...
A Pizza Paint why didn't I think of that...but then, I know my friends...we would wind up listening to old rock and roll music, dance, drink just a tad to much, eat a few pizzas and end up sitting in the tipi...wall...what wall!!!
Sounds perfect :-)
Join Us Jayne.........
I'll get my coat :-)
Seriously I'd love to but I promise next time we are anywhere near LH I'll be there.
The warmer weather will be here very soon and it'll be soon be time to take the bike out for a blast :-)
D'ya like Elvis ?
Have fun!!
You know I have Been There, Done That. Very recently. I do not envy you this weekend. In fact, I'm still trying to get the courage to plaster the kitchen after the Big Redo. I will be thinking of you.
And, BTW, of course wine goes with pizza. Italian, remember? They drink wine with everything. Ginger
Hey Jodi, a good Cabernet goes with house painting & pizza.
If you add a little Vanilla Extract to your wall paint it will smell like German Chocolate Cake, perfect for your birthday... :)
I think I'll do something less glamorous for my birthday, like cleaning our hillside drain runoffs. Lots of nice mud & slushy stuff that looks like black quick sand with branches & a ton of leaves... :(
French Champagne goes with a mud bath right?
Happy Early Birthday Too,
See ya when you pass through...
Yes I do like Elvis..actually got to meet the man in about 1973 ...through one of the many different jobs I had while living in Vegas... a very nice guy...and wonderful singer.
Jodi is not the word I am thinking of when it comes to all of this...but then...I guess it could be...I have a big red clown nose in a drawer...I just might pop that sucker on and go for it...
Oh Ginger...what magnificent things you have done in your kitchen and house over these past few months task should not even be uttered in the same sentence with yours....
I bow to your achievements...
Have a Great Weekend
Vanilla in cool is that!!! Richard loves a good Cab... I am actually a Pinot gal...
Happy Birthday to you as well...may the Champagne flow like water ..
I love this! I love that blogging lets you into peoples lives and lets you "see" their personality! Awesome! You have me cracking up over here! I might just be the queen of procrastination. I pulled out the wips waiting to be completed that I might actually finish someday to blog about last week, I had over 60, yeah you read that correctly. woopsie! I have a HALF of a tree painted on my studio wall, what happened to the rest of it? Procrastination - at it's finest!
The pizza, coffee, wine, combination makes me a happy anything!
Great luck Jodi, Hope you will share pics when its complete :)
Big hugs,
Hi Sprite...
Boy we sound a lot alike... I think a 'Club' is called for...
I promise to add some pictures of the painting project soon...
I'll even post pics of the 'Things' I wanna do....
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