Thursday, April 16, 2009

This and a whole lotta That!!

OK this is gonna be one of those Blogs that is jam packed with This , That and the Other!! Seems like so much to say and so little time to say it. Sounds like I am going off to war doesn't it... well, almost.... Richard and I leave EARLY EARLY Saturday Morning to drive 12 hours up to my sisters house in Northern California to pack and load her up and move her back to Lake Havasu, AZ with us.... until she gets her own place close by. We are very excited that she is moving here...miss her like crazy. But last evening we did some figuring out and came up with stunning the 7 almost 8 years that we have lived in L.H. we have made 19 trips back to GV for visits with my Mom and Sister... '19' ... ZOWIE!!! That's a whole lot of 12 hour needless to say we are pleased as punch at the thought of her now being here and not there!! The car is pretty pleased as well. So we will be away from the computer for a week...OMG!!! I am sweating already...Richard is fine with is me who is the Cyber Junkie! But the sketch book comes with me again...a Great Audio book popped into the CD player , and lots of Road Food! Snack City!! ROAD TRIP... !!!!
So as I will be away...I am throwing things one here left and right as I will miss doing my daily posts... sniff sniff.
The above pics are more blooms in our desert garden... The Flower is from the 'sharpest' 'meanest' cactus in our garden 'Opuntia Versicolor' It just scares people when they look at it...but it's flowers are incredibly beautiful. The lighter color pink is 'Opuntia Leptocaulis' a less vicious yet still 'ouchie' cactus. The third is our 'Bougainvillea' and Star Jasmine on our back patio ...both blooming like crazy right now ...the smell of Jasmine is so thick in the air...I love this time of the only lasts about 3-4 weeks...and I will miss a week of it... Richard HATES the Bougainvillea as the little dry bracks fall off and blow everywhere (mainly into his shop) ...pounds of them!! OOPS!
OK...still lots to say...will post another post...hey, that's right , I can post more than one a day...WOW, just realized that...hee hee hee!!!
Jodi (the never quiet)


Debbie said...

Jodi a whole week without you! I hope the trip goes smoothly and just think no more 12 Hour trips..
The Flowers on your Cacti are beautiful and that Bougainvillea is fabulous. Can't grow that here, unless its in a conservatory. Is that one of your creations hanging on the garden gate?
I'll be back later to see your other post!

rosanna said...

One week is a LOT of time but how many things you'll have to talk about when you'll be back!! I think it's wonderful to have a family person living near us: I'm very happy for you. Enjoy your trip ( food and all), drive safely and a big hug to you both.

Tallulah Belle said...

Goodness me...on the road'll be outdoing us at this rate :-)

It will be lovely to have your sister close by though I am sure.

Your cactus flowers are beautiful...amazes me that plants that can often look so vicious have the most wonderful blooms.

Creager Studios said...

Hi Debbie...Thanks so much...keep holding those 'smooth running' wishes for us...we need all the good thoughts we can get... more of those long long trips.
Actually that piece on the gate is one of my favorite artists... for outdoor sculpture...George Carruth

See you when I return... keep a candle burning in the window for me...


Creager Studios said...

Hi Joanna...

I seems that all we do is go go go... and for two people that like nothing more than to 'stay home and hide' is truly amazing we go so much..

Glad you liked the flowers...

See you when I return


Creager Studios said...

Thank You so much Rosanna... a week is a long time away from my friends here...but as you say...I will have lots of tales to tell...

Big Hugs to You...see you when I return


Creager Studios said...

Hi Jayne...

I can hear Willie Nelson singing songs in my head.."On the Road Again...just can't wait to get on the road again" ...UGH!!

Yes...will be great having my sis closer... and the two of there for mom.

See you when I return
