I would like to take a moment here to introduce you to a friend of mine ...Pam Reinke. She is a local Lake Havasu Artist...that Richard and I have had the pleasure of knowing for several years now. Pam is talented on so many levels , it is hard to count them all...Artist, Writer, Philosopher, Photographer, Poet, Successful in Business and Athlete...just to mention a few. Her heart is a wonderful messenger for her words ... and she has the ability to open doors we thought locked in both our hearts and minds... Pam has very recently started to 'Blog'... and I for one am thrilled. Please take a moment to visit my friend Pam's Blog... It has become one of my 'centering' rituals each day....
Hey, there my wonderful litter mate! I will go check her out after I have thoroughly devoured what you have going on over here. I've been busy as you could see [THANKS for celebrating my 100th with me] but also going through a bit of a medical side trip.
I'm doing MUCH better now and will have more of my attention span back... Oh geez, Jodi, did I just type that? Now I'm committed to paying attention. egads!!!!
WE are still attached at the hips. When I take Superman to the southwest for his first grand tour, we will have to drive through LH to see you. I know I would never want to leave your amazing studio. Cept maybe to take you & hubby out to dinner... ;-)
I am honored Jodi, to be included here...to be spoken of...Gosh... so reverantly and I am honored mostly that you call me friend! Thank you for this plug. I hope to live up to it...admittedly tho , not much of a photographer, most come from Ed! (Who I failed to give credit to...whoops)
Hey There Lille....
Dang, did I ever tell you how much I Love your name...well, if not...I DO!! Hope you are feeling right as rain and that things are all headed in the right direction...
You will love Pam's Blog...she is bright and witty...much like you...I adore it when I find fun interesting people who write clever inspiring words...
Would LOVE to meet you one day...please if you ever do plan to pass this way... give a hollar...of course you are gonna wanna wait till fall...122 here today...YIKES!! And also fall we can sit in the tipi with a nice warm fire and chat...
Hey There Pam...
Heck...I am honored that YOU are honered...LOL. I love your writings, your thoughts your wisdom... and I must love your art as I have 2 pieces that hang in my home... Artists are just the Best People....
I feel everyone should check out your wonderful blog... lots of Positive vibes there...we ALL need that these days...
Hugs to my Friend...
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