Friday, July 24, 2009

Something is Afoot once again in Blog Land


SusannaT said...

I feel your pain and frustration... mine has gone too. Or did they simply turn invisible..hmmm...

nikkinikkinikki72 said...

I too have the same issues and whats even more frustrating is that if at least one drop of rain falls i lose my internet connection.
I have to do every post as quick as lightening, comment leaving is few and far between, and that's if the blogger gremlins allow me.
If i had a magic wand out it would come and a swishing around i would go.
But i can see your follower list, unlike over on my blog where i seemingly have no friends.

Debbie said...

Jodi fear not your follower list is back again..x

Creager Studios said...

Hi Susanna...

Weird isn't it!!...I have been in touch with several this morning that seem to be having the same issues.. hmmm, never thought of the 'Invisibility Aspect'....ZOWIE...could it be!!

Have a Great Weekend

Creager Studios said... too Nikki... seems this is global...AHA!!! The Gremlins are working over time...the little nits!!

Keep fingers crossed...

Hugs for a Great Weekend


Creager Studios said...

Hi Debbie...

No Way!! Let me go and check....

Well I'll be Hornswaggled if it isn't back up...after 2 days...WOW...and no flying Monkeys!! Thanks for letting me know...just an FYI...I looked at yours yesterday and they were gone as well....

Hugs for a Perfect Weekend


Creager Studios said...


If they say it is fixed and you still don't see your followers...try cleaning out your cache, temporary Internet files, history...seems to reset and make it come up again....


Caseymini said...

Jodi, I tried cleaning out twice this morning. I still don't have mine back. What is more, I still can't see yours. I have two new followers and I have no idea who they are. The King of Bloglandia needs a good thrashing. We blogging pesants should revolt if there were a way to reach him.....That's even more frustrating. There is no way to reach him in his ivory tower.

Tallulah Belle said...


I am having the same problems as well :-( I have given up on it the last couple of followers, no one for me to follow, unable to leave comments etc etc.

Got more work done though :-)

Bearly Sane said...

Mine got 'napped about a week ago but has been okay since...I just figured Google were upgrading or something similar...goes to show what little I know. LOL!!!

LDWatkins said...

I may be the only one who did not know that you can back up your blog's posts, but when I discovered that I was a happy camper. I'm not sure about restoring if you did lose the whole thing, but this backs it up to your hard drive. If anyone knows a better way, shout it out!!

Creager Studios said...

YEAH!! Casey...I at last see your loyal Followers... Guess the king looked down from his 'tower' and saw the pissed off villagers...a good thing!!

By the by...I LOVE your method of 'stone work' for your fireplace... VERY cool!!


Creager Studios said...

Well Zippity Doo Dah Jayne...looks like your Followers are back...yippppeeee...
P.S. Glad you enjoyed your small surprise...remember I am always here if you need anything


Creager Studios said...

Glad you are up and running Sandi... Great News....



Creager Studios said...

Hi LD...

Not sure about that either...the backing up thing...I am sure on the main frame level but not sure individually...
Nice to know that backups do exsist...


Caseymini said...

Jodi, I think it depends on yours being fixed to see someone else's followers list. I still can't see my own either on the blog or on dashboard! As April used to say when she was little, "I am flusterated!" I'm still hoping that the King will smile down on me. Maybe tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

I know Jodi ... Right now it says I'm not following you BUT I WAS!!!! Now I have to do the follow thing again..

That seems to be happening alot....

Marja said...

We are backkkkkkkkkk ;-))

Creager Studios said...

Hi Marja...

I just noticed that a bit ago....they took their sweet time, but I can't is great to have everyone back..miss all those lovely smiling faces out there...

Thanks for letting me know...

Have a Great Weekend
