In-Between all the hassles of life that have been hurdled in my direction lately...we did take time out on Saturday Evening for a small gathering to celebrate the 40th Birthday of Woodstock!! and what a fun time we had...Good Food, Good Wine, Good Talk ...and even a Cake!! Our good friends Kate and Tony joined us...it was all rather impromptu , just the way I like gatherings to be. Kate and Tony are from New York (living in Havasu for many years now) and Kate...bless her heart...was in the middle of the Whole Woodstock Nation...enjoying the 3 day festivities...and boy, what tales she can tell. I never went to Woodstock...wanted to very badly and came close...but the ride I had back there 'canceled' out (and YES...it was a Volkswagen Van)!!...so I instead headed to Southern , California (much closer) for my summer of Love as they called it...lol!
A&E has been running a wonderful 2 hour tribute to Woodstock ..and the new movies comes out next weekend...can't wait!!
About as close as I got that summer was to see the New York Broadway traveling Show of 'Hair' at the Aquarius Theater in LA... it was FANTASTIC!!!!
Yes...we did wear flowers in our hair... wore love beads (Kate is wearing her original ones from Woodstock in the picture) Bell Bottoms, gave the peace symbol every 10 minutes, smelled like Patchouli and did other fun type things of that period....it was innocent and we all seemed to be happy back then... a very creative time for many artists....
Happy Birthday Woodstock ...and "PEACE"...
Hugs Jodi
I celebrated by playing Buffy Sainte-Marie, Crosby, Stills & Nash and Joni Mitchell CD's in my studio. I was still in high school during the summer of love and was lucky I could drive to the next town...parents were very protective. However, my sister, who was going to school in San Francisco was lucky enough to attend the concert in Monterrey.
I was there in spirit and am still a child of the 60's.
I only found out the other day that the Jimi Hendrix experience played on Hastings Pier way back then......that's Hastings, East Sussex, England, where I now live!!!
How's that for happenstance?
You are all so beautiful and smiling and I'd have liked so much to hear all your tales!
Didn't go to Woodstock, tho' I admit to wearing Patchouli and flowers in my hair ... but I was more into the Mama's and the Pappa's than Joni Mitchell!
I hope things are calming down for you Jodi. What a great way to say goodbye to the cr-p!
Have a magical day tomorrow.
TOO FUN Jodi and you guys look like you had FUN!
Chris :-)
What a wonderful idea for a get together.
I am too young to have gone too Woodstock or lived though any of this. The only time I wish I were older is when I think about all the bands I missed out on seeing. Not quite the same to see them second time round on their 'We've run out of money so are having a reunion' tour.
I still did the patchouli and flowers in my hair though...didn't care if I was a decade too late lol.
Woodstock was broadcast on British TV once when I was a child and was on way later than TV normally went on for at that time. My Dad insisted I stay up to watch it as it was 'educational'.....I fell asleep at school the next day and he has some explaining to do there...I was maybe about 8 years old lol
Born in '63, wore the love beads and bell bottoms and had the long hair parted in the middle but missed the whole lovefest that was Woodstock. I always associate the Sharon Tate/Manson murders thing with that for some reason. But, oh well--Happy Woodstock Day!
Mini Leaps and Bounds
Hi Georgina...
Sorry for the late reply...been out of town...
OoOOo you just named three of my favs singers and music... those were great times for music....
The Monteray Pop Festival was glorious...
Hi Sandra...
Sorry for the late reply...been out of town....
I think we are all still children of the 60's... that's what that period of time did for us... kept youth and freedom forever in our hearts...
Hi Rosanna...
Sorry to not reply sooner...been out of town for a few days...
Thanks so much...we had a wonderful time with many tales...each so different...our friends are from the east, and Richard and I are from the west...but still our tales of the times are so simular...
Hi Sandi...
Sorry to answer so late...been out of town for a few days...
Both great groups...loved the Mama's and Papa's...saw them when they were just starting out... ahhhh those were the days my friend...we thought they'd never end!! lol...
Hi Marie...
I went to Prescott, AZ to find the magic...and there it was...just waiting for me....
Relaxed and refreshed....
Hi chris...Sorry for the late reply...been visiting the mountains and cool weather in Northern , AZ for a few days...
Ahhhhhhh. We did have fun at our gathering...as much fun as it 'looks' like...lol!
Hi Jayne...
Your Dad sounds really Cool!! I Like that..."Watch Woodstock on TV...it's educational"..lol! Great Guy...
Hi Jody...
Sorry for the late reply...been out of town for a few days...
Actually I still wear flowers in my hair at times....I actually am growing my hair again after many years of short hair just because I wanted to travel back to those days for just a bit...now wearing once again all kinds of things in my hair...lol!!!
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