Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Popping On to Say "Hey"....and that I am still here...

I Always feel bad when I have not been here in a favorite place on the Internet...My Blog. I think of it daily and try like heck to get to it all the time...but it is that old devil time that keeps me tied up! I pop on Facebook and write little bits here and there ...but my Blog...I like to 'linger' talk up one side and down the other...the only place on the Internet where I feel the freedom to chat longer than 1-2 sentences and people actually listen...or not...does not matter...I just like to ramble if only to myself!!
Richard and I have been seriously tied up on our newest piece and the focus level has been really put to the test with our torn up street and loud trucks, backhoes, grinders, smoother's, blenders and any other kind of 'ers' there are out there...they are on our street... I have been trying to tun most sounds out...with Jazz, Blues and Ella...always Ella! Working pretty we are making good headway.
This morning there was actual quiet...thought for a brief moment I had gone deaf...but then heard birds knew all was well...but the Birds drew me outside on this lovely spring morning ...only to see the beauty that I almost over looked in my backyard.... Blooming Blooming Blooming!! Our Opuntia's are going nuts...and this is just starting, Jasmine and Bougainvillea are over the top and the front yard Agaves are after all these years Flowering...providing delightful little individual cups of sweetened Agave Syrup for the Hummingbirds to feast on...and feasting they are!! When finished flowering and providing nectar...the plant goes bye bye...very sad that such a large plant dies...but all the joy it gave to human and critter kind is quite a legacy....more will follow.
The Cutter bees are going nuts on the opuntia flowers... almost drunk with ecstasy while wallowing in the Pollen Joy... and the hummingbirds dart all around almost pushing you out of the way to get to their sticky gold....
It is funny.... I have been so focused on work lately...that I almost let these little moments slip by...I am so glad that today was quiet...a quiet that drew me outside thus introducing me once again to nature happenings in my own yard... made me smile, happy, rejuvenated and fulfilled....
Still Smiling!!


Tallulah Belle said...

Oh Jodi I was just this second thinking of you. I posted a pic of a plant I don't know on my blog and came back here to check my dashboard and here you were :-)

if you get a mo to check it out I'd really appreciate it.

I think it might be an agave which is what made me think of you and yours. It has the strangest flowers. I had no idea they died of then though. That is awful as I have 2 that are just huge.

Hope you get some more peace and quiet. We stopped off in Laughlin on our way back from NM and I with all the kids there on spring break I thought of you then too. Honestly I am not mind stalking you :-)

Can't wait to see the new project.

Love the pictures...our hummingbirds are going crazy as well but our garden is such a wreck it'll be a wile before we attract anything else.

Unknown said...

Amazing flowers! ~ Deb

LDahl said...

Sounds like you went back to work at peace with the world.:)

Cia of Briarwood Studio said...

Love your spring pics!


Debbie said...

The Flowers on the Cactus remind me of Peony. Absolutely beautiful. I have no flowers in my Garden Jodi, the Ponies have devoured them all. LOL

Wendie-kins said...

its that age age-old adage of remembering to take time to stop & smell the flowers .... which is fine as long as you dont get a bee up your nose LOL I was going to put some pics on my blog of the pretty things in my garden but they are dull in comparison to the beautiful flowers that you have! its such a shame they have to die off tho :o( glad you found some peace & quiet again after all those roadworks x

Debby said...

Look at all these beautiful photos.

Creager Studios said...

Hi Jayne...Wonderful to hear from you...hope your trip was fantastic...I look forward to reading about it and seeing pictures. I popped over to your blog to answer the question on "What is it"? Actually Richard and I both looked and 'HE' answer... he is the plant guy.
OoOOo Laughlin at Spring Break...almost as bad as Havasu...UGH!
The new project is a fun one....lots of work on Richard's end...


Creager Studios said...

Hi Deb...Great to see you...

They are pretty amazing flowers that cactus and agaves grow... amazing plants themselves but when they flowers ...takes your breath away.


Creager Studios said...

Hi LDahl...
Yes indeed I did... all seemed in place and my center was found. I have not been out much due to the noise was nice only hearing Birds and Bees...


Creager Studios said...

Hi Cia... Great to see you here... you have some lovely spring pics on your blog as well...
Spring is such a wonderful time... when all manner of critter and plant seems to don their finest and 'struts' their stuff'


Creager Studios said...

Good Morning Debbie...

I am sitting here very early in the morning chatting with my friends here in Bloglandia and drinking a most lovely cup of English Tea given by a very good English Friend....HUGS!!!!

Flowers to ponies must be like the cherry on top of the cake to kids!


Creager Studios said...

Hi Wendie...

OooO ya don't wanna get anything 'buzzin' up yur nose...that's for sure. They were all around me... way to busy to stop and sting...most would freak at this...I love the energy the bees give off. was perfect...I did 'stop' and smell (albeit photograph) the flowers ...and it was good feeling.
It is sad that the mother plant dies...but as in life...she often leaves behind 'babies' in the form of seed pods , bobbles, or 'pup' plants.... so in a way...she goes on.


Creager Studios said...

Hi Debby...

Great to see you.... Thanks so much, the flowers are pretty beautiful and though I already have CD after CD full of past year shots...I always needs more each new year...


Tallulah Belle said...

Hey Jodi

Thanks for the help....he was right :-) Now I can figure out what to do with them all.

I think it is so sad they die...spend all that time getting ready to flower then poof :-( Nature is fascinating.

There are some pics of the trip to NM on my blog if you go back a few posts.

Tell Richard the visit to the Trinity site was totally worth it. There isn't much there other than a monument and the ranch where it was assembled but still worth it to just stand on that piece of land and contemplate life and what ifs.

It is open the first Saturday of the month in April and Oct each year.

We got the last hotel room in Socorro so book a room early lol. Lots of people go but as it is just a big piece of land it didn't feel crowded.

Laughlin wasn't that bad and at $23 for a nice hotel room and free drinks I wasn't complaining :-)


Creager Studios said...

Hi Jayne....Ooooo Richard wants to go to the trinity site in the very worst way...we may shoot for October... odd to me, maybe it's a guy thing... I would rather go to Roswell and see the!

So where did you stay in Laughlin for only 23.00?? zowie!!!
We are going up for the Earth Wind and Fire Concert next month...may check it out.

I will pop over to check out your blog and photos...


Dan Metalmadcat said...

m_) I always feel kind of bad when I can not keep track of every-single blog on the entire universe of art that I happen to follow, in one way or another. But hey here I am back posting yay!

Tallulah Belle said...

Hi Jodi

Yes I guess the whole nuclear thing is a guy thing generally. I was raised watching programs on quantum physics and the like so am used to it. My dad thought he could turn me into a scientist lol.

Roswell was disappointing to be honest. You can't get to where it was supposed to have happened and the old town is pretty run down. I think it only survives on junky shops selling cheap alien stuff. The museum was OK but not much else there.

We always stay in the Colorado Belle. It is nice, generally about $40 a night and right on the river. They had a jazz / blues thing going on outside...bands, booze, BBQ etc and it was Easter Sunday so no idea why it was so cheap. We met a woman who stayed next door in the Edgewater and she paid $17 lol

Enjoy E W & F - that sounds like fun.