Naughty Naughty Naughty Jodi for letting one complete Month go by without posting a single word here on what is truly my favorite place to jot down thoughts!!! Those of you who read me on Facebook will probably say "well Jodi, you seem to do a fair amount of Chatting over on Facebook don't you, THAT appears to be your favorite place to hang out...explain yourself!!!!!"
Well true be told ...and I am pretty sure I may have mentioned this already once of twice here...My Blog is my 'Freedom Spot'... it's ALLLL Mine and I can say and do as I please ...from designing the layout to jotting down thoughts... this space is my sanctuary and truly is my favorite place to just chill and enjoy Your Company!! Facebook (in analyzing it) is a 'drug' that you get and give in small doses to and with so many...they seem easier to find and to find you! But though many spill their inner most thoughts there ...it always seems to be in smaller more condensed form...where as a Blog ...you can go on and on and on and on ...BREATH...and on and on and on and on...BREATH...on and on and on...you get the picture!! Here I feel like I am really talking with friends in a very friendly format , like sitting down with a cup of coffee, a few cookies and the latest happenings in all of our lives... I don't get that same feeling over there. Though I will admit it is easy to get 'hooked' on that particular drug called 'Facebooktesy'... between old friends from High School or past life acquaintances, Old boyfriends , New friends, causes, organizations, Liking this and that, all that 'poking' and prodding ... Fanning this and grouping with that ...Facebook is a very hard drug to kick... it's easy, widespread and keeps you unbelievably curious to find out more...
I really have decided that I need to chill more ... and ...Work More!! (believe it or not I can easily chill when wrapped in work) ...and I am actually having a hard time with the 'socializing' aspect of my life and also getting the work done that I want...no...Need to get done!! So I always say, somethings got to give... so keeping fingers crossed and if the Art Gods are Willing... I will 'peel' myself slowly from the clutches of FB and devote more of that time to my beloved Blog and Art that I am craving to create.
So how's that for a 300th Post... I have so much more to yammer about but my new doll is calling ... she has a touch of Halloween to her...which is making the old Halloween Juices Flow Again after a long hot summer of being dormant ... this is the Best Time of the year...the coming of Autumn...
Hugs To All 'Blog On'
Here Here! My sentiments exactly!
... So, pass the cookies please, and yes, I take cream and sugar in my tea. :-)
Looking forward to your next spectacular creation! :-)
~ Deb
Te he visto por el Facebook y tienes razon.
Pero ahora ya va siendo hora de que subas algun precioso trabajo.
Me encanta Halloween y espero ver tu nuevo proyecto.
besitos ascension
Hey There Deb....
Passin the cookies and Tea...cream in tea, my fav!
It's good to be back
Dear Ascension..
You are so right, precious time is easy to lose... and work suffers.
¡Que guapa has acudido a la reunión del blog!
Esperamos tus trabajos y esa muñeca en concreto.
Besos Clara.
Thank You Clara....I am hoping to get lots more work done...I am inspired lately...always a good sign
well finally, the withdrawls have subsided, and you are back with us! I completely erased my facebook page...twice haha It is addicting, and drug like in many ways, but I, like you find it as a distraction. I got "into" face book as a way of keeping a daily tab on my eldest daughter. but we now communicate more and more through emails, phone ect..so Face book is out the door once again. The remainder of my children are right here within 5 miles of me, and I see, and or talk to them daily, so I know what is going on in their lives, and somedays wish I didn't haha But for me, my work suffers when I get caught up in the who said what to whom thing on FB. The blog world is very different for me. I can always find inspiration, a great quote, beautiful creations,a good friend, someone to listen as well as talk to you! so friend, stay your butt over here where you belong!! and get to work! We creagerettes are dying to see some dolls! XOXO Christel
Blog beats FB 1000/0.
Blogland is exactly what you said, a nice, peaceful place where share thoughts, feelings, works to common minded friends. I love Blogland as I much I distrust FB. That's why I do not have a FB account anyway. Now I cannot wait to see the new doll, I already know that I'll love it ! Minihugs, Rosanna
LOL Jodi!!! Yes facebook is like a drug... you don't want to like it but you do!!! You don't want to go there but you do!!!!
I sent oout the masks today.. hopefully by Thursday you'll receive them!
I loved chatting with you on FB....
Glad to see you back posting in the blog world!!! I'll look forward to seeing your new Halloween creation...I know you LOVE Halloween!!!!
Bugs & hisses
Good Morning Christel...
It's Great to be Back!! Thanks for the warm Welcome... I agree with all that you say about Facebook... hard to resist but a great way to keep in touch... Thanks again for such sweet words
Hello Daer Rosanna...
So great to be in touch again...missed you.
I totally agree with you about Facebook...I like that 'Blog Beats Facebook 1000/0' LOL...
Hi Pat...
It is a drug...one that I am finding hard to resist...but resist I must (at least a little bit...lol)
OoOoOo Masks...YIPPPEEE!!! Yours is going out today...
Hi Patty...
Thank you my friend. Well NO ONE enjoys Halloween more than you do...I may come in second! lol...
It is great to be posting again.
Not sure what's up but I have this sudden urge to do all kinds of things I have not done in a while...doll ideas are flooding in, now, let's see if the old body can keep up!!lol
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