TSK TSK...yet another weekend filled with Promising Down Pours , threatening light shows and booms from the sky that make your hair stand on end... but nary a drop fell on the old Creager Homestead!! Now there were rumors floating around that my Mom and Sis got a nice little pouring at there place...less than 1/2 miles away and another on the northside..even closer... but if we wanted to feel any moisture here we would have to tie the hose to the fence and run back and forth under it till satisfaction was achieved!! I told Richard...we need to become 'Storm Chasers' only in this case 'Rain Chasers' listen to weather radio and then hop in the car and drive like a bat out of hell towards the moisture if we want to enjoy any summer rain this year. We have tried washing the car as the clouds were mounting, we have set out wooden ware on the pool deck, hung up laundry on the line, planned outdoor event...and purposely did not patch a small hole we have in our patio roof...just in hopes that all of these 'PLEASE DEAR GOD DON'T RAIN' signs would send a signal...to Rain!! But alas..it was all for not!! The clouds Billow and poof....explode and erupt from inside with a light show to rival any fireworks display, we get that Red Sky in Morning Sailor take warning view out our window almost every day...nutin!! The air is so heavy with humidity you can achieve a fairly decent 'facial' just heading to the market...'Nada a Droppa' .... I even suggested to a local artist friend that we gather as a group of disgruntled individuals down at the edge of the lake and actually hold a 'Rain Dance' ...I mean, what could it hurt...right!!
I know many this summer have realized an over abundance of rain across the country...and I should not complain and wish for anything 'big' ...but when you live in a place that is dry and hot as Western AZ ...rain is like a blessing during these almost unbearable months ...like little individual wet gifts from on high... we love it, the plants love it the air loves it... this has been our driest summer since we have moved here close to 10 years ago...
All I ask for is a few kind drops...is that to much to ask??
So in-between waiting...I catch snaps of the storms all around us...very close... I swear in that one cloud shot....I see 'a laughing face'!!!!! UGH
Dry as a Bone in my Havasu Home Jodi
I will not tell you of the rain we had then, because that would be cruel. Crueler still that we're near Kingman, Az and had hail and the sort of big fat drops of rain that hit the dirt so hard it causes little dents every where. I won't tell you that a lovely big puddle formed and stayed long enough that I was tempted to make a paper boat and launch it on the puddle. :)
Next time it rains we'll see if we can push it down Havasu way, just so y'all can have your fair share of showers. haha :)
See...you live in a place we thought "Hey...let's get in the car and Drive to the rain"... Very frustrating to know it is all around you...grrrrr.
Glad you are enjoying ...glad someone is!! Next time...think foundly of us as the rain drops tap dance on your roof tops!!!
OMG Jodi I got my goody box today and was I ever thrilled!!!! Thank you so much for everything!
I love the troll : ) The bracelet and both pins... which are so totally cool! Also the cool skeleton mask! The hand with the eye and skeleton!
You don't know how much you have made my day!!! And I've had quite a day~
Thank you so much~ and yes I will see you in Denver for NIADA next year! God willing!
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