Monday, November 5, 2012

Howdy Everyone in Bloglandia.... Here I go again with the apologies has been ages since I have been excuse really other than I get so darn busy I forget the enjoyable things to do...and also this has been on e WEIRD Year for me....Losing my Mom, not being able to focus as well on work, a million and one projects around the house , a brutally Hot Year here in Arizona and on top of everything else....we are discussing a Move to Oregon.....and though I am jazzed at the prospect of a move... the mere thought of packing up two shops and a big studio plus all my household stuff makes me want to run and hide and shake and quiver...a very scary thought.  Good news bad news kinda thing.  Richard and I have reached our limit with the hot summers here and lack of culture...we both crave a place where we can got to small art shows, hear local musicians while chomping on a burger and sipping  wine.... to enjoy these things we must now travel to Las Vegas or Phoenix.... each 3-4 hours....UGH!  I adore my house but, am willing to look again in an area I am truly happy.  If we could we would move at the beginning of the year but we have a few things to do to the house and then there is that pesky little task of 'selling' it.... with the market...who knows. So we are setting our sights on 1-2 years....EEEEK!  So in the meantime we sit and dream of greener pastures (literally)  and new opportunities. I look forward to a weekly growers market, great stores and Yes, even the possibility of selling small art pieces at a local art/craft fair....something we have not been able to do in years and years.... So gang, this is what we have been up to.  We have made a few dolls since August, mainly commission work and a few for EBAY... This one above is Called Princess Buttercup....a little girl dressed for Halloween  with her Fairy Godmother Ogre... We also made a miniature (1:12th miniature scale)   Witch , babysitting 3 tiny Monster Babies.
I think I am ready to get into Christmas....Santa's, Christmas Elves, Christmas Carol characters, and a few commissions of Harry Potter.....

Hope everyone is enjoy their fall time.... Thanks for hanging in here even though I am SO HORRIBLE at posting these days...I will I will try harder....



Marisa said...

We did something like that when we moved from the west to the east. it was a job and a half but we sold everything we could on Craigs List before the move.

onbeingaminimum said...

I don't mind the gap between your posts as it is always such a pleasure to be able to see your truly wonderful creations. Now I need to go back, enlarge and drool!!

Ara said...

What's great about blogland is you can pick right back up where you left off!! I wish you the best on your move! Wish I could come help.. I love packing and moving (which I have done my whole life!). Princess Buttercup as the cutest face! I just want to pinch her cheeks! hugs, Ara