Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Last Potter Piece for the Day...Argus Filch

I am so darned excited... a couple hours to go before we are sitting in our seats... you would think I was only 12 years old...well, maybe today....we ARE!!!
Anyway..just wanted to pop on our latest HP Piece to round off the HP 2 day slide show...
This is a commission , 1:12th scale Miniature... our version of Argus Filch and Mrs. Norris. By the by the lovely Mrs Norris was created by Miniature Pet artist Bridget McCarty ....we also used one of her wonderful kittys on our 'Fedelia Exeter...the delivery Witch' ...Bridget is so good at tiny animals ...I bow to her talents... and I stay with only the things I know best..making tiny pets is not one of them... thanks You Bridget!!!
Richard made the brass lantern ...even the center crystal part... the keys of which we did not have any one hand...he made those by hand cutting each out of a heavier art paper and then blackening each by hand...would have been easier to order...I know!!! have to find where to buy some good ones.
OK...I am off to ready myself to 'Magic Time' .... I have purposely not read any of the blogs today or even watched the news...I do not want to hear any 'early' reviews....fingers in ears....LA LA LA LA LA LA LA...I can't HEAR YOU.....LA LA LA LA LA......
Hugs to all
Jodi and Richard


Marie S said...

Have a good time and let us know what you think.
Since Howard falls asleep in the theater I will not be able to see it until it comes out on dvd.

rosanna said...

have a great time! big hugs

Debbie said...

Jodi, Angus is magnificent. Hope your having a wonderful time at the movie..xx

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Oh Jodi...spectacular!!
I love it when you are so darn happy too!
Hope it's grand!

Sue said...

oh my...Angus is brilliant!

You and Richard are brilliant!

Hope you enjoy the movie!

twinkle teaches said...

So realistic. This is super. :)

Bearly Sane said...

Super work!! I am still anxiously waiting to see this film, with a bit of luck hubby might get the hint and take me Tuesday!!

William Bezek said...

Again Amazing! I am curious, all the Potter pieces seem to be commissions - have they all gone to the same person?

Creager Studios said...

Hi Rosanna...

Oh...I to follow


Creager Studios said...

Hi Debbie...

I was in sheer heaven...


Creager Studios said...

Hey Oopsie...

Happy Happy Happy...that's me... at least for!
It takes the smallest things in life to make me do backflips of joy...


Creager Studios said...

Thanks so much Sue...

I realize he is a dark character and will not appel to all, and that's OK... we always must take the Dark with the light...makes for a good balance...


Creager Studios said...

Hi Tina...

Thanks a Big Bunch...I really am happy you like him...
Not for everyone I admit...


Creager Studios said...

Hello Sandi....

So nice to meet you and Welcome to my blog... Thanks too for the kind words...I LOVE your Bears...great work!

You will love the Movie....worth the small wait...


Creager Studios said...

Hi William...

Thanks so much. Most of our Potter People are made through commissions...we have put a few on EBAY early on. We have 4 different collectors who collect our HP Pieces... each really wanting different things ...some dolls, some accessories, some both...
One collector though has the lions share... and now wants a 'setting' to showcase them...which should be fun....our first!


Tallulah Belle said...

I've really enjoyed this little show of HP people even though I am not that into HP myself. Thanks for sharing.

A setting would be such a fun project for you :-)

William Bezek said...

Thanks Jodi, I was imagining what all your Potter characters would look like together. I'm sure they will be (in a museum) someday!

Lille Diane said...

Here you go again. Leaving me spellbound. I love the kid in you. I love your "tude" and the Atti that blissfully skips ahead being uniquely you. That's why we all adore you. You are YOU and nobody else! Now that is perfection.

I missed you, Jodi. I know, I know... I was the one out gallivanting around. I'm back! And it feels good to be home again. You are my hair-ohhhh-win.

Creager Studios said...

Hi Jayne...

To do a full setting would be sheer artistic heaven for us...we need to fnd a place to slip it in... working on a new formula for growing extra arms and head...even as I type this...

Will keep you informed on the progress...


Creager Studios said...

Hi William...

Actually it is funny you should say our big collector recently told us she has already made arrangments for pieces and setting to be placed in small independant museums... not sure where...but it is exciting to think about...I think that is every artists concern...after the 'piece' leaves my hands...where will it end up..

Thanks for asking...


Creager Studios said...

Oh Lille...

You always leave me with such warm fuzzy feelings of friendship...
I bask in your kind words and regain any self esteem I have lost along the way in my artistic and spiritual journey


Tallulah Belle said...

If you find a magic formula please share it :-)

I look forward to seeing any set you do end up making.

I started my first wire armature today...yikes !. I'll be studying your YouTube videos over the weekend :-)

And I am being brave enough (or stupid) to blog all of it...disasters and all :-)

Marcie Hart - A Work Of Hart said...

Fantastic!!! Now I Just have to go get my movie tickets!! Well Done! ;-)