I Lean to the Lateness of Time
Of this I hope not a crime
I'm gathering my Wits
Between Breakdowns and Fits
And resort to apologies in Rhyme.
All Balls are in the air at the moment and I am a few days behind in everything....OOPS! Name Picking from the Hat will happen next week... I PROMISE!!!!
Jodi... the Ever Behind!!!
LOL!!! Can I join the group of Ever Behind?
Is it that we are bad organizers or that we have so many ideas to execute?
I vote for the last
Did I put my name in the hat Jodi???
If not is there still time?
Eeek another week to hold our breath and keep everything crossed for luck . ( you should see John with everything crossed, not a pretty site he he!!!!) lol Kate and John xxdo
Me too !!! :) But no sweat if I am too late...!
hahaha time flies
you take it easy ..
The giveaway will not run away
We will stay here quietly and wait for you
x Marja
We will be waiting with bats breath, I mean bated breath, LOL!!
Is my name in the hat? Oh, dear, I don't remember missing it. Talk about being ever behind! LOL
Hi Marie...
Absolutely you can join...after talking to several other artists I am finding this is a larger club than I thought...lol
Howdy Pattee...
Actually everyones name goes in...at least all followers...so if you are a follower...you are in the hat...
Big Hugs
LOL Kate and John...
Not much longer....I am shooting for Friday... I wanted to make a couple of things and am running behind with that... tomorrow is my Moms 86th Birthday and I am taking her to lunch a movie and a fun girl day of silliness...now working tomorrow...
Tell John to 'un-cross' and breath deep...
Hi Sans...you are in the hat as well....
Hi Marja...
Thanks so much for understanding...I am shooting for this Friday...still gathering stuff
Hi Marie...
LOL Bat's Breath...I like that...perfect for the season...
Howdy LD...Absolutely your name is in the hat......
Big Hugs,
Oh, goodness Jodi, give your MoM a hugz and kiss from all.
Hope her day, well gee whiz, she deserves a month of CeLEBRATiON!
DiTTo on all said, i am always running behind, great rhyme btw.
hugz back
Is it to late, you're not the only one behind, but I just saw the giveaway,
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