OK...what day is it...where am I??? I swear if I was asked that question right now I am afraid the answer would be...DUHHHHH...HUH??? Been a Gremlin filled wickedly time stealing week!
Finishing this and that , working on goodies for my Moms and sisters Birthdays which are a day apart 9th-10th .... finishing up the Goblin...still have bits to do on him... UGH!!! (sorry for the serious lack of pictures) , no excuse other than... the dog ate my digital camera...yeah yeah...that's it!!!! BAD JODI...BAD...NO BISCUIT!!!
Halloween is TAP TAP TAPPING with a boney Skelly Tipped finger on my shoulder...reminding me every chance it gets that I am WAAAAY behind on everything ... and this was the year my ideas were running out my ears...I just didn't take into account the time factor...or the lack of time I should say... well Goobledee Goop and Black Bat Poop... I think I will sit quietly in the corner and eat a worm or two...!!!
On a Much brighter Note...I tricked Richard into letting me list on ETSY his WONDERFUL Train Prints... he is such a shy guy . I don't get to flaunt his actual Art Work very often... This just shows another side of Richard....he is a man who LOVES His trains...lol!
Oh...and I popped on another Gothic Hollows Pin...a Skull!!!
OK..off to see what trouble I can stir up...actually I am going to sit very quiet and finish a pair of hands...
Hugs to All
I just brought myself an early BiRTHDaY present for myself... *G*
Love the print. Beautiful detailed work. Ink or graphite? I did not know that he was into detailed drawings.
Years ago my husband and I took my mother and two CHeRUBs on a steam engine trip from my fair city to another city across the state line in a steam engine train, i have a print stored somewhere, that i really need to pull out and have it framed. It was a very memorable trip for us all, my husband and i wanted our kids to know about traveling on a train like we all use to do when we were kids.
I hope to see more of his work.
Thank you so much for sharing...
Those gremlins are out to get us ! mine have been time stealing for weeks and all of a sudden its friday again ! Feels like ground hog day LOL
Love Richards drawing.it is so wonderfully detailed, you can look and look and still keep seeing detail you hadnt noticed .
julie xxx
COOL skellie pin Jodi! :-)
Popping in to say hello & enjoy your weekend!
Love the print. Richard is very talented. :)
At least Halloween is waving a bony finger and not a claw!
tina :)
Write those ideas down girl!!!
I love this time of year for exactly this reason. Time seems to speed up and I have so many ideas.
I tell myself "you are eaxctly right where you are supposed to be." seems to help.
Richard (and you) are so talented. Are there warning signs around your studio?
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Joanna...
I am THRILLED that you bought that little skull pin...and even more thrilled that it is a Birthday Presant to YOU!! Happy Birthday to YOOOOOU!! It is being mailed first thing in the Morning...I am afraid I was unable to make it to the post office over the weekend...long story.
BIG Hugs and Thanks...you will love it...very detailed in person...
Hi Julie...so true...it does rather feel like ground hog day...lol!
I do find the older I get...the more Time seems the most important gift of all..ahhhhh to have a 48 hour day...heaven!!!
Hi Ya Chris...
So happy you like the Skellie...I popped on a few more just a few minutes ago... trying to work on a necklace. OoOOoo the other day I found myself in my guest room closet 'fondling' my Halloween decorations...can't wait o get stuff out...but have to wait a bit longer till I am further ahead on work...otherwise it is alll over for me...it will be play play play and no work...I will find myself living under a bridge somewhere with JUST my decorations...and a can of sardines!!!
Hugs and hope your weekend was spectacular!
So True Tina...
Better a finger rather than a Claw!!! Thanks so much for the kind words...I will pass along to Richard
Howdy Marie...
I write down stuff non stop...trouble is...I lose the papers..or rather misplace them...UGH!
I will never get them all done so must now carefully pick the ones I know I MUST do this season for my own sanity!!!
Hello Jodi...
I'm now the "Former Artist known as me!"
After finding your's and Richard's work, I see that I must remove all my art materials...pack them in an iron trunk...locked in a deep dungeon...carded by three fierce dragons...never to be seen again!
Your work is so beautiful, I've spent ages just looking through your old posts.
I don't know if you know this but...YOU ARE BOTH SO HORRIBLY TALENTED!
Of course, I should really hate you, but your posts are so funny and friendly that I just can't bring myself to...Oh no, talented AND nice!
That's just so unfair!
Think I'll go see if the dragons need feeding...
Hello Celia...
So very nice to meet a Fellow Pisces... No No...please don't lock away any Art Work and or materials ...never deprive the world of your wonderful creations...the world is only as happy as the gifts we give back to her...filling it with song and art makes the big blue marble smile sea to sea. Glad you joined, looking forward to chatting more...
Not to worry,Jodi, my BiRTHDaY is at the end of the month, on the 27th.
I just LOVe your work.
Oh, my Cecelia, DiTTO on the NOT locking away any Art work or materials, it is a life long journey, we are all at different steps and levels, with each one, growing and developing our skills.
hugz back...
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