OK ..I woke up this morning with desires of fall.... thought to myself...SELF...it's time to change your Blog Background and Banner...something I have been meaning to do for a while now..(along with getting new glasses...but you can see how far that got me!!...NOT!) So I threw a few New Fun things together as my 'Homage' to Halloween...at least for now...the corners might be turned again down the road... soooo what do you think???
I LOVe iT!!!
LOL! What FuN...
The one iNK SPoT really had me going for a second, wondering if that was a good reason to get a new iMAC. *G*
Great job, LOVe the SPiDER EATiNG LiTTLe girL... YUCK!
LOVe iT!!!
Thanks so much Joanna...
I have a 'thing' for bubbles (does it show!!! lol) so had to keep them only as bright Orange Halloween bubbles...
Love the little girl too..she looks so 50's and 'Bad Seedish!' That's what makes it fun!!!
Thanks Again
Lol - Jodi, i think i have been watching too many Addams Family episodes... my immediate thought being 'Wednesday'!! She loves spiders and the braided hair...! Love the new look! -ara
Hi Ara...
Zowie...she does look a lot like Wednesday Addams ...I didn't even think of that... I adored Wednesday...she was just macabre enough...plus...I too was born on Wednesday!! tee hee
Glad you like the new look...thanks for letting me know
Nice, very nice!!!
Boos and hisses!
Love it! Shudder.
Wish I knew how to do this! I haven't ever had the time to sit down and figure it all out!
I love it too! Especially the ink blot!
FABULOUS dahling!!! Love it!!! '-)
Creepy Cool!
Mini Leaps and Bounds
I love the bubbles and the ink spots but the spider..... that's too much for me! I hate spiders!
Howdy Marie...
Glad you like it...I am actually still playing around...if the spider freaks to many out...I might change to something else a little less Halloween Scary!
Howdy Moon Studios...
OooOo it gave a 'shudder'...could be a good thing...unless the spider ia waaaay to out there..
Thanks for the kind words...
Hi Cate and David...Thanks so much for the kind words and letting me know what you think...so not to over the top?? I could go nuts with the 'ink blots'...love stuff like that...reminds me of just how messy I really am...lol
Hey Chris...thanks so much..means a lot. So you don't think it's too over the top? Your blog is always so fresh and exciting...changing at just the right times...mine was getting way to stale for it's own good...change is good..right!! Even if it involves a small girl sucking on a spider!!lol
Thanks so much Jody...Creepy Cool is a very good thing to be...
Big Hugs
Hi Rosanna...
I was afraid that many might hate spiders...they can be very creepy little things and send shivers up and down the old spine...
Might change it yet again soon... just testing my Halloween Wings...
lol, besides the ugly spider I like the saying of the statue, it just poped in my eyesight the minute I opened the screen..love it!!
Could have been one of my thoughts ;)) or somethinf someone could say about me .....
I think that little girl makes the spider look tasty and yummy! ha ha
I had to gaffaw when I saw that girl devouring a Tarantula sandwich like some sweet zombie arachnid-eater from a bad 50's B-movie. You are one twisted cookie! And I love it...more...more!
I really like this new look...it kind of puts you in the mood for the turning of the year.
The little girl looks like my daughter...she loves spiders too!
Jodi the girl with the spider in her mouth is creepy to the bone....my kind of humor.lol
Hi Andrea...
I have those days...like the statue... usually in that position!lol...
Hi Denise...
Yes...must admit...makes me wonder what the spidy might taste like...chicken perhaps???!!!
Howdy William...
I adore those bizarro horribly bad 50's B Movies... I laugh through the whole thing...we used to have 'B Movie Nights' with a group of friends...tried to out do each other with badness...when there is wine involved some of them actually make sense!!
Hi Celia...
So happy you like the new look...I guess I should change more often...makes it fun!
Hi Marilyn...
Yes...it is rather creepy to the bone....I saw a big spider this more outside while having my coffee...but I must tell you...I had absolutely NO DESIRE to put it in my mouth...not one!!
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