Zing Zang Doodly Doo what a Bizarro weekend it has been!! From the stroke of 6:00 am Saturday Morning Richard and I have been going full tilt...and we are only now starting to cool down our jets! This weekend was Big 'Moving Weekend' for my sister...moving into her new Pad ...a very comfortable and BIG 'UPSTAIRS' Apt.... UGH! After months of having her worldly belongings in storage she is at last on her own ...and from what I can gather...she is loving it. Her initial shock of moving from a much cooler climate to the blast furnace called Lake Havasu (don't let the name fool you) ...seems to be wearing off nicely ...she now accepts fully that living in the 'Burbs of Hell' can be an OK thing.... well at least this is what i am guessing as her speech is only just now returning... and she is speaking with me again!
So we helped her move her 'stuff' ...actually the 'smaller' stuff ... she decided to give our backs a rest from moving her down here in the first place and she hired two MUCH younger stronger dudes who lifted the weight as if it were nothing... I must admit we felt a tad guilty as we are always ones to jump in with both feet and help do anything that needs doing... but we must admit again...this was rather nice for a change. The day was a mere sweltering 115 ... the last two pictures explain the hot desert quite well I think...Ice Cream Truck in Lake Havasu!! We dragged our butts home later that day ...thinking seriously of changing our phone number...but soon recovered enough for Richard to go over to our friends house that evening for his guitar lesson...I on the other hand remained prone. Next day we went back over and helped my sis with moving things around and setting things up.... lots of work but I know she is happy and that in turn makes us very happy indeed....
No work on Dolls this weekend except for a few hours late yesterday...finally found the time to finish the Goblin of Gringotts...which now needs to be mailed out and OOPS...photographed first...will post here probably tomorrow.
NOW...next up...the Giveaway.... going to my Moms tomorrow to deliver her new Recliner and at that time will have her stick her mitt into Richard's Bowler Hat to draw out a name...
SooOoOOo I will post tomorrow the name of the goodies receiver will be...
Again I do apologize for taking this long... life just keeps getting in the way of things I would much rather be doing...
I need to go A-Readin on the blogs....sooooo far behind on that as well...
See You Tomorrow
Oh...that heat's gonna look good to me this winter, but now........ How cool does it get in the winter?
Hi Lynda..
Great to hear from you. I know what you mean...the heat is pretty intense but come winter ...we crave it. Our winters here don't get that cold... that is the reason we have so many 'Snow Birds' winter here from much older climates. In the 8 years we have been here the coldest was about 35 (at night)...on average we run about 50-60 by day and 40 at night...in the dead of winter....so not bad at all. The big mountains in back of us do get snow on the tip tops at times...kinda fun to see...
I do miss winter snow at times and of course...the fall colors...
I love the heat on the high desserts, like a sauna, a nice warm heat.
Here in NORTHEaST FLoRiDa, we have the humidity, which is good for keeping your skin from drying out, it is like being in a steam room at times.
The winters sound heavenly there, we have what you call "WRAp and PeEL" days, where you bundle up in the morning and then peel off the layers in the afternoon.
We get snow birds down here also, and they freak out when it snows in the Keys and Bahamas.
At least your sister is settled finally!
Awesome funny picture though. If that fails to make a statement nothing else will lol.
Lol if that picture doesn't ghet the message across nothing else will lol. Awesome funny.
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