OK...40 million things happening at one time and I am at last getting to the posting on my blog of our Newest Project...a Chinese Rickshaw. It is a commission piece (yes, there will be dolls) for a collector of ours...
Richard made this from scratch it is 14 " long by 11" high (with top up) ...it wheels like butta, and turns on a dime. The elliptical springs are functional, the top and all hinges work ...he is hand carving now the seat for the Rickshaw. It eventually will be painted and detailed with a thin leather covering on the top....
If you want to see it come together I have posted pictures over on our PBASE Page there were to many to post here on the blog...
I am so proud of Richard...I have seen him make many things over the years but even this one blew me away....
Thanks for taking a peek....and as a PS...I got a shot of him in HIS BIBS!!!! hee hee...
Hugs to all
Jodi and Richard
BELLISSIMO !!!! Richard is SUPER !!!!and your craft room is wonderful. Hugs Rosanna
GRATZI!! Rosanna... I will pass along your kind words to Richard...he does love his shop...I should take pictures out there one day
WOW!! Richard is the master!! That rickshaw is going to be perfect!! He is amazing, isn't he!!
You two are a perfext match, your work is impecable and I ALWAYS am in awe when ever I see your work:)
An inspiration to many:)
Hi Jodi and Richard, I'm not good with my fingers, while my wife is much more into that, making fiber art, knitting etc. so anyway I am so impressed how you 2 guys can do these things so nice all the way down in the details and please send my warm greetings to Richard and tell him I'm so glad to see him in bibs, not least because for some reason, most of my overalls friends are women, don't know why ! perhaps either other men are just using bibs without thinking about it or too macho for my taste ! well, hope to get an opportunity to meet you live and see all your creations, anyway see you online next Friday ! best bibprofessor
o, wow this is stunning! all the details really, really wonderful job and on such scale, superb! and btw do you no what BIBS means in Dutch?
it is a shortcut for buttocks = billen, lol, have fun!!!
Incredible!! not only a work of art, but also a feat of engineering, can't wait to see it finished.
would love to see more workshop pics too :)
*Blink* *Blink* *Mouth Agape* WOWWWWWWWWW!!! Excellent job Richard!!
I need a bigger towel, I am still drooling.
Beautiful craftsmanship there Jodi! I can see why you are so proud of Richard. Actually looking at his photo, just for a minute and with a tiny bit of imagination, I thought I saw Santa in his Workshop!
Have a wonderful weekend, I look forward to seeing the final result.
WOW!!! Talk about shock and awe. The detail on your and Richard's work always amazes me, and this is exceptional. Mike was going to take up carving/whittling but just about cut his thumb off the first week. I had to take him to the ER to get it stitched up. So now he isn't allowed to handle anything sharp ;)
Oh wow....that rickshaw will be perfect!! Wonderful job!!!
Richards work just blows me away! All the time he takes to make sure every little detail is just right! Your lucky to have a wonderful art partner/Husband.
Jodi I'm sure your working just as hard sculpting the wonderful little creations for this set! I'll be excited to see photos of it finished!!!
Bugs & hisses
I've just found your blog. It is a true gem in the cyber world. I leave a small Swedish footprints behind me. I will be back!
Greetings from Sweden & Agneta
Richard, you Rock!
Hi Jacqui...
Thank you so much...you are always so kind with your words...we do both appreciate them.
Richard is a hard working artist...sun up to sunset he is always creating something...I guess it's in the blood??!!
Hi Niels...
Thank you so much for the very kind words. Fiber arts and knitting...now that is a True Artform that I have never been able to master...maybe someday.
Richard is a true 'Bibber' since practically birth...I just dug up a few pictures of him at about 2 years old in his bibs... a habit which he thankfully never gave up...
Hugs to you and your wife...
Jodi and Richard
WOW Bibs mean Buttocks in Dutch!!!!
Zowie...that explains so much... wonder if in the early days of Bibs that had a 'drop door in the back...hmmmmmm nust do some research!!
Thanks for the kind words about the Rickshaw...
Hi Tracy...Thanks so much... Richard LOVES to engineer things...but I still have a leaky faucet...DON'T ASK!!!
I will pop picks of his work area soon
Hi Moriah...
LOL...thank You so much for that wonderful compliment!!
Hi Karin...
Big Hugs, that is so sweet...I too tend to drool when I see what Richard has come up with at times...I always say..."Can I KEEP it"???
Hi Sandi...
I know...to me he is looking more and more like the Man...Santa all the time!!! I keep trying to get him to be a shopping mall Santa...as he has the temperment for it...sweet natured and VERY patient....but alas he always tells me..."during that season I am always too busy in my workshop making little goodies "...then with a resounding HOHOHO and a finger to the side of his nose he gives me a wink and is back at work! I swear if I ever see a twinkle in his eye or a reindeer hanging around ...I am booking him on Oprah! PRONTO!!!
Hi Linda...
Oh believe me, Richard has had his little 'visits' to the emergency room over the years... once cutting his knee open (DON'T ASK) and another time I can think of where he left bits and pieces of finger tips on his worktable after he tried to shake hands with a running router!!! UGH!
Do I worry...absolutely...but then I run the sewing machine needle through my finger once in awhile just for good measure!!!
Hi KC...
Thank You so much...I am very anxious for him to get it painted...possibly this weekend...
Hi Patty...I am lucky to hane my dear Richard...and believe me I say it to myself at least 15 times each day....
The dolls are coming along well ... I want a perfect fit so I am waiting for my shot at the rickshaw so that I can fit the body,legs and make his costume just right....
Hello Agneta..
So very nice to meet you, thanks so much for your kind words and stopping by...I will go over and look at your blog...
Hugs from America
Hey Ginger...
When Richard made this...the first person I thought of was You!! Thinking...I wonder what Ginger will think...hee hee! You would be super proud of Richard on this one...
Amazing work Richard!
Hi William...
Thanks so much... that littke 'shop elf' has been workin overtime!!!
Oooh wow,how beautiful and I love to hear everything is working,that makes it perfect! Lucky you to have a talented hubby like him!
Your rickshaw is fabulous! What an amazing piece of workmanship! Can't wait to see the completed piece. You guys are amazing! ;-)
I am at a lost for words...
Know what you mean about LeAKy faucets, i am married to a Master Electrician/Project Manager who can build beautiful sturdy furniture but, boy am i glad his profession is NOT plumbing.
That is what makes your work so unique, are all the working details functioning and visually that you both put into your work.
I can not wait to see the finish work.
Thank for sharing the rickshaw pics, LOVe Richard's shop. What is that big piece of equipment that he is working with? (the shiny silver one with the belts.)
Oh - My - Gawwwwd. That is absolutely unfrikenbelievable! Amazing, he is! He looks adorable in his bibs btw. LOVED the pbase pics!
Thanks so much for sharing. Can't wait to see your portion & it all finished.
BIG hugs,
Hi Sabiha...
Thank You so much...yes, each and everyday I count myself blessed to have found my artistic soulmate ...not to mention the love of my life...
Hi Marcie...
Thanks so much...I too can hardly wait to see it finished (the rickshaw painted) believe it or not he will completely disassemble the whole thing and paint it in sections...YIKES!! I cringe when I think about it...
Hi Joanna...
Thanks so much...I see you do understand! By the by the machine Richard is standing in front of is his Metal Lathe Mill for doing a lot of his metal work.
Hi Sprite...
Thanks so much...Yes, indeedy I love Richard in his bibs, always means the weather has changed and I know he is warm and comfee in his shop...
I too can hardly wait to see it finished...I am working on my part now...(no metal lathes involved...lol)
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