I am blaming it on the 'Martians'...
We are having my Mom and Sister over for Christmas Eve Dinner ... having Crab (tradition be damned!) and a Caesar Salad, and Creme Brulee for dessert, it was my Moms request...YUM-O-RAMA!!!
We open gifts and sing songs (Richard and I have been working on a rendition of Baby it's Cold Outside to surprise my Mom with) ... We normally chat about old times and good memories...
Might play some games too....
Basically it is a quiet silent night filled with peaceful feelings.
Christmas Day we are going over to my Moms apt. building and dropping off some gifts for a few of the kids whose parents are having a bit of a struggle this year with work and all ...these are great little children ... filled with so much love and hope in their hearts... We are just gonna tell em that Santa got just a little confused with street directions and that he accidentally dropped off these goodies at our house by mistake .. but that I already was in touch with Santa to tell him no problem, we would straighten it out for him...and deliver the goodies to the right address....
So what is everyone doing on Christmas Eve or Day? What are your traditions?
Merry Christmas to ALL...and To All a Really Good Night!!
Jodi and Richard
Jodi that just sounds delightful.. Tell you mom HI from me...
My son is coming up tomorrow and we are having a turkey dinner... not as fancy as Thanksgiving. Then we open presents on Christmas morning... relax and do nothing... That evening we are having a couple of people over and have a prime rib... I know I know extravagant!!! We will play games and lament on how much we've eaten : )
The day after Christmas we are going to Seattle and spending the night....
Merry Christmas to you and YESSSSS it came toooo early!
: ) Pat
Merry Christmas Jodi & Richard, I hope you have a wonderful time with your family..Love & Hugs from across the Pond xxx
Merry Christmas Jodi!
Thanks for all your support & friendship in 2009!
Here's to a great 2010 for all of us!
CK (-:
Dear Jodi and Richard, I did not write often lately but it's only due to lack of time. I'm always happy to read about your work and life and I want to send you the biggest hug and best wishes for this Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wish you all the best you can conceive, have a great night Rosanna
Merry Christmas Jodi, Richard and Mommy.
That is a wonderful thing you do for the little ones ((((()))))
Me....I will be doing little other than wishing I was back at home with my family.
Have a fantastic time all xxx
You two are amazing human beings what a fantastic way to bring some cheer to the wee ones....
Happy Christmas to you both
Merry xmas jodi and richard,
your plans sound perfect, thats such a lovely thing to do for the children :0)
we are having a traditional english xmas, all the family come to our home and we stuff ourselves with turkey and xmas pud , then the men fall asleep while we women congregate in the kitchen and have fun ! My little grand daughter is 1 now and already so excited I cant wait to see her little face after Santa's visit :0)
wishing you and your family a wonderful new year
julie xxx
Merry Late Christmas and very very happy New Year, may it be you and Santa Richard's best year ever.
Love and hugs.
May Your 2010 Be Filled With Bountiful Blessings & More Wonderful Blogging!
Hot Cocoa Hugs With Marshmallows On Top,
Lyndy Ward
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