Every once in a while in ones life...something really extraordinary happens...and if we really pay attention and 'See' it can set you on a path that is magical and enlightening to follow...
the above was mine!
Putting away the Christmas tree and taking down all the lights can be a depressing act...basically the joy and illumination of the season are finished...time to move on....always a sad time for me. This year we have been doing it in steps to make it appear not so radical and final. The last bits of lights were yesterday ...around the front windows and the tree into the box. I removed the lights from the big front window and thought to myself...I really need to clean this window...spotted and dusty from our last rain and wind.... I went to get the cleaner and paper towels and as I approached the window again...there it was...this image ...it actually took my breath for a second. Why did I not see it before, I swear it was not there ...or was it but I only saw it from this angle. I quickly got my camera. I must add that these photos are untouched... nothing more than a slight bump in the contrast . Now I KNOW what this is.... it is the imprint of a Dove that obviously flew into our window and then flew off...this has happened before several times (the curse of keeping your windows clean)...poor little guys just see it as a straight flight path... and 'thump' into the glass when taking off from eating seed on the ground. Knocking Wood...we have yet to lose one, it just knocks them loopy for a few seconds and off they go. Just to be safe Richard and I scoured the front to see if there was a helpless little Dove sitting outside somewhere...nope! For those that may not know...most all birds have dust in and on their wings from 'dust baths' etc..also Birdie 'dander' ...so when they hit...this can be distributed on the surface they hit...we have seen this before... but what we have not seen before is the 'full' imprint.... and when I changed from color to B&W ...there it was... a face...an almost angelic face...WOW, breath taken away again...I so hope you can see it. Now I am NOT one of those Faces of Jesus in a Grilled Cheese Sandwich kinda gals, nor a follower of Heavenly Faces of Mary on the side of a Barn... but faces that I see and cannot explain that's another story all together...
As a child growing up, part of my Christmas Tradition (started by my parents) was to 'Find the Christmas Angel' ...we would set up the tree with lights and the color wheel spinning it's bright colors onto the tree (dating myself here) and look on the walls ,floor and ceiling for the Angel....sometimes it would take as much as a week or more to finally see her... but there she always was... our own Christmas Angel! Her silhouette appearing faintly on the wall or ceiling and then disappearing again , back and forth back and forth I would be absolutely mesmerized by her appearance...she was always there....Magical!! I loved this Holiday Tradition best...it gathered the family each night and we joined together in the search.... it made us use our imaginations. And when we finally found her... we each described what we saw , how she looked to us ...they were lovely moments...and ones that I will never forget.
The Angel has been absent for many years now...but I will admit, I still look for her each time the tree is set up.... this year, I believe my Angel came in a different form .... and she is the brightest and most detailed yet.... for whatever reason and however long it took for her to appear once again, I am so grateful that she did...her comfort is welcomed and the memories she brought are the perfect touch to this Ending Season of Joy.
Wishing you Magical Moments in the New Year
Jodi, I have one of those angels a couple of times a month on my family room window. The doves see the reflection of a tree there and thump! There they go. I have never lost one either.
Love your intpretation of the angel. From now on, I will think of you when I am washing off the angel wings. Beautiful story.
Jodi...what a wondeful...Magical way to start the new year!
Happy 2010 my Halloween friend!!!!
Bugs & Hisses
When I saw the first pic on my blog I thought: An angel! and I was sure you had done your magic with your art. But your story is much better talks of love and traditions shared and mutual affection. I love it. And I love the pics as well. Happy New Year Jodi and Richard ,Rosanna
Jodi, my new daughter-in-law gave me a copy of Terry Pratchett's Wee Free Men illustrated by Stephen Player for Christmas because she knows I love the story. There is a line in the book that says:
"It's still magic even if you know how it's done."
Your photos took my breath away too, I'm so happy that with the 'magic' of computers you could share this moment with us. :)
Dear Jodi, this is by far the most wonderful post I have read this season! Love the story of your childhood, how exciting it must have been when the angel finally appeared! The photo you captured is incredible, and even somewhat haunting, I would love to capture the angels essence as you obviously did!I do have a photo on my blog of a shadow I accidently photographed, it looks nothing like the doll I was taking pictures of, I think she is my guardian fairy! When you get a minute someday, take a peek at the photo. Have a great day, and thanks so much for sharing these shots! I love them. Hugs, Christel
Ditto on all, thank you for sharing.
Your parents did a great job on helping you to develop your iMAGiNATiON and creativity.
I was remarking to my husband while driving in our car, on the way home this past week, how we use lay on our backs gazing and guessing images we saw at the passing clouds, do parents encourage their children to do that anymore?
I tried to encourage as much use of my children's iMaGiNATiON and their intuition also, as both need to be encouraged and used to be more developed.
I really feel for the children that i saw passing by in their vans, cars, etc., that were watching videos, movies on mini screens not interacting with each other and missing out on the window of the world outside.
Sometimes technology can hurt things. Just my thoughts...
Beautiful thoughts, Jodi.
You have experienced pareidolia.
Hi Casey... I like that..."Washing off Angel Wings" ...good one...
We desert people do have lots of those beautiful Doves... we have about 4 varieties that visit...
New Year Hugs,
Hi Patty..
Yes...I thought it a good omen to start the new year off... May your year be filled with many joyious things Patty...
New Year Hugs,
Hi Rosanna...
Thank You so much... I have held that story close to my heart since childhood ..always makes me happy and feel connected to happiness of the past...
Happy New Year Hugs...
Hi LDahl...
I will have to check out that book...I love hearing of new stories I am not familiar with...
So happy you enjoyed my post..
New Year Hugs
Hi Christel...
Thanks for stopping by and I am thrilled you enjoyed my story and photo...
I just visited your 'Guardian Angel/Fairy' picture on your blog and left a comment... WONDERFUL Image...
New Year Hugs,
Hi Joanna...
I could not agree more... I believe it is a parents duty and obligation to feed the imagination of a child ...to me it is every bit as important as feeding and clothing them... for it is the one thing they take with them into their adulthood and in turn pass along to their children... Food keeps them nurished, clothing keeps them warm and imagination keeps them spirited and creative..
New Year Hugs,
Hi Karin...
WOW...great word...I had to look that one up.... wow, exciting to think it may be true...
Thanks so Much..
New Year Hugs,
Awesome photo, Jod! I hope that parents share with their kids in creativity exercises. Johanna's right. I remember my aunt laying in the grass with me developing my imagination with the clouds. And still, today, I look after 50 years! Kids need to be encouraged to get outside and "see" nature at it's best. Thanks for sharing.
magic is all around us, you just have to open your eyes to see it ;)
Happy new year for you and Richard ..
love, Andrea
A Very Happy New Year Jodi and Richard. Beautiful picture, maybe its your Guardian Angel watching over you..xxx
Indeed magical and what a joy for you to have seen it! Happy New Year to you two!
Hey There Kate...Thought you might enjoy this picture...and I know many times you and I have discussed our creative childhoods...and how grand they were! We were very lucky...
Hi Andrea...
So very true...we have but to open our eyes to see the gifts that life offers on a daily basis...and to open our hearts to accept those gifts ...
Hi Debbie...Happy New Year to you as well...I trust you are feeling chipper and fit and that all is well.
What a glorious thought...heres to hoping there is someone watching over us...
Hi LD...
I did consider myself lucky to have seen this image ...but even more fortunate that it appeared on the camera this way....
I love signs...and always feel the world is full of them...we have only to see...
Looks like an angel with a face to me.
It is really blessed and it is the christmas angel too, no matter how it got there. I love it.
We have birds fly in to our windows all of the time and mine are not clean LOL!!
Mine though, never leave imprints like that, so see, you are seeing a miracle. Miracles happen and they can happen to people like me and you. Cool huh???
Bless you beautiful, may your year be magical and miraculous too!!
Love and huge hugs my friend.
Oh Marie...
You always know the right words to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart...
So Happy and Lucky we are Friends...
What a wonderful angel...I like the beautiful colours.. time to dream....
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