I Just finished reading a blog posting by doll maker friend Wendie , I always enjoy her posting so much...
In her blog she mentioned 'Tea Time'...Favorite Tea Pots and gathering with friend for good conversation and a cup of Tea... this got me to thinking....
I LOVE Tea...I REALLY love Tea more so lately than I ever have before... We have so many Wonderful English Friends here in Bloglandia...I would LOVE to hear about favorite Tea Recipes (i.e. methods of brewing) , types of Tea preferred ...one lump or 2...milk verses lemon, times to sup a good cup..... etc....
I have been to High Teas, have enjoyed several types of Tea (Green is NOT my favorite..YUCK)
I think mostly I enjoy the ritual of Tea Time .... I prefer loose tea to bagged...but bagged works in a very nice quick pinch! Speaking for myself I prefer milk...and two lumps...and something YUMMY and Sweet to eat as an added Treat!!
Would LOVE to hear those favorite Tea Tales...
P.S. OK...I am an admitted Coffee-holic!! But lately Tea brings a certain calmness...I drink coffee on the run...but I stop to enjoy a good cup of Tea...
mmmm. I love tea too. I prefer loose tea to bags- but also will have bagged tea in a pinch. My fave is called TeaSource Spice- from a company called Tea Source. It is a mixture of black tea, orange spice and cinnamon. I don't use anything in it because the flavor is quite strong and spicy on it's own. Love the chance to share my love of tea♥
Jodi, I drink tea all day and couldn't do without it. I like a strong brew (We call it Builders Tea) with milk.
I rarely have time for tea.... but it sounds like a wonderful tradition! I have a tea pot and everything! I think its time for me to slow down and sip some tea!
Jodi...I cut way back on my coffee and now I drink a lot of teas! I'm a "Celestial Seasoning" tea girl. right now I'm drinking Goji berry pomegranate green tea and LOVE Decaf Mint White tea. BUT I also must admit I always have a cup of Swiss Miss DARK chocolate cocoa in the afternoon!
Keeping warn is FREZZING cold Missouri!
Hugs Patty
Hi Jodi, I love Vintage Darjeeling, no sugar no milk. I dislike to loose the trasparency of a nice cuppa. I also like Earl Grey and Lady Grey teas, both citrus flavoured, they are lovely at summer.I'm a tea-aholic (is it the right way to spell it? who knows....) but I also love my three cups of coffee a day ( espresso, what else?). Tea is much more a relaxing ritual for me and I keep it for the evening and lazy afternoons. Hugs Rosanna
A very personal thing is tea :) after years of drinking regular tea with milk and 1 1/2 sugars, now only drink earl grey with nothing, just a cup of golden amber. This came about because the milk throughout Europe can be so strange and in our years of travelling to Portugal found the only way to get a decent cup of tea was to leave out the milk. In the winter I enjoy a cup of Chai but still no milk or sugar, cannot drink tea with milk now - no way - no how :)
Yorkshire tea,with a nice piece of cake,coffee and walnut,my favourite! Water must be boiling,best made in warmed pot with loose tea,but a bag will do for quickness. 1 sugar. Drink hot UMMMMMM!! Can't live without it. Jain xx
I used to be a real tea belly but since moving here and not having an electric kettle I've got lazy and it is easier to reach for the coffee pot.
When I do drink tea it has to be strong...real builders tea as Debbie calls it. With milk and 2 sugars.
I do love super strong tea with 4 sugars but, seeing as how those are so bad for me and reserved for people in shock, I try and lay off them.
Loose is the best, must be made in a in a teapot preheated with boiling water and always tastes best scalding hot from a bone china cup and saucer.
And if you spill some into your saucer you gracefully lift it up and drink it from that.
Oh and never forget the sticky out pinky :-)
In reality, since I have no teapot or loose tea , bags in a mug are the order of the day here. If they are bought in the US you must use at least 4 though to get 'real' tea.
Mick likes to have bread and butter with a cup of tea. He takes a bite of bread then a gulp of tea.
A classic cup of an English Breakfast tea is always quite nice. There is a most unusual tea that I've come to love when coming in from the cool of the day and it's called, "Russian Caravan". Along with the aroma, there is a subtle flavor essence of a smoky campfire. Extraordinary and it makes for interesting conversation.
Hey there Jodi,
I have some special friends that 2-3 times a year we have an actual tea party with fine china, teapots, cucumber sandwiches, scones the works. We are all huge collectors of china so we dust them off and put them to good use. It is so much fun and we always have about 3-4 different pots of the best tea to chose from. Soooo good! ;-)
Hi Kim...All sound yummy! I wish we had a nice Tea Shop Here in our small town...as I understand it we use to have one near the London Bridge in the English Village years ago... Guess I will have to find some on line and have it mailed in... by a clipper ship...lol!
Thanks for Sharing,
OK Debbie...I need to have you explain the term 'Builders Tea'...sounds great!! I am guessing that it means 'strong'!! But is it a special 'type' of Tea?
I am a Milk Girl too...
Thanks For Sharing
Hi Ara...
That's why I slam down coffee most of the day...can do it on the run...but Tea for some reason makes me want to sit and enjoy...and that is part of my New Years Wishes...to find...no MAKE the time to enjoy what I let slip by before...
Thanks for sharing
Wow Patty...Those sound YUMMY!! All but the Mint...I don't like hot mint anything, ice tea, Yes!! I like Celestial Seasonings too...I have been hooked this season on 'Gingerbread Sprice Holiday Herb Tea' by C.S. Tastes like warm gingerbread cakes dipped in hot sweet tea....YUM!
Thanks for sharing,
Wow Rosanna...
I had no idea there was a Lady Gray Tea...will have to look into that...I do love Earl Gray Hot (Like Captain Piccard!) I too like my tea clear at times, void of anything extra...such a lovely color as you state... And yes, like you I REALLY REALLY enjoy my expressos!!
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Tracy....
I guess I like my Tea with a bit of milk because that is how my Grandmother taught me to drink it...she was English...and very persnikity about her tea...
But I like Tea all ways...like you said...a very personal thing!
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Jan...
OoOO Yorkshire Tea.... I have never heard of this one...I am learning so much about Tea in this blog...thanks for sharing your delightful tradition..
WOW Jayne...
4 American Tea bags to one of English Tea.. for strength...ZOWIE... looks like I have been drinking it way to weak...I will try 'Builders' Tea ...and my guess is that I will LOVE it....
Richards Daddy always buttered bisquits and crumpled in a bowls and poured a bit of coffee on top...every morning, Richard said this is still one of his sweetest memories of his Dad...the joy he took from this morning ritual.
Thanks for sharing...
Hi Deb...
Ok...I went over and looked for Russian Caravan Tea and in doing so I think I found a couple of lovely Tea Sites to buy Tea..unique Teas. And all this time I thought I was drinking tea....there is a whole world out there filled with wonderous things...thanks for opening my eyes...
Hi Marcie...
What a wonderful idea....I LOVE this.,,might have to try with my girlfriends here... I do have my Grandmothers (and great grandmothers) Bone china Cups and a few pots...looks like they need to come out of hiding...
Tea Time!!!!
My oh my! I feel quite honoured to have been your blog muse re: your thing for tea! :o) Im amazed that the USA seems to have such a shortage of good quality tea! methinks I'm missing a good business opportunity perhaps, but have no desire to jump thru hoops of red tape to start importing the stuff or be arrested for posting suspected contraband LOL I recently sent some loose tea to Minikat (little thoughts from an average mind) but as yet it hasnt arrived, so not sure if customs will let me send anymore yet..... but if you NEED some good tea Jodi, I'll happily send some out to you too :o)
my personal favourite, I like caffeine free roiboos tea (me and caffeine have never been good friends) my pernikity thing is that it has to be in a china cup/mug, it just tastes better that way! I love tea, any time of day or night and as a treat, with a buttery shortbread biscuit or two with clotted creammmmmmm....... or a slice of cake ...any cake will do! droolin at the thought now LOL Jodi , I would love to have a cuppa with you sometime, but as Kat keeps telling me - theres that darn atlantic ocean in the way!
Hi Wendie...
I do so enjoy your Blog...so happy you are posting once again.
I agree about the china cup...I brought out my grandmas today...knowing that tomorrows tea will taste even better than todays.
I have found some nice web site that sell tea via this conversation...and I am thrilled...
Although I would LOVE some tea right from England... I would never wish to get you in trouble with the Coppers...lol!
Though I am on a semi -sorta diet (%$#@*) those buttery shortbreads and cakes sound absolutely devine with a nice cup of tea...CAKE...my Favorite (the only reason I attend weddings..hee hee)
I may have to break down...toss aside the grapefruit and cottage cheese and dive head first into a few shortbreads this week-end....SHHHHHHHH...don't tell my body I am cheating, or I fear it will turn on me even further...
That Damn Atlantic Ocean!!!!
My family drank coffee, whilst I snubbed it well into my early 20's wondering why anyone would bother. Tea was something kept in a box, most likely gathering dust and dragged out for occasional tea drinkers who visited. Coffee was instant, when company came we asked politely, "How big a teaspoon?"
When I got married more than just my life expanded but my tastebuds as well. French Roast, freshly ground, sweetened with stevia and topped with raw milk please. Preferences have developed as did an affection for teas!
Yerba Mate is so green and sweet and is lovely on a hot summer's day, iced down. Lately I've become enamored with lapsang souchong (a smoked black tea). My husband and I enjoy making concoctions, a bit of cranberry some fresh ginger juice and tea and we imagine we are sipping a dwarf drink. Green tea with rose water is of course the sort of thing offered by elves or fairies where as my dark, almost carmel-y coffee is the sort of thing a hearty gnome might serve if we came to visit.....
We love tea, coffee, we have gotten use to drinking both coffee and tea without milk or cream, it takes away the benefits of antitoxins by binding them so they can not do the good they do.
With green tea, and white tea, i have learned that brew time is very important on the less processed teas, you let the water settle to a lower temperature and only brew it for a couple of minutes, if it brewed too, hot, or too,long it is very bitter.
Also to boost the antitoxins serve it with lemon, lime or any fruit with vitamin C.
Just my thoughts... brewing thyme is actually good for the lungs.
I really need to get a book on teas and and their benefits...
Your friend Wendy, Marcie and other are so right about using Tea pots and tea cups do make such a difference when drinking tea.
Rioboos tea from Africa is great also. The thing i love about green tea, is that you can drink all day and not get jittery but you have more energy. Or perhaps it is just ME?
Yup at least 4 if it is an American brand :-) If you find British style Tetley tea in a store oyu can get away with 2 but they bags still aren't as strong as real Tetley.
Because of you I went out last night looking for crumpets ....Stater bros occasionally has them but not last night :-(
Hi there!
I was interested in buying the sculpting DVDs. Just had a couple of questions, though. I sent an email through creagers.com, but wasn't sure if it was a current address (aol address). Your works are amazing and after seeing the YouTube clips, I'm fascinated. If there's a good way to get in touch, it would be grand. Thanks in advance!
Kindest regards,
Glad I stumbled upong your site on my ride... LOVE IT!
Would love to join you on your carpet ride! Won't you join me as well? Please enter me in your giveaway. :)
Take care and have a great ride!
Karen Beth
umm... please dont use my google acct though.. this is the first blog i had to enter it.. please contact me via my email at beachinbeads at hotmail.com or my site www.karensconcepts.com, Thanks!
Hi Tace...
Well I am not gonna lie...my first love is Coffee...the stronger the better... I have always drank tea...but of late I am in love with all over again...
I love the fact that there are devoted Tea Drinkers and devoted Coffee drinkers...and then there are the REALLY Lucky Ones...who LOVE them Both!!!LOL
Hi Chris...
Thanks for the 2010 Well Wishes...sorry to be getting this back to you so late.
SooOOoo do you drink coffee or Tea??
Hi Joanna..
OoOoo you make tea sound wonderful...brewing is absolutely an Art Form... just like French Pressing Coffee (my fav)...there is an art form to it.
A good friend here in town gave me a sack of Meyers Lemons from her tree...to help with my cold and to jazz my tea up...IT WORKED!!!
Hi Karen...
Great to meet you...this Magic Carpet ride is so great..meeting so many new Bloggers and Friends...
Would love to enter your name for my necklace giveaway... if you have not already done so, just pop over to my OWOH Post and enter your name there and it will be included
We Shall Talk More..
Hi Candy..
So nice to meet you... please be sure to enter your name over on my OWOH Blog post to be entered in the Giveaway...
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