For anybody who has read my past blog posts or talked to me in person...you know I am one to go on and on about our Magical Tipi , and how much we adore it... well 'Woe' came a knockin on our door this morning... when we stepped outside to the backyard to assess any damage that might have taken place during our recent rain and wind storms...we were not fully prepared to see this gaping hole in the side our our statuesque beauty.... It literally took our breath away for a second or two... as if something very precious was taken from you and you were helpless to do anything about it...
My second reaction (after the first one of shock) was the need to quickly cover the hole with anything I could...not to keep anything bad out ( after all it was a bright sunny day with no rain in sight) but rather my knee jerk reaction was to cover the hole so as to not let anything out!! I know it sounds weird but I do believe very good things dwell within the canvas skins of our magical tipi...be they spirits of those before us, energy harnessed from visiting friends or even Dreams gathered and stored there....whatever it was...I did not want them to escape and be lost forever! The hole was facing the S.W. so this was good as it would not confuse the Morning Sun as it entered our tipi from the east.
Richard and I both realized that something like his would happen at some point...yet we really did not speak of it ...EVER! You see...we leave our Spiritual Abode up year round (can't even imagine not having it up to enjoy)...and with our blistering summer heat with it's relentless penetrating rays constantly beating up against her skin ..and the hot and cold winds that blow from both North and South , and the summer rains that drench her and leave her damped for sometimes days ...Our Spiritual Lady was bound to suffer this tragic end at some point . We painted her to protect her...and those colorful markings still hold true and strong... but her more exposed canvas accepts all that nature has to offer....and she did a wonderful job for 3 years straight. So now it is time to take her down and let her bones dry out a bit in the sunshine and to expose the ground for all manner of critter to scurry . Come this late spring when they finish the road work on our street and the weather warm and drys out ...we will buy our lovely lady a New Wrap and paint it pretty once again...
Soon there will be a new energy , spirits will once again gather and dreams will fill the inner walls of our magical place..
Beautiful Jodi!
All good things come to an end at some point, but it's a great chance to start all over again, afresh and with a whole new feeling to your new magical dwelling.
I do believe a tipi is magical. Not that i have ever been in a real one.
As a child i would make smaller versions and spend the whole of the summer keeping it nice and playing. It was totally built from hand with wooden branches i found and old sheets i sewed together, then tied on with string and pegs. The ground sheet was blankets, but out there in my tipi it was the best place ever, and i mean ever. The summers end was sad when down it came. I was always one for building tents, dens and tree houses and have to say there is something extra special about these. I think its the fact you have a vision and then when the vision comes to life it makes that place special to you.
Think i need to find some kind of special place again. You really are so lucky to have this right in your garden.
Nikki xxx
Perhaps she just needed a chance to refresh. When you rebuild, she will be stronger. It's hard, though, I know, when our special places undergo change...for whatever reason. Thanks for sharing. :)
I am sad for you. I have to have a place like that but no room except in my mind. You have been very fortunate to have her so long.
Oh No Jodi! Love the concept of not letting anything out...but you know, you and Richard are the magic of the Tipi and you will bring it again. Someday i hope to see her ...in her full renewed glory!
One never knows... Perhaps this was the Magic Tipi's way of encouraging you spend more time with it and within it's magical walls? It's a lovely Tipi and indeed a wise spirit and friend.
Tipis are such beautiful creations. While it's sad to see the damage I'm sure your new one will have just as glorious a life and give you many fond memories.
what a shame!!! :o( can it not be patched or repaired instead of totally replaced? whatever happens, the majick will find its way back, the physical skin may die but memories always live on as long as we keep them alive.
my kids were always deeply saddened when I removed blankets to reclaim the dining table and their dens destroyed, how cruel a mother was I?!!
So sorry about the teepee mishap, Jodi. I listened to your interview on the voodoo cafe and loved hearing about it and imagining the space inside. I'm sure your new one will be even more wonderful. Still there is nothing like the first one...good luck! Tammy
Well, that sucks...
I do not think that the ~*MaGiCAL*~ DReAMs, SPiRiTs, and ENeRGy will not go far...
iT will ALL probably settle around the foundation of your home, to await `SPRiNG' renewal and their new skin to be erected, so they can fill iT ALL up again.
Naaaaaah, the ~*MaGiC*~ wiLL never leave, you and Richard are just too, darn iNSPiRATiONAL & FuN!
Awww.... Jodi, I hated seeing that hole in your dear tipi when I opened this entry of your blog. I know from your writing how much you and Richard love her. I hope you can heal her wound and get her back up soon.
That is some huge hole, Jodi! Are you sure it wasn't a meteorite? Poor Tipi! I know exactly what you mean about keeping the good spirits within. It's like part of the family, holding our songs, conversations and good vibrations. We're there when you are ready to put it back in place, friend.
So very true Nikki.... things end...and make way for things beginning...the way of things...
I too remember the 'tents' as kids...blankets over chairs, lots of pillows, snacks, coloring books and crayons ...I was in Kid Heaven....
Hi Jeannette..
I think you are right...refresh...renew!!!
It is very sad Judy...specially when our little elderly lady called 2 days ago to tell us she can see a hole in the tipi from her patio...and it makes her very sad!!! Soon though...things will be right as rain...
Hi Pam....
Just as soon as our new lady is painted and up and all items placed in their familiar spots...we will have a Tipi Gathering and YOU must be there...you of all people will truly enjoy the 'spiritual connection' the tipi offers.
You know Deborah...I was thinking very much the same thoughts...we have not spent the time we should in the tipi these last few months...maybe this is it's way of saying...Hey You...over here!!! Things will change....
Hi Carol...
I am a person to believe that we liv and learn from things that went before...it will be no different with this tipi...the strength and beaty of the past will shine even brighter with the new one...I can see it in my mind already...
Hi Wendie...Yes indeedy...the magic will return...I have faith....and Not a bad mum to take the blankets down...you were a Good Mum to put them up!!!
Hi Tammy...
Thanks so much....and so happy that you listened to the VooDoo Cafe Interview...hope you liked it...
Hi Joanna...
I really like that 'visual' you created...could be!! Thanks so much for the nice things said about Richard and me...
Hi Linda...
Thank you so much...it is painful to see...sniff sniff...but we are already looking at new skins for 'ma-lady!'... and trying to think of creative things to do with the damaged skin...just can't toss it...
Hi Kate...hmmmmm a meteorite...now theres and interesting thought!!
You know very well the magic from the tipi and believe me, when it is time...we will all have a ceremony to put up the new cover...can't do it without you guys...
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