One of the Terrific ways of sharing art of course are through 'Blogs' and Web Sites... And we have two very talented friends that I would like share with you. Kathryn Uster Profera (Kate) has been my kindred Spirit friend for the last 8 years ..we know we are sisters that somehow were 'split apart' at birth. Kate is a very talented Lady whose artistic skills are demonstrated boldly in whatever she is working on...be it collage, painting, jewelry, sculpture or working to keep the Earth Green and Safe ...my friend shines! Here husband Tony (a Musical Genius) and Kate are our best friends here in Havasu, and the only people that can keep us up talking past 1:00am....LOL!!!.
Kate has been working on her 'New Blog' ...Please pop over and Say 'Hi' to my Buddy... KATHRYN USTER COLLAGE

Richard and I have known the Multi-Talented Tom Banwell since the very early days of our careers... We actually did the California Harvest Festival Circuit Together back in the 80's ...back then he blew us away with his Wooden Creations... Over the years Tom has worked in Numerous Media ...Leather, Glass, Resin just to name a few...Tom was the very talented artist that cast our Anatomy Studies that we sculpted years ago. We lived in the same neck of the woods at one time and have enjoyed dinner and wine on several occasions with he and his wife Jill...."HI' Jill. I remember Tom having a real thing for Hats (me too!!) But his hats were like no others...now he is creating Marvelous Steampunk Designs that take our Breath away... yet another wonderful artistic direction Tom has taken...and once again....his Artistic Star Shines Bright. Please visit his Blog... TOM BANWELL LEATHER AND RESIN PROJECTS
Oh, Jodi, you are so sweet to post my new blog. Thank you so much! It can be difficult getting started, especially with the Mac! You were so helpful when I ran into problems, that I can't thank you enough! Namaste, girlfriend! To all who read, Tony and I have been so inspired from our close friendship with Richard and Jodi. After living here for almost 26 years in the desert, it took 17 of those long years to have them as our best friends, and we appreciate those long evenings talking about everything and anything! And the tipi get togethers! Their talent and expertise have gotten me through artistic problems, but our fun evenings cannot be surpassed with the stories and laughs. Who needs more? Good wine, good talk, good laughs,and music! Our 'play' days are the best too. We need another soon, Jod! Thank you both for your's and Richards kinship, sista!
What a beautiful post. I have enjoyed reading this and I am going to pop over to your friend's blog now.
Hi Jodi, Thanks for the write up. It's great to see that you're a fellow blogger. Ain't the internet grand? Now I'll be able to see what you and Richard are up to without traveling to AZ.
Jodi...Your blessed to have such talented friends!!!!!
Thank you for sharing.
Bugs & hisses
Hi Jodi! Thanks for the neat blog info! Just got back from IDEX (my first time there) and Jack Johnston sent his regards! Thought I best do it now or I would forget it. Hugs,Lynda
Well Kate...I think everyone should see and enjoy your blog... each day your vibrant colors and celebration of life inspire me!!
Hi Debby..
Thanks so much for those kind words...I really hope you enjoy my friends blogs... Great to have you here
Hi Tom...
Wonderful to be in touch again...been waaaaay to long. Yes indeedy, the Internet is a magical place where anything seems possible...
Yep..pop over anytime and catch up... but ya gotta come visit and kayak with us...
Hugs to you and Jill
And I am extra blessed to be able to count 'you' as one of my very talented 'Friends' ..thanks for being there
Hi Lynda...
How nice of Jack to send his regards....thank you for passing them along.
Hope you had a wonderful time...IDEX and Toy Fair can be scary but thrilling all at the same time...
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