AT LAST!!! Our Commission is complete and in the collection of our Collector!! Just wanted to share a few of the photos with you. I must say this piece has taken us much longer than expected... between bouts with colds (both of us) , the Holidays, short trips, unexpected happenings on the home front ...it seemed at one point we would never finish this piece....but our love for it kept pushing us forward ...and not until that last day with the final touches...did we take our final "WHEW'S"....
We are most pleased with the outcome and the Collector is over the moon happy...so all is right in Creager Land!!!
If you have not seen them already there are early shots of the 'making of the Rickshaw' on our blog.... since those shots much has been accomplished with this piece...the dolls for example....no dolls in the early shots. The Rickshaw has been painted and trimmed, cloth cover added to the folding shade top (that moves up and down to shade him) , metal blackened and polished... there also is a base (not shown) . The dolls hats and shoes were made by Richard as was the fan he holds. I made the dolls faces and hands as well as clothing and misc. details on the clothing... The gentleman riding is comfortably sitting up against 2 Chinese silk dragon pillows...edged in silk rope trim.
Richard carved the wooden seats inside the carriage and I painted to resemble leather...as always, the details never seem to show up in photographs...bummer.
Richard carved the wooden seats inside the carriage and I painted to resemble leather...as always, the details never seem to show up in photographs...bummer.
So at last... we are happy to share what we have been doing for the past few months...among a few other things of course... Now onto some Miniatures ...Doing a Frankenstein to go along with 'The Bride' that we did ...and I think I really have a hankering to do some Alice in Wonderland Figures... we will see what falls out when I shake that creative tree...hmmmm maybe a Cheshire Cat!!!
Hugs to All,
Jodi and Richard
Wow! That is one spectacular piece. I am in awe of your all's talent and creativity. You two are on my Mt. Olympus of doll makers. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. Thank you for sharing.
Exquisite set! The detail is perfection right down to the leather seats. When I viewed I thought it was leather. I love their expressions.
I have just one word for both of you... breathtaking!
Nikki xxx
Es una maravilla!!!!!!!!!!, realmente Genial.Os felicito, os ha quedado muy real y con muy buenos acabados, me encanta.Las caras son geniales!!!!!!!.Enhorabuena.besitos ascension
Fantabulous Creagers!
I had to have a quick peek at some of your other work. You are very talented!
Absolutely gorgeous! Such workmanship. You guys are incredible.
wow! I can believe the collector likes this, what an stunning piece, all those details, superb!
Love, Andrea
Fantastic work! :)
Well I am speechless. That is just amazing. Every time you create a new piece I don't think you'll ever top it... and then you do.... I am just blown away.
I had to enlarge all of the photos for a closer look.
I was going to ask about the seat but see you answered it...it looks fantastic.
And his hat..amazing ..the detail you both put into each piece is truly incredible.
And I think what I love the most about your sculpts is they are all so obviously Creager sculpts .... you have your own style that just shines though in every piece.
Creageresque.... it should be in the dictionary.
Absolutely incredible...looks like they could just run off the page :)
wow, I am speechless.
They are fantastique.
What size are the dolls?
Greetings Karin
Breathtaking piece.
Fabulous detail as always, no wonder the Collector is happy.. xxxx
OMG OMG OMG I was waiting for these pics...when I saw the rickshaw first time I knew you'd have left me breathless. I love EVERYTHING !!!! every single detail, every single piece of metal, wood and fabric. It's amazing how good, gorgeous, fabulous you two are. I feel lucky only to be allowed to look at it.You'll never cease surprising me. Rosanna
A M A Z I N G .... world class... speachless... as always when i see your art...
When I firsst looked at the first picture I thought these were real people..So Amazing I am in total Awe...I can't remember when I've seen anything so realistic and Stunning...Maybe in a museum...What wonderful Talent the two of you have...Thank you for giving me such a beautiful moment today...
Breathtaking, as usual!
The detail is amazing. I am almost speechless!
Ditto on all the remarks...
i think i have finally figured out your and Richard's secret...
Ya'LL SHRINK people and their belongings...
HOW else could such wonderful detaiLs be duplicated?
{{{{{{JoDi & RiCHARD}}}}}}}
i have been dying here to see the end result and you both did not disappoint.
Incredible, exquisite, detailed work.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Amazing artistry! I am in awe! xoxo Christel
Jodi and Richard you've outdone yourselves! Wow! Tony and I thought Wow Wow when we saw the carriage and wheels up close and personal, but with the paint! The seat, the clothing (superb!) but the characters themselves-Triple wow! They look so real, quite a piece, guys!
Absolutely stunning I would be not just over the moon with that commission but jumping through hoops .. round the sun never to return to earth! The details you both put into your work is truly amazing, each time I look I see a wee something I hadnt seen before!
Definite big pat on the back :)
Your work takes my breath away. My jaw has dropped to my knees, and my eyes are bugged out in total awe of all the details. I know you said some don't show...but what does show is the true craftsmanship, love, and time you both put into this. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to hear all the fabulous ideas you two will be birthing in the tee-pee. Congratulations, my dear LM.
Holy ....! Incredible, absolutely positively breathtakingly realistic and fantabulously incredible! Look at those details!
My goodness you two are filled with so much individual talent as it is and then put together..and good gawd! Hmmmmm maybe if I rub up on one of you just a lil bit?... :D
Oh fun!! I've been doing something Alice too - will not compare I'm sure! Ready for the movie? :D I can't wait!
Hope you two are great! Truly fabulous piece.
Giant hugs,
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